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Generic Name: Maraviroc [ma-RAV-i-rok] ma-RAV-i-rok.
Brand Name: Selzentry.
Dosage Forms: Oral liquid (20 mg/mL), oral tablet (150 mg; 25 mg; 300 mg; 75 mg).
Drug Class: Chemokine receptor antagonist.

What is Maraviroc?

Maraviroc is an antiviral drug that prevents the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from multiplying within your body. Maraviroc is combined with other medicines in order to manage the CCR5-tropic HIV type 1 virus, which could cause acquired immunodeficiency disorder (AIDS). Maraviroc is not an effective treatment for HIV and AIDS. Maraviroc is recommended for kids and adults who weigh at least 4.4 kilograms (2 kg). Maraviroc can also be used for reasons not mentioned in this guideline.

Side effects of Maraviroc

Contact emergency medical assistance. If you notice symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction (hives, breathing difficulties, or swelling of your throat or face) or an extreme skin reaction (fever and sore throat, burning of your eyes, skin irritation, and an ailment or redness that spreads and leads to blisters as well as peeling). Take off Maraviroc immediately and get medical attention immediately if you suffer from an extremely serious reaction to the drug that may affect a variety of areas within the body (especially your liver). Symptoms may include itching, fever, swollen glands, joint or muscle discomfort, severe weakening, unusually bruising or stomach pains, vomiting, and dark urine, as well as jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects, for example:

  • A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you've passed out.
  • Pressure in the chest, a tight feeling in your jaw or neck, sweating, and discomfort radiating onto your shoulder or arm.

Maraviroc interferes with your immune system and could cause some negative side effects (even several months or weeks after taking it). Consult your physician to determine whether you suffer from:

  • Indications of a new infection: fever, night sweats, swollen glands, and cold sores cough, wheezing, diarrhea, weight loss.
  • Difficulties swallowing or speaking difficulties with balance, eye movement, and prickly or weak feelings trouble swallowing, balance, or eye movement problems.
  • Swelling in your throat or neck (enlarged thyroid), menstrual cycles, impotence.

Common adverse effects of maraviroc could include:

  • The symptoms include fever, chills, and cough.
  • Indigestion, gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Dizziness.
  • Rash.
  • (in infants) (in newborns) abnormal tests of blood.

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other effects may also be present. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


If you suffer from severe kidney problems, then you might not be able to take maraviroc when you take different medicines. Inform your doctor of the other medications you are taking. Do not take this medication and seek medical assistance immediately if you suffer from an adverse reaction to a drug that could harm the liver. Symptoms may include the appearance of a rash or itching, nausea, stomach discomfort, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Before you take this drug

If you suffer from serious or terminal kidney diseases, you might not be able to take maraviroc when you take specific medications, like antifungals and antibiotics, some blood pressure medications, St. John's Wort, and some medications to treat hepatitis and tuberculosis. Talk to your doctor about any other medicines you take.

Speak to your doctor if you are ever diagnosed with:

  • Renal disease (or if you're taking dialysis).
  • The liver condition, particularly Hepatitis C or C
  • Heart disease.
  • Low blood pressure.

Maraviroc impacts your immune system and could increase the chance of contracting illnesses and the development of cancer. Talk to your doctor about this danger.

Speak to your physician if you are expecting a baby, and take your medication correctly to prevent the infection. HIV could be transmitted to your child if the virus is not managed during pregnancy. Your name could be included on a registry in order to monitor the effects of antiviral medication on the infant. Women who have HIV or AIDS are not allowed to feed their babies. Even if your child is born without HIV or AIDS, the virus could be transmitted to your baby through the milk you give your baby. Maraviroc is not a suitable product for babies who are premature or for a child that weighs less than 4.4 lbs (2 kg).

How to take Maraviroc?

If you're being treated with maraviroc, your physician might conduct tests on your blood to make certain that maraviroc is the correct treatment for your particular type of HIV. Follow the directions on your prescription label and go through all medication guides or instruction sheets. Make sure you use the medicine exactly as prescribed. Maraviroc is best administered in conjunction with other antiviral medicines and should not be taken on its own. Maraviroc can be taken in combination with food or not.

Suck the tablet completely and don't crush, chew, or break it. Inform your doctor if a child taking Maraviroc is having difficulty swallowing the tablet completely. Take care when measuring liquid medicines. Make use of the syringe for dosing or a dose-measuring device (not an ordinary spoon). Maraviroc dosages are determined by weight gain in children. The dose requirements for your child may alter if your child gains or loses weight. Make sure to take all HIV medicines as directed. Take note of all medication guidelines you are given. Do not alter the dose or stop taking medication without consulting your physician. Everyone suffering from HIV should be under the supervision of a physician. Place it in a cool, dry place far from heat and moisture.

What happens if I miss a dose?

You should take the medication as quickly as you are able, but avoid any missed doses if it's close to the time of the next dose. Don't take two doses at a time. Refill your prescription prior to the expiration date of your medication.

What happens if I overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Do not consume an herbal supplement that contains St. John's wort. Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you understand the effects of maraviroc on your body. Your reaction could be affected. This medicine might not stop your illness from spreading. Be sure to not engage in unprotected sexual sex or share toothbrushes or razors. Discuss with your physician ways to protect yourself from HIV transmission through sex. Sharing needles with medicine or drugs is not a good idea, even for a healthy individual.

Interaction with other drugs

It is sometimes not safe to take certain medicines together. Certain medications can alter the blood levels of other medications you are taking, which could cause more side effects or make the medication less effective.

Maraviroc is a drug that can be affected by many different drugs. This includes prescription as well as over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements. The interactions between these products are not mentioned here. Discuss with your physician all of your medications as well as any new medications you are about to start or stop taking.