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Generic Name: Hydromorphone (oral) (oral) HYE-droeMOR-fone“.
The Brand Names: Dilaudid, Exalgo, and Hydrostat IR.
Drug Class: Opiates (narcotic analgesics).

What is Dilaudid?

Dilaudid is an opioid painkiller. Sometimes, opioids are referred to as narcotics. Dilaudid can be used to relieve moderate-to-severe pain. Dilaudid can also be employed for other purposes that are not covered in this medication guide.


Do not use Dilaudid when you are suffering from severe respiratory problems or a blockage in the stomach or your intestines. Dilaudid could slow or even slow your breathing, particularly when you begin using this medication or when you change your dosage. Don't use Dilaudid in higher doses or for a longer time than recommended. An extended-release pill should not be crushed or broken. Inhale it all in order to avoid the risk of a fatal dose. Dilaudid could be a habit-forming drug when taken in regular doses. Follow your doctor's instructions when taking this medication. Do not give this medication to anybody else. The misuse of narcotic pain medications can cause addiction, overdose, or death, particularly in the case of a child or another user of the medication without having a prescription. Consult your physician when you're pregnant. Dilaudid could result in life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in newborns when the mother has taken this medication during her pregnancy.

Don't drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or even death may occur when alcohol is mixed with hydromorphone.

Before you take this drug

Do not use Dilaudid in the event that you've experienced an allergic reaction to hydromorphone or any other narcotic medications or if you suffer from:

  • Breathing issues sleep apnea.
  • An obstruction in the stomach or intestines of your body.
  • A bowel obstruction is known as paralytic ileus.

Don't use Dilaudid if you've taken any MAO antagonist within the last 14 days. A potentially hazardous medication interaction could occur. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue injection, rasagiline, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, and many others. Certain medicines may react with hydromorphone and create the serious condition known as serotonin syndrome. Check with your physician whether you are also taking medication for mental illness, depression such as Parkinson's disease, chronic infections, migraine headaches, or the prevention of vomiting and nausea. Consult your physician prior to making any changes to how or how often you take your medicines. You might not be able to take Dilaudid if you are not already taking a drug (narcotic) pain medication and are not tolerant of it. Discuss with your doctor whether you're opioid-tolerant. Dilaudid could be a trigger for addiction. Don't share this medicine with a person you know, especially one who has a history of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Make sure to keep the medicine in a secure location where no one else can access it. Giving away or selling hydromorphone to anyone else is not legal.

To ensure the safety of hydromorphone Consult your physician. If you are suffering from:

  • Sighing, noisy breathing, breath that is shallow, and sleeping that ceases.
  • A history of head injuries, brain tumors, seizures, or brain tumors.
  • A history of substance abuse, alcohol dependence, or mental illness.
  • Urination issues.
  • kidney disease or liver failure.
  • Sulfite allergy.
  • Addison's disease or different adrenal gland diseases.
  • Issues with your gallbladder, thyroid, or pancreas; problems with your thyroid, pancreas, or gallbladder.
  • Wen you are using a sedative, such as Valium or diazepam; alprazolam; lorazepam; Xanax; Klonopin; Versed; and others.

It isn't known if this medication will affect an unborn child. If you take hydromorphone when you are pregnant, your child could develop a dependence on the medication. This could cause severe withdrawal symptoms in the newborn after it's born. Children who are dependent on habit-forming medicines could require medical intervention for a period of time. Inform your doctor if you are expecting or planning to be pregnant. Hydromorphone may be absorbed into breast milk and can harm a nursing child. Do not breastfeed if you're using Dilaudid.

How to take Dilaudid?

You should take Dilaudid exactly as directed. Follow the instructions on the label prescription. Dilaudid may slow or stop breathing, particularly if you first start taking this medication or when you are changing your dosage. Do not use Dilaudid in large amounts or for longer than the time prescribed. Inform your physician if the medication appears to be unable to relieve discomfort. Dilaudid can cause dependence, even in regular doses. Follow the exact dosage recommended by your physician. Misuse of narcotic pain relievers can result in addiction, overdose, or death. Take the medicine in liquid form using a spoon that is specifically designed for measuring doses, such as a medicine cup, and not the standard spoon from the table. If you don't own a device for measuring doses, request one from your pharmacist. One. Don't stop taking Dilaudid in a hurry; otherwise, you might experience uncomfortable withdrawal effects. Discuss with your doctor the best way to effectively stop using the medication. Never break or crush tablets in order to breathe the powder, or mix it with liquid for injection of this drug in your vein. This practice has caused death through the use of hydromorphone as well as other similar drugs prescribed by doctors. Storage at room temperature, free of heat, moisture, and light. Get rid of any liquids that are not used within 90 days. Make a note of the dosage of medication consumed from each bottle. Hydromorphone is a medication that is abused, and you must be aware of anyone taking the medication in a way that is not legal or without a prescription.

Do not store anything left over from the Dilaudid tablet or the liquid. Consult your pharmacist on how you can find a drug recycling program. If there's no taking-back plan, then flush the unopened tablets or liquid down the toilet. The flushing of medications is suggested to lower the risk of accidental overdoses resulting in death. This recommendation is applicable to only a small amount of drugs. The FDA, along with manufacturers, have decided this is the most efficient method for disposal and poses the lowest danger to the safety of humans.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Because Dilaudid is a painkiller, it's unlikely to skip a dose. Avoid any missed doses when it's almost time to take your next dose. Do not take any extra medicine to make up for the missed dose.

What happens if I overdose?

Get medical attention immediately or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222 for help. An overdose of hydromorphone could be fatal, particularly in children or another user of the medication without a prescription. Overdose symptoms may include slow breathing and heart rate, intense fatigue, and muscle weakness, as well as dry and clammy skin, pinpoint pupils, and fainting.

What should be avoided?

Don't drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or even death could occur if alcohol is mixed with hydromorphone. The medication could affect your ability to think or react. Avoid operating machinery or driving until you are aware of the extent to which dilaudid can affect your life. Dizziness or excessive sleepiness might result in falls or other accidents.

Side effects of Dilaudid

Seek medical attention immediately. If you notice any indications of an allergic reaction, Dilaudid: hives; difficulty breathing; or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

As with other narcotic medications, hydromorphone may slow down the rate of breathing. The risk of death can occur when breathing becomes weak.

Contact your doctor immediately. If you are suffering from:

  • Sighing, noisy breathing, deep breathing, breath that stops when you sleep.
  • Disorientation, extreme sadness, or happiness.
  • Drowsiness or severe weakness.
  • A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you're about to pass out.
  • Infertility, missed menstrual periods.
  • Sexual issues, impotence, or a loss of interest in sexual activity.
  • Low levels of cortisol can cause nausea, vomiting, a lack of appetite, dizziness, increased tiredness, or weakness.

Get immediate medical attention. If you experience signs associated with serotonin syndrome, for example, hallucinations, agitation, sweating, chills, shivering, rapid heart rate, muscle stiffness, or twitching, You may also experience vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea.

Hydromorphone is more likely to cause breathing issues in people over the age of 65 and those who are extremely sick, malnourished, or have other conditions that make them weak.

Common Dilaudid side effects can include:

  • Constipation, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.
  • Dizziness, drowsiness..
  • Tiredness, headaches.
  • Feelings of extreme sadness or joy.
  • Itching, sweating, and mild.
  • Dry mouth dry mouth.
  • Flushing (warmth of redness, warmth, or a tingly sensation).

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other side effects could occur. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with other drugs

Hydromorphone may interact with other medications and cause serious negative side effects or even death. Be sure your doctor is aware if you take:

  • Other narcotic drugs like opioid pain medication as well as prescription-only cough medicines.
  • An sedative similar to Valium (also known as diazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam, Xanax, Klonopin, Versed, and others).
  • Substances that cause you to feel sleepy or reduce your breathing, such as a sleep pill, a medication to relax muscles, treat mental illnesses.
  • Drugs that alter serotonin levels within your body A stimulant or medication to treat Parkinson's disease, depression, migraine headaches, serious illnesses, nausea, and vomiting.

This list isn't complete. Other drugs can interact with hydromorphone. This includes medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, as well as vitamins and herbal supplements. There are many possible interactions, which are listed here.



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