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Name of the generic: maraviroc-RAV-i-rok” ma-ravi-rock [ma-RAV-iro
Drug class: chemokine receptor antagonist

What is Selzentry?

Selzentry can be described as an antiviral drug that blocks certain viral cells from multiplying within your body.Selzentry helps to stop human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from multiplying inside your body.

Selzentry is a component of other medicines in order to manage CCR5-tropic HIV type 1. This is a virus that can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Selentry is not an answer to HIV and AIDS.Selzentry can be used by adults and children who weigh at least 4.4 kilograms (2 kg).


If you suffer from severe kidney problems, then you might not be able to take Selzentry in the event that you take other medications. Discuss with your doctor any other medications you're taking.

Selentry can cause liver issues. Do not take this medication, and seek medical attention immediately if you experience an acute reaction to drugs that could harm the liver. Symptoms may include itching or rash, vomiting, upper stomach pain, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Prior to use this drug

If you have a severe or end-stage kidney disease, you might not be able to take Selzentry if you take specific medications, like antifungal and antibiotic medications, some blood pressure or heart medications, St. John's wort, as well as certain medications to treat hepatitis and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor about all medications you are currently taking.

To be sure Selzentry is appropriate for you, ask your doctor if you previously had:

  • Renal disease (or if you're taking dialysis);
  • Liver disease, specifically hepatitis B and C;
  • Heart disease
  • Low blood pressure.

Maraviroc impacts your immune system and could increase the chance of contracting cancer or infections. Consult your physician about this possibility.

Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, and make sure you use the correct medications to manage your infection. HIV could be transmitted to your baby if the virus is not managed during pregnancy. Your name might be recorded on a registry in order to monitor the effects of antiviral medication on your baby.

Women who have HIV or AIDS are not allowed to give birth to a baby. Even if the baby is born with no HIV or AIDS, the virus could be transmitted to your baby by the milk you give it.Selzentry is not recommended for premature babies or a child who has a weight of less than 4.4 kilograms (2 kg).

How do I do Selzentry?

If you're considering treatment with Selzentry, the doctor will run a blood test in order to ensure Selzentry is the best treatment for your particular type of HIV.Follow all instructions on the prescription label and read the medication guide or instructions sheets. Make sure you use the medication precisely as directed.

Selzentry is best administered in conjunction with other antiviral drugs and should not be taken on its own.You can take Selzentry without or with food.Suck the tablet completely, and don't chew, crush, or break it.Discuss with your doctor if a child taking the medicine is having difficulty swallowing the tablet completely.

Take care when measuring liquid medicines. Make use of the syringe for dosing or a dosage-measuring device (not an ordinary spoon).Selzentry dosages are determined by the weight of children. The dosage requirements for your child may alter if your child gains or sheds pounds.

Make sure to take all HIV medication as directed. Also, take note of all the medication guidelines you are provided. Do not alter the dose or stop taking medication without consulting your physician. Everyone suffering from HIV should be under the supervision of a medical professional.Place it in a cool, dry place far from heat and moisture.

Dosing information

Usual Adult Dose for HIV Infection:

With potent CYP450 3A inhibitors (with or without an inducer) such as protease inhibitors (other than tipranavir/ritonavir), delavirdine, elvitegravir/ritonavir, ketoconazole itraconazole clarithromycin or other potent CYP450 3A inhibitors such as nefazodone or telithromycin). Boceprevir: 150 mg taken orally twice a day.
With noninteracting concomitant medications, including tipranavir/ritonavir, nevirapine, raltegravir, all nrtis, and enfuvirtide: 300 mg orally twice a day
With powerful CYP450 3A inducers (without a powerful CYP450 3A inhibitor), including efavirenz, rifampin, etravirine, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital The phenytoin dose is 600 mg daily, orally twice.
Non-interacting concomitant medicines include all medications that aren't effective CYP450-3A inhibitors or inducers.
Use: When combined with other antiretroviral medications to treat only C-C Chemokine Receptor 5 (CCR5)-tropic HIV-1 infection

Usual Pediatric Dose for HIV Infection:

2 years or older:
Use of potent CYP450 3A inhibitors (with or without an inducer), such as protease inhibitors (excluding tipranavir/ritonavir), delavirdine, elvitegravir/ritonavir, ketoconazole itraconazole clarithromycin as well as other potent CYP450 3A inhibitors such as nefazodone may increase risk.telithromycin), boceprevir:
Weight range from 10 to 20kg: 50 mg taken orally every day, twice
20-to-under 30 kg:
Oral solution 80 mg, daily, taken orally
Tablets: 75 mg taken daily, orally, twice
Weight: 30 to 40 kilograms 100mg taken orally every day, twice
Weight at least 40 kg, 150 mg taken daily orally, twice
With noninteracting concomitant medications, including tipranavir/ritonavir, nevirapine, raltegravir, all nrtis, and enfuvirtide:
Weighing less than 30 kg is not recommended.
Weight at least 30 kg, 300 mg taken daily, orally twice
With powerful CYP450 3A inducers (without a powerful CYP450 3A inhibitor), including Efavirenz, Rifampin, Etravivirine, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital Phenytoin is not advised.
Recommended doses are based on the body's weight and shouldn't exceed the adult recommended dosage.
Non-interacting concomitant medications comprise all medications that aren't powerful CYP450 3A inhibitors or inducers.
Use: In conjunction with other antiretroviral agents to treat CCR5-tropic HIV-1

What happens if I miss the dose?

As soon as possible, take the medication. However, do not take any missed doses if you are nearing the time to take the next dose. Don't take two doses at a time.Make sure you refill your prescription before you are out of medication completely.

What happens if I overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact for help at the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Do not consume a herbal supplement that contains St. John's wort.Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you understand the effects of this medication on your body. Your reaction could be affected.

The use of this medication may not stop your illness from spreading. Be sure to not engage in unprotected sexual sex or share toothbrushes and razors. Consult your doctor about ways to protect yourself from HIV transmission through sex. Sharing needles for medicine or drugs is never safe for a healthy individual.

Side effects of Selzentry

Contact a medical professional immediately when you are experiencing symptoms that indicate an allergy reaction (selzentry, hives, breathing difficulties, and swelling of your throat or face) or an extreme skin reaction (fever and throat soreness, burning eyes, skin irritation, and the skin being red or purple that causes blisters as well as peeling).

Take a break from Selzentry or seek out medical attention immediately if you suffer from an extremely serious reaction to a drug that could affect multiple parts of the body (especially your liver). Symptoms may include rash, itching, or fever; swollen glands; joint or muscle discomfort; extreme weakness; unusual bruises; and stomach pain. Vomiting, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Get in touch with your doctor right away when you experience any side effects, like:

  • Feelings of lightheadedness, as if they're about to pass out.
  • Tension in your chest, a tightness in your jaw or neck, and sweating. The pain can spread to your shoulder or arm.

Selzentry can affect your immune system and cause some adverse reactions (even months or even weeks after taking this medication). Inform your doctor whether you suffer from:

  • Indications of an infection that is new, such as night sweats, fever, glands that are swollen, cold sores, cough, wheezing, diarrhea, or weight loss;
  • Difficulties swallowing or speaking issues with balance or eye movement, weakness, or a prickly sensation;
  • Swelling in your throat or neck (enlarged thyroid), menstrual cycles, impotence

Common Selzentry side effects can be:

  • Symptoms of fever and signs of a cold, cough, or fever;
  • Indigestion, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;
  • Rash;
  • Dizziness;
  • (in infants) (in newborns). Blood tests that are abnormal.

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects, and other side effects could be present. Contact your doctor to seek medical advice on the effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with other drugs

It is sometimes not safe to take certain medications in combination. Certain medications can alter the blood levels of other medications you are taking, which could cause more side effects or make the drugs less effective.

A variety of drugs can be incompatible with maraviroc. This includes both prescribed and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. There are not all the interactions mentioned here. Inform your doctor of all the medications you are currently taking and any medication you begin or stop taking.