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Generic name: haemophilus b conjugate (PRP-T) vaccine [ hem-OFF-il-us-B-KON-ju-gate ]
Names of brands: ActHIB, Hiberix
Drug class: Bacterial vaccines

What is Hiberix?

Hiberix is a brand name of haemophilus B vaccination. Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib) is a kind of the influenza (flu) that is caused by a bacterium. Haemophilus B influenzae bacteria may cause throat or lungs infections and may also be spread to bones, blood joints, the brain or the spinal cord. The infection by bacteria can lead to meningitis or breathing problems and can be fatal. Hiberix helps to treat the development of haemophilus B in children. It can be mixed with vaccines to protect against various diseases. Hiberix is administered to children between 2 months to 18 months old.

Hiberix operates by exposing children to tiny amount of the bacteria, or the protein produced by the bacteria. This causes the body to build up an immunity to the illness. The vaccine cannot combat an active infection that is already present within the body. It also is not able to protect against the other forms of influenza. Hiberix does not recommended for use with infants younger than 6 weeks. If used in conjunction with certain diphtheria vaccines this vaccine shouldn't be administered to babies younger than 15 months. Like all vaccines, Hiberix may not provide the same protection against disease for all people.


Your child should not be given Hiberix If he or she has ever experienced any allergic reactions to haemophilus B or a Tetanus vaccine.

Before you take this drug

Your child shouldn't be given Hiberix in the event that he/she has had the reaction of an allergy to meningococcal or hemophilus B vaccine.

If your child suffers from any of the other health conditions, Hiberix may need to be delayed or not be given in any way:

  • Extreme immune suppression resulted from a condition (such like cancer HIV and AIDS) or due to the intake of certain medications, such as chemotherapy, steroids, or radiation
  • A seizure history;
  • An allergic reaction to latex rubber or
  • A blood clotting or bleeding disorder like hemophilia, or bruising that is easy to heal.

The child may still get an injection even if has a mild cold. If an acute illness with fever or any other kind of illness, wait until your child recovers before giving Hiberix.

Hiberix should not be administered to anyone aged 6 or older. It isn't known if the vaccine can cause harm in the course of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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How to take Hiberix?

Hiberix is injectable into muscles. Your child is given this injection in an office of a doctor or clinic or in a hospital.

Hiberix is given as the form of a series of shots. It is typically given at around two months old. It is given between 4 and 6 months old and between 15 and one year of age. In certain cases a fifth booster dose is administered at the age of 4 or 6 years age.

Your child's specific booster schedule might differ from the guidelines below, particularly in the event that your child does not start the sequence of shots prior to 7 months old. Follow the instructions of your physician or the schedule suggested from the department of health in the state you reside in.

Your doctor might suggest the treatment of pain and fever using an aspirin-free pain reliever like Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, and many others) after the shot has been administered and for the following 24 hours. Follow the instructions on the label or the directions of your physician on how much medicine to give your child.

It is crucial to avoid the onset of fever in children with seizures, such as epilepsy.

Do I be concerned if I miss a dose?

Consult your physician if you are likely to miss a dose booster or if you are in the wrong time. The next dose must be administered when it is possible. There is no reason to restart.

Make sure that your child is receiving all doses recommended by Hiberix. If your child is not able to receive all of the Hiberix vaccines, they could not be fully protected from the disease.

What will happen if I take excessively?

A high dose of Hiberix is unlikely to occur.

What should be avoided?

Follow the instructions of your physician regarding any dietary restrictions drinks, food, or any activity.

Side effects of Hiberix

See a doctor immediately If your child exhibits indications that indicate an allergy reaction Hiberix: hives; breathing difficulties and swelling of your lips, face or tongue.

Note down any side consequences your child may experience after taking Hiberix. If your child receives an additional dose, you'll need inform the doctor if the prior shot had any adverse negative effects.

The risk of contracting Haemophilus B influenzae is far more harmful to the health of your child than getting Hiberix. But, as with all medicines this one can trigger adverse effects, but the chance of serious adverse side adverse effects is very low.

Make an appointment with your doctor right away if your child suffers from:

  • Cry for a long time or more crying for an hour or more;
  • High fever (within just a few hours or days after the vaccination).

Common Hiberix adverse effects could include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite;
  • Diarrhea; or
  • Swelling, pain or redness at the site where the shot was administered.

This isn't an exhaustive list of all side effects. other side effects could occur. Contact your physician to seek medical advice on the effects of the vaccine. You can report any adverse reactions in Health and Human Services at 1-800-822-7967. US Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-822-7967.

Interaction with other drugs

Before your child gets Hiberix, inform the doctor about any other vaccines your child recently received.

Other medications may interfere with haemophilus B conjugate vaccine) which includes medications that are prescribed and available over the counter such as vitamins, herbal remedies. Inform your doctor about any medications or treatments your child recently received. There are not all interactions covered in this medication guide.