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Generic name: buprenorphine and naloxone (sublingual tablets) [BUE-pre-NOR-feen-and-nal-OX-one]
Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

What is Zubsolv?

Zubsolv sublingual tablets are buprenorphine in combination with Naloxone. Buprenorphine is an opioid drug, often known as a "narcotic.Naloxone reduces the impact of opioids, such as pain relief and feelings of happiness that can cause the use of opioids.

Zubsolv can be used to treat opioid dependence.Zubsolv is not allowed to be used as a pain medicine.


Zubsolv can cause a slowing or stopping of your breathing. It could also cause you to develop a habit. The misuse of Zubsolv can result in addiction, overdose, or even death, particularly in the case of a child or another person taking the medication without a prescription.

The use of Zubsolv during pregnancy can cause withdrawal symptoms that could be life-threatening for the infant.Side effects that are fatal can occur when you use Zubsolv in combination with alcohol or other substances that can cause drowsiness or a decrease in breathing.

Before you take this drug

It is not recommended to use Zubsolv if you have an allergy to buprenorphine or naloxone (Narcan).

To be sure Zubsolv is suitable for you, ask your physician if you've ever experienced:

  • Tooth issues, which may include the possibility of having a history of dental cavities;
  • Breathing issues, sleep apnea;
  • An increased prostate Prostate and urinary issues;
  • Kidney or liver disease;
  • Spinal curvature that is abnormal and affects breathing
  • Issues with your gallbladder, thyroid gland, or adrenal gland;
  • A head injury, brain tumor, or seizures;
  • Addiction or addiction to drugs.

If you are taking opioids when you are expecting, your child could develop dependence on the medication. This can cause severe withdrawal symptoms for the newborn after it's born. Babies born dependent on opioids may need medical treatment for several weeks.

Talk to a doctor prior to taking opioids if you are nursing. Tell your doctor when you experience severe sleepiness or a slow breathing rate during breastfeeding.

Similar or related drugs

Naltrexone, buprenorphine, Suboxone, buprenorphine/naloxone , Vivitrol, and Subutex

How to take Zubsolv?

Utilize Zubsolv exactly as directed by your physician. Follow the instructions on the prescription label and go through all the medication guides. Do not use Zubsolv in larger quantities or for longer than the time prescribed. Talk to your doctor if you notice an increase in your desire to take more of this medication.

Do not share your opioid medication with a person, especially one who has a history of substance use or dependence. A misusing of the medicine can result in addiction, overdosing, or death. Place the medication at a distance from where others are unable to access it. Giving away or selling opioids is a violation of the law.Take note of and follow the instructions that are included in your medication. Consult your physician or pharmacist for clarification if you are unsure of these directions.

Zubsolv is sold in a blister package that contains 10 blister units. Each blister pack includes just one Zubsolv tablet. Take one blister unit and tear it along the perforations until it is completely separated. Fold the single unit along the line. Be careful not to press the Zubsolv tablets into the foil because this could cause the tablet to crack.Hands should be dry for manipulating Zubsolv sublingual tablets. Place the tablet sublingually under your tongue. Let the tablet dissolve slowly. Don't consume the tablet completely.

If you are switching between drugs with buprenorphine in them, you should not be using the exact dose for each. Follow the directions with care.Don't stop taking Zubsolv in a hurry; otherwise, you might experience painful withdrawal signs. Consult your physician about how you can completely stop taking this medication.You'll need regular blood tests to determine the function of your liver.

All of your medical providers must be aware that you're being treated for addiction to opioids and that you are taking Zubsolv. Make sure that your family members are aware of how to relay this information should they have to contact you in an emergency.

Wash your mouth thoroughly with water after the Zubsolv tablet has disintegrated. After one hour, wait until the medicine has disintegrated to brush your teeth to avoid harming your gums and teeth. It is recommended to have regular dental examinations when you use Zubsolv.Do not crush or break the Zubsolv sublingual tablet. Inhale the powder or mix it with liquid and inject Zubsolv into your vein. This could result in the loss of life to a patient.

Storage Zubsolv can be safely stored in the original packaging at room temperature, away from heat and moisture. Throw away a blister that is empty and placed in a location where pets and children cannot access it. Keep track of the medication. You must be aware if someone is taking it incorrectly or without a prescription.

Do not store any leftover opioid medications. A single dose could cause death for someone who uses Zubsolv unintentionally or improperly. Ask your pharmacist where you can find a disposal program that takes back the drug. If there's no take-back program available, you can remove any tablets that aren't being used from the blister packs and flush them down the toilet. The empty blister pack should be thrown in the garbage.

Details on dosage

Usual Adult Dose for Opiate Dependence: Induction:

Inducing: For those who depend on heroin or other short-acting opioid products:
Initial doses should be taken when the signs of moderately moderate withdrawal are evident and not less than six hours after the last time the patient had an opioid to avoid triggering the opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Zubsolv Sublingual Tablets:
Day 1 Day 1: Up the amount of 5.7 mg/1.4 mg taken sublingually as a first dosage of 1.4 mg/0.36 mg. After that, all the way up to 4.2 mg/1.08 mg The dose should be divided into doses of 1.4 mg/0.36 mg or 2.8 mg/0.72 mg. The dose should be taken at 1.5 to two-hour intervals (some patients who have had recent exposure to buprenorphine could be able to take a dosage of 4.2 mg/1.08 mg).
Day 2: 11.4 mg/2.9 mg sublingually in an individual dose
Patients dependent on heroin or other short-acting opioid products may be inducted with combination buprenorphine/naloxone or buprenorphine monotherapy. To avoid precipitating withdrawal during induction, initiation should occur when clear signs of withdrawal are evident, preferably when moderate objective signs of opioid withdrawal appear, and no sooner than 6 hours after the last use of heroin or other short-acting opioid.
In some studies, too gradual an induction for a long period of time can result in a large rate of discontinuation; it is suggested that a dose of treatment appropriate to achieve clinical effectiveness be obtained as fast as is feasible.
If a patient is dependent on methadone and long-acting opioids, buprenorphine alone is recommended during the induction phase since the drug may be absorbed only in small quantities and can trigger withdrawal or prolong it during the induction.
Maintenance treatment starts on the third day of the month.

Usual Adult Dose for Opiate Dependence: Maintenance:

Doses of buprenorphine or naloxone should be adjusted to a level that holds the patient in treatment and suppresses opioid withdrawal signs and symptoms; doses should be titrated to clinical effectiveness as rapidly as possible, as gradual titration may lead to higher drop-out rates.
Zubsolv Sublingual Tablets:
Progressively adjust in increments or decrements of 1.4 mg/0.36 mg or 2.9 mg/0.71 mg to a level that holds the patient in treatment and suppresses opioid withdrawal signs and symptoms.
Recommended dose: 11.4 mg/2.9 mg taken sublingually, once per day. Doses vary from 2.9 mg/0.71 mg up to 17.2 mg/4.2 mg.
Maximum dose: 17.2 mg/4.2 mg per day
Following the induction process of treatment, maintenance therapy is offered to maintain a patient's treatment and reduce withdrawal symptoms and signs. There isn't a maximum recommended duration of maintenance therapy, and certain patients might require treatment for a long time.
There are multiple buprenorphine and naloxone products available for maintenance treatment; these products are not bioequivalent, and dose adjustments may be necessary when switching products; e.gzubsolv 4.2 mg/0.7 mg buccal film gives the same amount of buprenorphine like Suboxone 8 mg/2 sublingual tablet. Treatment: To manage the addiction to opioids as a an integral part of a complete treatment program that incorporates counseling and psychosocial support.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Do not take the medicine for as long as you can. However, do not take your missed dose if you are close to the time of the next dose. Don't take two doses at a time.

What happens if I overdose?

Get medical attention immediately or dial for help at the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222. An overdose of opioids could cause death, especially in the case of a child or another person taking the drug without a prescription. Overdose symptoms may include severe drowsiness and numbness of the pupils, slow breathing, or even no breathing.

What should be avoided?

Don't drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or even death could happen.

Avoid operating machinery or driving until you understand the effects of this medication. Dizziness or extreme drowsiness could cause accidents, falls, or even serious injuries.

Side effects of Zubsolv

Take immediate medical attention in the event that you exhibit symptoms of an allergic reaction to Zubsolv, such as hives, breathing difficulties, or swelling of your lips, face, or tongue.

Opioid medication can sluggish or stop your breathing, and death could occur. The person who is caring for you must administer Naloxone and/or seek medical attention if you experience breath that is slow, with pauses for a long time, blue lips, or if you find it difficult to get up.

Get your doctor's attention immediately or seek medical attention in an emergency in the event of:

  • Any issues with your teeth or gums;
  • Breathing that is weak or shallow, breathing that stops when you sleep;
  • Feeling lightheaded, as if you're about to pass out.
  • Disorientation, lack of coordination, and extreme weakness;
  • Blurred vision, speech slurred;
  • Liver issues Upper stomach discomfort, loss of appetite dark urine, stools that are colored with clay, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin),
  • Serotonin levels are high in the body, causing hallucinations, agitation, sweating, shivering, a high heart rate, stiff muscles, shaking, loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Low levels of cortisol; nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness, or worsening fatigue or weakness;
  • Opioid withdrawal signs Shivering, goosebumps, sweating, more sensation of cold or hot, runny nose, dizziness, watery eyes, muscle pain

The presence of serious breathing issues is more prevalent in older people as well as those who suffer from debilitation or an underlying condition called wasting syndrome as well as chronic respiratory problems.

Common Zubsolv adverse effects could include:

  • Blurred vision dizziness, drunkenness, difficulty concentrating;
  • Withdrawal symptoms;
  • The tongue, redness, or numbness within your mouth;
  • Nausea, vomiting, and constipation;
  • Headache, back pain;
  • Rapid heartbeats or pounding beats, and sweating more intensely;
  • Sleep problems (insomnia).

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other side effects could be present. Ask your physician for medical advice regarding adverse reactions. You can report symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with other drugs

You might experience breathing issues or withdrawal symptoms when you discontinue or start taking other medications. Talk to your doctor if you also take medication, such as an antibiotic or antifungal medication. Blood pressure or heart-related medications, seizure medication, or medication to treat HIV as well as Hepatitis C.

Opioid medications can interact with other medications and cause serious side effects or even death. Make sure that your physician is aware of any medication you're taking:

  • Medications for allergies or colds, such as bronchodilators, cold or allergy medicines, asthma or COPD medication, or a diuretic ("water pill");
  • Medications to treat motion sickness and irritable bowel syndrome medicines for motion sickness, irritable bowel syndrome, and the overactive bladder;
  • Different opioids, such as opioid pain medicine as well as prescription-based cough medicines.
  • A sedative that is similar to Valium, diazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, and many others;
  • Substances that cause you to feel sleepy or reduce your breathing A sleep pill, muscle relaxer, or medicine for treating mental illnesses or mood disorders as well as
  • Serotonin-related drugs can alter the levels within your body. A stimulant or medication to treat Parkinson's disease, depression, migraine headaches, severe illnesses, nausea, or vomiting.

This list is not comprehensive. Other medications can be incompatible with naloxone and buprenorphine, including prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal remedies. The interactions of all drugs aren't mentioned here.



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