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Imitrex Statdose (injection)

Generic name: sumatriptan (injection) [SOO-ma-TRIP-tan]
Brand Names: Imitrex Succinate Syringe Refill, sumatriptan Syringe, symtouch
Drug class: antimigraine agents

What is Imitrex Statdose?

Imitrex stomatitis narrows the blood vessels in and around the brain. This medicine reduces the substances in your body that may trigger migraine symptoms, headache pain, nausea, and sensitivity to sound and light.

Imitrex status is used for the treatment of migraines, cluster headaches, and Imitrex in adults. This medicine is only for treating a headache. Imitrex Statdose does not reduce headaches or prevent them.

Imitrex Statdose is not recommended for treating a common headache or a headache causing loss of motion on one side. This medicine should only be used if your doctor has confirmed that you have migraine headaches.Imitrex Statdose can be used in other ways not mentioned in this guide.

Side effects of Imitrex Statdose

Seek immediate medical care if you have any of these symptoms: difficulty breathing, swelling in your face, lips, throat, or tongue.

Imitrex stadia may cause serious side effects. Imitrex stoda should be stopped immediately, and you should consult your doctor if:

  • Diarrhea and sudden severe abdominal pain
  • Chest pain, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats.
  • A seizure (convulsions);
  • Blood circulation problems in the legs or feet: cramps, tightness, heavy feeling, numbness, tingling or numbness, muscle weakness, pain or burning, cold sensation, color changes (pale, blue, hip pain);
  • Heart attack symptoms include chest pressure or pain, pain that spreads to the shoulder or jaw and nausea.
  • Serotonin levels are high in the body and can cause agitation, hallucinations (including hallucinations), fever, rapid heartbeat, hyperactivity, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of coordination.
  • Increased blood pressure—severe migraine, blurred vision, or pounding in the neck or ears; anxiety or nosebleed
  • Signs of a stroke include sudden numbness and weakness, especially on one side; severe headaches; slurred or distorted speech; or problems with vision or equilibrium.

Imitrex Statdose side effects may include:

  • The sensation of tingling or warmth
  • Pressure or a heavy feeling anywhere in your body
  • Feeling weak or tired due to dizziness
  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Pain or redness at the injection site.

There may be other side effects. For medical advice on side effects, call your doctor. The FDA can be contacted at 1-800-FDA-1088 to report side effects.

Similar/related drugs

Nurtec ODT, Ubrelvy, Botox, Prednisone, Diclofenac, Celecoxib, and Sumatriptan


You should not use Imitrex Statdose if you have ever had heart disease, coronary artery disease, blood circulation problems, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, uncontrolled high blood pressure, severe liver disease, a heart attack or stroke, or if your headache seems to be different from your usual migraine headaches.

Imitrex Statdose should not be used if you've taken an MAO inhibitor in the last 14 days. Examples include isocarboxazid (linezolid), methylene blue (injection), phenelzine, or rasagiline.Use Imitrex Statdose for at least 24 hours after taking another migraine headache medication.

Before you take this drug

Imitrex Statdose should not be used if:

  • Heart problems or strokes (including "ministrokes")
  • Angina, blood circulation problems, and a lack of blood supply to the heart are all symptoms of coronary artery diseases.
  • Circulation problems affecting your legs, arms, stomach, intestines, or kidneys;
  • A heart disorder called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome;
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure (or)
  • Severe liver disease

Imitrex Statdose should not be used if MAO inhibitors have been taken in the last 14 days. It is possible that a dangerous drug interaction will occur. MAO inhibitors are isocarboxazid (linezolid), methylene blue injection, phenelzine, and other drugs.

Tell your doctor about any of the following:

  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Epilepsy
  • High blood pressure is a sign of a heart rhythm problem.
  • Risk factors for coronary heart disease include diabetes, menopause, and smoking. Other risk factors are being overweight or obese, having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or having a history of coronary disease in the family.

This medicine is not known to harm an unborn child. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Sumatriptan may pass through breast milk. Do not breastfeed for 12 hours following the use of sumatriptan. Throw away any milk collected if you are using a breast pump. Do not give it to your child.

Imitrex Statdose should not be used by anyone under the age of 18.

What is Imitrex Statdose?

Imitrex steroids should be taken as soon as headache symptoms appear. Read all the instructions and directions that come with your prescription. Follow the directions on the label.

Do not exceed the recommended dosage. The overuse of migraine headache medication can worsen headaches. If the medication seems to be less effective in treating migraine attacks, tell your doctor.

Imitrex Statdose can be injected into the skin. You may be taught how to use the medication properly by a healthcare provider.

Imitrex Statdose is available in vials (bottles), needle-free injector devices, and prefilled cartridges for auto-injector pens. Each type has a single use.

Please read and follow all instructions for use that come with your medication. Imitrex Statdose should not be used if you do not understand the instructions. If you have any questions, ask your pharmacist or doctor.

Only prepare your injection when you're ready to administer it. If the vial is cloudy or looks like it has changed color, or if there are particles, do not use it. For new medicine, call your pharmacist.

After the injection, call your doctor if your headache doesn't completely disappear. Use a second shot if your headache disappears and then returns after at least an hour. Do not use more than two injections within 24 hours. Contact your doctor if symptoms don't improve.

Store away from heat, moisture, and light. After the date of expiration has passed, throw away any medicine that is unused.

Only use a needle or syringe once, and then store them in a "sharps container" that is puncture-proof. Be sure to follow local or state laws on how to properly dispose of the container. Keep the container out of reach of pets and children.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Imitrex Statdose does not require a schedule of daily doses because it is only used as needed. If your symptoms don't improve after taking this medication, call your doctor.

What happens if I overdose?

Call 1-800-222-1222 for poison help or seek immediate medical attention.

Overdose symptoms include tremors and skin redness on your arms or legs. They may also include weakness, lack of coordination, breathing difficulties, blue lips or fingernails, or vision problems.

What should be avoided?

Do not use Imitrex Statdose for migraine headaches within 24 hours of using any other migraine headache medication.

  • Imitrex Statdose nasal spray or tablets; almotriptan (or eletriptan); frovatriptan (or naratriptan); rizatriptan (or zolmitriptan);
  • Ergot medicine such as dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, or methylergonovine.

Imitrex saline can affect your reactions. Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you are sure of how they will affect you. You may be unable to react properly.

Interaction with other drug

Imitrex stadia can cause high serotonin levels to build up in the body. This condition is called "serotonin syndrome" and can be fatal. Tell your doctor if:

  • Medicine to treat depressive disorder;
  • Medicine for Parkinson’s disease
  • Medicine for serious infections
  • Herbal products
  • Stimulant medicines;
  • Opioid medicine;
  • Medicine to prevent nausea and vomiting

This list is incomplete. Imitrex Statdose may be affected by other drugs, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. This list does not include all possible drug interactions.