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Name of the generic: diphtheria, haemophilus B.B., pertussis TET-a-nus ([] dif-THEER-ee-a, hem-dif-THERE’s-a], hem-OFF-il-POE-lee-oe, HEP-a-TIE, per-T TET-a-nus TET-a-nus]
The brand names are: Vaxelis (dtap-IPV-Hib-hepb), Vaxelis
Class of drugs: vaccine combinations

What is Vaxelis?

Diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae type B Hepatitis B, pertussis, and polio-tetanus are serious illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria.The disease causes a thick layer on the throat, nose, and airways. It could cause breathing difficulties as well as involuntary paralysis, the heart failing, or even death.Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib) can trigger breathing difficulties as well as meningitis. Hib disease typically affects children and can cause death.

Hepatitis B is a cause of liver inflammation and causes nausea as well as jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin). Hepatitis may lead to an increase in the risk of cancerous liver disease, cirrhosis, or even death.Pertussis (whooping cough) can cause such severe coughing that it causes problems with drinking, eating, or breathing. The symptoms can last for weeks and result in respiratory illness, seizures (convulsions), brain damage, and even death.

Polio is a serious illness that can affect your central nervous system as well as the spinal cord. It can result in muscle weakness and paralysis, and it could paralyze muscles that allow you to breathe.Tetanus (lockjaw) results in an intense tightening of muscles, typically all over the body. It may cause "locking" of the jaw, and the victim may be unable to open their mouths or swallow. Tetanus is a cause of death in approximately 1 in 10 instances.

Vaxelis can be used to fight these diseases in children. The vaccine aids the body in creating immunity to these illnesses. Your child is not likely to contract these illnesses if they receive this vaccine.The Vaxelis vaccine (Vaxelis) is recommended for infants between 6 weeks and four years of age (before the child reaches the age of 5).As with all vaccines, Vaxelis may not provide immunity against diseases in all people.

Side effects of Vaxelis

Contact emergency medical assistance. If your child shows symptoms warning of an allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, hives, or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,

Your child should not be given an additional vaccine if he or she is suffering from an allergic reaction within one shot. Be aware of all adverse reactions your child experiences. If your child has an additional dose, inform your vaccination provider whether the previous shot has resulted in any adverse negative effects.

Make an appointment with your doctor right away. If your child is suffering from:

  • Breathing stops while asleep;
  • Unusual discomfort or pain
  • Insufficiency
  • Difficulties with hearing, vision, or muscle movements.

Being infected by diphtheria, haemophilus B, hepatitis B, pertussis, polio, or tetanus is far more hazardous for the health of your child than having this vaccine. Like all medications, it can trigger adverse effects.

Common adverse effects of Vaxelis can include:

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees F or greater;
  • Cry more often than usual.
  • Vomiting, decreased hunger,
  • Drowsiness
  • Swelling, pain, or redness at the site where the shot was administered.

This isn't an exhaustive list of possible side effects, and other side effects could occur. Contact your physician to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You can report adverse reactions to the US Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-822-7967.


Your child should not be given an additional vaccine if they experience a life-threatening allergic reaction within 24 hours of receiving the initial shot.

Before you take this drug

Your child shouldn't receive this vaccine if he has:

  • A history of a life-threatening allergic reaction to vaccines containing diphtheria, pertussis, Hib, polio, or hepatitis B.
  • An occurrence of a decreased level of consciousness, seizures, decreased consciousness, or comma within 7 days of receiving the pertussis vaccine
  • Untreated or progressive nerve system disorder (or brain disorders) (such as babyile spasms as well as the inability to control seizures).

Your child might not be eligible to receive this vaccine if they had previously received the pertussis vaccine, which caused:

  • Within 48 hours following the vaccination, a very high fever (over 100 degrees) and crying that lasts for 3 hours or more, fainting or going into shock,
  • Within 3 days of the vaccination, a seizure

Let the provider know if your child has received:

  • Seizures;
  • Chemotherapy or radiation
  • An immune system that is weak (caused by illness or the use of certain medications) or
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome occurs within six weeks of having received a tetanus vaccination.

This vaccine won't protect against infection by hepatitis B, C, and E, or any other virus that can affect the liver. It could also not guard against the virus hepatitis B when your child already has a history of infection by the disease, even though the child has yet to exhibit symptoms.

How to take Vaxelis?

This vaccine is given in the form of an injection (shot) into the muscle.Vaxelis is delivered in several shots. First, the shot is normally given at two months old (or as young as 6 weeks old). A booster shot is administered at 4 months and six months old.

Your child's specific booster schedule might differ from the guidelines below, particularly when the child was born prematurely. Follow the instructions of your physician or the schedule suggested by the nearby health authority.

Your child might also receive other vaccines during the same period in addition to Vaxelis.Your child could require other vaccines to fully protect against certain illnesses. Be sure to give your child the recommended doses of this vaccine, or else your child might not be fully protected from illness.

The effects of this vaccine may influence the results of specific medical tests. Be sure to inform any doctor treating your child that your child recently received Vaxelis.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Consult your child's physician in the event that your child is missing an injection or is behind schedule. The next dose must be administered when it is possible. There is no reason to restart the treatment.

What happens if I overdose?

A high dose of this vaccine is not likely to occur.

What should be avoided?

Follow the instructions of your vaccination provider regarding any restrictions on food or beverages.

Interaction with other drug

Before you give this vaccine, inform your doctor about all the other vaccines that your child has received.

Also, inform your doctor, who administered the vaccine, whether your child has recently been treated with drugs or other treatments that could weaken your immune system, such as:

  • Steroid medicine;
  • Treatments for cancer treatments;
  • Medication to treat the symptoms of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other auto-immune disorders; treatment for autoimmune disorders such as
  • Medication to prevent or treat organ donation

If your child is taking any of the medicines listed above, they may not be able to receive the vaccine or might have to wait until other treatments have been completed.This list isn't exhaustive. Other drugs can influence this vaccine, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, vitamins, and herbal supplements. There are many possible interactions between drugs that are included here.