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Generic name: Ifosfamide [Eye-FOS-fah-mide]
The class of drugs: Alkylating agents

What is Ifex?

Ifex is used in conjunction with other medications to treat cancer of the testicular tissue in men. Ifex is typically administered following the failure of other treatments. Ifex is also employed for other purposes that are not covered in this guideline.

Side effects of ifex

Contact emergency medical assistance. If you notice symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction (hives, breathing problems, and swelling in your throat or face) or an extreme skin reaction (fever, sore throat, eye burning, irritation, and a red or purple skin eruption with peeling and blisters),

It is possible to contract infections more often, including severe or fatal illnesses. Call your doctor immediately if you show symptoms of an infection, like:

  • Fever, chills, and flu symptoms;
  • Oral and throat ulcers
  • Skin sores and blisters; pale, cold feet and hands;
  • Easily bleeding, unusual bruising;
  • Fast heart rate, slow breathing, and shallow breathing
  • Feeling lightheaded or breathless.

Contact your doctor immediately. If you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Unusual thoughts, confusion or behavior, hallucinations, seizures (convulsions);
  • Very little or no urination; uncomfortable or difficult urination; urine that is bloody;
  • Loss of bladder control
  • A seizure;
  • Muscles you can't be in control of
  • Difficulties in your vision or hearing or ringing in your ears;
  • Suddenly chest pains, wheezing, and a dry cough;
  • Dark urine, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin),
  • A wound that isn't going to heal.

Common negative effects of Ifex include:

  • Vomiting, along with nausea and vomiting;
  • Issues with vision and confusion trouble with thinking;
  • Numbness, tingling, or burning pain;
  • Infections;
  • Urination issues;
  • Hair loss.

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other effects may also be present. Contact your doctor for advice regarding medical effects. You can report symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


You shouldn't take Ifex when you have medical conditions that cause urinary issues (such as an enlarged prostate). Ifex influences the immune system. You could contract infections more easily, including severe or fatal illnesses. Call your doctor if you are suffering from fever, chills, mouth sores, cough, unusual bleeding, or bleeding. Ifex could alter your kidneys and your nervous system. Call your doctor immediately if you experience issues with urination and the presence of blood in urine, issues with your vision or hearing, abnormal thoughts or behaviors like hallucinations, or a seizure.

Before you Take this Drug

It is not recommended to treat with Ifex if you are allergic to it or if you suffer from an illness that can cause urinary problems (such as an overly large prostate).

Speak to your doctor if you have ever suffered from:

  • kidney disease;
  • coronary disease;
  • a bladder infection;
  • treatment using busulfan; or
  • the treatment of your bladder by radiation.

Utilizing Ifex could increase the chance of developing cancers like leukemia. Consult your physician about the possibility. Ifex may cause birth defects if a pregnant woman gets exposed during pregnancy.

Utilize effective birth control to avoid pregnancy, whether you're a male or female. Ifex usage by parents could result in birth defects. Use the birth control pill for at least six months following treatment. This medication could impact fertility (your potential to bear children), regardless of whether you're male or female. Certain women taking Ifex have stopped having menstrual cycles or begun to show signs of early menopausal symptoms. A woman taking Ifex should not breastfeed.

How to take Ifex?

The doctor will run urine and blood tests to determine if you don't have any medical conditions that hinder you from using Ifex. Ifex is administered in the form of an infusion into a vein. Your healthcare provider will offer the injection.

If the medication accidentally gets on your skin, wash it thoroughly with soap and warm water. Ifex is administered in the form of a 21-day treatment period. However, you'll receive the medication only for the first five days of every cycle. Your physician will decide how many cycles you'll receive. Drink plenty of fluids while you take Ifex.

Your blood needs to be tested frequently. Your kidney function, your heart and liver function, and your muscles and nerve function might also need to be examined. The results of your cancer treatment may be delayed based on these results. Ifex could have long-lasting effects on the body. You might also require health tests during the brief period following your last dose.

What happens If I miss the dose??

Contact your doctor for advice. If you do not make an appointment to get your Ifex

What happens If I overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency attention. Or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you are aware of how Ifex can affect you. The way you react could be impaired. nDrinking alcohol can cause an increase in certain adverse effects of ifosfamide, including nausea and vomiting. Grapefruit can interfere with Ifex and cause unwanted negative side effects. Do not use grapefruit-related products.

Don't receive the "live" vaccine while using Ifex; otherwise, you may get an infection that is serious. Measles, rubella, mumps (MMR), and rotavirus yellow fever, typhoid, varicella (chickenpox), zoster (shingles), and the nasal virus (influenza) vaccination. Beware of those with illnesses or suffering from infections. Inform your doctor immediately when you begin to show symptoms of an infection.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Utilizing Ifex along with other medications that cause you to sleep or cause breathing problems can cause serious negative side effects or even death. Ask your doctor before taking any opioid medications, a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxer, or a medication to treat anxiety and seizures.

It is sometimes not safe to take certain medicines simultaneously. Certain medications can alter the blood levels and the other drugs that you take, which can cause more side effects or make the medication less effective.

A variety of drugs can impact Ifex. This includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements. The interactions between these products are not included in this list. Inform your doctor of all of your medications as well as any new medications you are about to start or stop taking.




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