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Pronunciation: a-MAN-ta-deen
Generic Name: Amantadine
Brand Names: Gocovri, Osmolex ER, Symmetrel
Classification of Drugs: Adamantane antivirals, dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents

What is Amantadine?


is an antiviral drug that blocks the action of the viruses that are present in your body.

Amantadine helps treat Parkinson's illness as well as "Parkinson-like" symptoms such as stiffness, tremors, or shaking, and repeated uncontrolled muscle movements that could be the result of the use of certain medications.

Amantadine can also be used to prevent or treat the spread of influenza in children and adults. It might not be effective in all flu seasons due to the fact that certain strains of the virus might be intolerant to amantadine. The medicine shouldn't be used as a substitute for having a flu shot every year.It is advised that you have a flu shot each year.The Centers for Disease Control recommend having a flu shot each year to safeguard you from the latest types that are a result of the influenza virus.Amantadine can be purchased in the form of tablets, capsules, or oral solutions.


Amantadine should not be used when you've been vaccinated against the flu in your nasal cavity within the last 14 days.

Don't receive the nasal flu vaccine when taking amantadine. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 48 hours following the last dose. It is possible to get a flu shot (injection) while you are taking amantadine.

Avoid driving or performing other actions or tasks that require your attention or clear eyesight until you are aware of the effects of this drug.To reduce the risk of becoming dizzy or having a seizure, take a slow rise if you are lying or sitting down. Be aware when you go up and down the stairs.

It has been reported that heat stroke occurs in patients taking amantadine. Be cautious when it is hot and during exercise.If you are suffering from kidney issues, discuss them with your doctor. The dose you are taking may have to be adjusted based on how your kidneys function. There have been deaths in patients suffering from kidney problems whose dosage was so excessive that they could not function their kidneys.

Do not stop taking amantadine suddenly without contacting your doctor. There is a higher chance of experiencing side effects. If you are required to stop amantadine completely, you should slowly stop the medication as directed by your physician.

Before You Take This Drug

Amantadine should not be used in the event that you are allergic to it, or:

  • If you suffer from severe kidney disease 

  • You were told you received a "live" nasal flu vaccine (FluMist) in the last 14 days.

To ensure amantadine is suitable for you, ask your doctor if you have ever experienced:

  • Kidney disease;

  • Daytime drowsiness (caused by sleeping disorders or the use of certain medications);

  • Congestive heart failure;

  • Eczema;

  • Glaucoma;

  • Liver disease;

  • A seizure;

  • Low blood pressure, fainting spells;

  • Alcoholism, addiction to drugs,

  • Psychosis, mental illness, or suicidal or suicidal-like thoughts or behaviors

People suffering from Parkinson's disease could be at greater risk of developing skin cancer (melanoma). Consult your physician about this risk and discuss what signs to watch out for on your skin.

It isn't known if amantadine can harm an unborn baby. Consult your physician if you are expecting or planning to become pregnant.Do not breastfeed when taking this medicine.

Amantadine isn't recommended for use in the treatment of influenza in children under one year of age. Gocovri is not recommended to be used by anyone younger than 18.

How to Take Amantadine?

Use amantadine as directed by your physician. Follow all instructions on the label of your prescription and study all prescription guides and instruction sheets. The doctor might alter your dosage.

If you are taking amantadine for treatment of influenza A, begin taking the medication within 24 to 48 hours after the symptoms start. Continue taking the medicine for the prescribed duration. Your symptoms could worsen before the infection is completely gone.

You can take amantadine with or without food.. It is possible that you will need to take this medication only at night. Follow your doctor's prescriptions.Take care when measuring liquid oral solutions. Make use of the dosing syringe supplied or a dose-measuring device (not the kitchen spoon).Suck the tablet or capsule intact, and don't crush, chew, or break it.

If you're unable to take a capsule in its entirety, crack it and pour the capsule into one spoonful of applesauce. Consume the mix immediately without chewing. Don't save the mixture to use later.

Contact your physician if your symptoms don't improve or if you experience an illness that causes a fever, headache, cough, an itch on your skin, or any other symptoms.

If you are taking amantadine to treat Parkinson's symptoms, you should not discontinue amantadine abruptly or your condition could become worse. A sudden stop could also result in uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Discuss with your doctor the best way to stop taking this medication.

Keep the bottle at room temperature, far from heat, moisture, and light. Close the bottle when not being used.

What Happens If I Miss a  Dose?

Don't miss the dose you missed; take the next dose at your regular time.You don’t need to take twice doses at the same time.Contact your doctor if you have missed several doses in a row.

What Happens If I Overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency treatment or contact the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. An amantadine overdose could be fatal.

The symptoms of an overdose can consist of confusion disturbance, behavior changes, hallucinations, extreme headache or pounding of your ears, stiffness of muscles, problems with balance and breathing, and rapid heartbeats. It could also be a seizure.

What Should Be Avoided?

Do not get an influenza vaccine for the nose when you are taking amantadine and for a minimum of 48 hours following your most recent dosage. The vaccine may not perform as well during this time, and it may not be able to protect you from the flu. It is possible to get a flu shot (injection) during the time you take amantadine.Avoid drinking or consuming alcohol. Dangerous side effects may be experienced.

Avoid operating machinery or driving until you understand the effects of amantadine on your body. Amantadine could affect your brain or reactions. People who are taking this medication have fallen asleep during daily activities like working, speaking, eating, or driving. You might fall asleep quickly, even if you feel alert. Be cautious if you drive or engage in any activity that requires you to be conscious.

Do not get up too quickly from a lying or seated position, as you could be dizzy.

Do not take the diet pill, caffeine pills, or any other stimulants (such as ADHD medication) without consulting your physician. If you take a stimulant in conjunction with amantadine, it could increase the chance of having adverse negative effects.

Side Effects Of Amantadine

See a doctor immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that you are experiencing an allergic reaction due to the medication amantadine, such as itching, breathing difficulties, or swelling of your lips, tongue, throat, or face,

See your doctor right away. If you suffer from:

  • Severe drowsiness, crashing to sleep suddenly, even though you feel awake;

  • A lightheaded sensation, similar to passing out;

  • Breathing shortness (even with moderate exertion); swelling of your feet or hands;

  • Uncomfortable or difficult to urinate;

  • Depression and agitation behavior changes, hallucinations thoughts of harming yourself

  • A seizure; 

  • Serious nervous system response Very rigid (rigid) muscles and sweating; high fever and confusion; rapid or irregular heartbeats; as well as shaking.

You might experience more sexual cravings, unusual urges for gambling, and other extreme desires while taking this medication. Discuss this with your doctor when this happens.

Some side effects are more prevalent in older adults.

Common side effects associated with amantadine include:

  • Dizziness, falls;

  • Dry mouth;

  • Swelling in your feet or legs;

  • Nausea, constipation, 

  • Sleep problems (insomnia).

The side effects are not all listed here in their entirety.Other side effects could occur. Contact your physician to seek medical advice on the effects. Call 1-800-FDA-1088 to report any symptoms to the FDA.

Interaction With Other Drugs

Combining amantadine with other medications that cause drowsiness can increase the severity of this effect. Talk to your doctor prior to using opioid medications, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, or other medications to treat anxiety and seizures.

Discuss with your physician all other drugs, such as

  • Glaucoma medication; 

  • Medicine that has sodium bicarbonate (such as Alka-Seltzer).

This list isn't complete. Other drugs can interact with amantadine. This includes medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, vitamins, and herbal products. Some interactions with drugs are not listed here.