What is EpiPen JR 2-Pak?
EpiPen JR 2-Pak is used to treat severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings and bites, food items, medications, and other allergens.Epinephrine auto-injectors could be stored in a safe place to be used by someone who has a history of severe allergic reactions.Epinephrine can also be used to treat anaphylaxis caused by exercise as well as lower blood pressure due to shock. shock..EpiPen JR2-Pak is also employed for reasons not mentioned in this guideline.
Side effects of EpiPen JR 2-Pak
Before you use epinephrine, inform your physician if prior use of EpiPen JR2-Pak resulted in an allergic reaction that has begun to become worse.Contact your doctor immediately. If you experience the sensation of warmth, pain, swelling, or redness, There may be other indications of an infection around the site where you administered an injection.The risk of side effects is more common in older people.
Common adverse side effects of EpiPen JR2-Pak can include:
- Breathing issues;
- Rapid, irregular, or rapid heartbeats;
- Pale skin, sweating;
- Vomiting, as well as nausea and vomiting;
- Dizziness;
- Tsunamis or weakness;
- Headache
- Being anxious, nervous, or anxious. Or even excited.
This list does not constitute a complete overview of possible side effects; other may occur; to get medical advice regarding these potential reactions please reach out to your physician immediately.You can report symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
Similar/related drugs
prednisone, loratadine, benadryl, triamcinolone, diphenhydramine, promethazine, and epinephrine
You should seek medical attention in an emergency following any use of epinephrine to treat an extreme allergic reaction. After the injection you'll require more treatment and monitoring.
Prior to using this drug
Before you use epinephrine consult your doctor if previous usage of EpiPen JR 2Pak resulted in an allergic reaction that has begun to worsen.
Speak to your doctor if you were ever diagnosed with:
- Heart disease (also known as hypertension)
- Asthma;
- Parkinson's disease;
- Depression and mental health
- A thyroid disorder
If you experience an allergic reaction, nursing or being pregnant can harm both the baby and the mother. You might need to take epinephrine while pregnant or nursing. You should seek medical attention as soon as you've finished taking this injection.If you are able to do so during an emergency situation, inform your medical professional that you are breastfeeding or pregnant.
How do I take EpiPen JR 2 Pak?
Follow the directions on the prescription label and read the medication guide or instructions sheets. Make sure you use the medication precisely as directed.Epinephrine is injectable into the muscle or skin of your thigh's outside. In the event of an emergency, this injection is administered by way of your clothes.The medicine might include a "trainer pen." The pen that is used for training contains no medicine or needle. It's only for non-urgent use to help you practice using an EpiPen JR2-Pak.Follow and read the instructions for use. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for assistance.Don't give the medication to an infant without medical guidance.The auto-injector is a single-use, disposable device. You can only use an auto-injector once.
Do not attempt to insert an auto-injector twice. If the needle is bent following the first injection, it could cause severe skin injuries.You should seek medical attention in an emergency in the event of any treatment with the drug epinephrine. The effects of epinephrine could fade within 10 to 20 minutes. You'll need more treatment and monitoring.Seek medical attention in an emergency in the event that you inject yourself when giving epinephrine or other medications to another.Keep at room temperature and away from heat, moisture, and light. Don't refrigerate or freeze this medication, and don't store it in a vehicle. Do not use EpiPen 2-Pak if it's changed color or contains particles within it.Do not take any medication if you are unsure of the expiration date of the prescription. Contact your pharmacist to request that the prescription be renewed.Do not reuse needles or syringes. Put them in an impervious-to-punch "sharps" container and dispose of it in accordance with the laws of your state or municipality.Keep it out of reach from pets and children.
What happens if I miss the dose?
Because epinephrine is used only when it is needed, it is not required to have a regular dosing schedule.
What happens if I overdose?
Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the Poison Help Line toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.The symptoms of an overdose can include weakness or numbness. extreme headache, blurred vision, pounding inside your ears or neck, sweating, chills, chest pain, rapid or slow heartbeats, extreme breathlessness, or coughing with foamy mucus.
Avoid this
Make sure you do not inject epinephrine in a vein or the buttock muscles, or else it might not work similarly. Inject it only into the fleshy area outside of your thigh.Intentionally injecting epinephrine in your feet or hands can cause a loss of blood flow to these regions and the resulting feeling of numbness.
Interaction with other drug
Inform your doctor about any other medications you take, including:
- Asthma medicine;
- An antidepressant
- Cold or allergy medicine (benadryl and other brands);
- Heart or blood pressure medicine;
- Thyroid medication;
- Ergot medicine: dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, and methylergonovine.
These include prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products.There are many possible interactions between drugs listed here.