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Generic Name: Enzalutamide [ENZ-a-LOOT-a-mide]
The Brand Name is Xtandi.
Dosage Forms: Oral capsule (40 mg), oral tablet (40 mg; 80 mg)
Drug Classes: Antiandrogens, hormones, and antineoplastics

What is Enzalutamide?

Enzalutamide can be described as a prescribed medicine that is used for treating prostate cancer in males who have had treatment with surgery or hormonal therapy to reduce testosterone levels.Enzalutamide is often used when cancer is no longer responding to treatment but has spread to different areas of the body.

Enzalutamide can also be used when cancer has responded to treatment and expanded to other areas within your organ (metastatic).It isn't known whether enzalutamide can be considered safe and effective for women or children.


Although it is not intended to be used for women, the enzalutamide drug can result in birth defects in cases where either the father or mother is taking this medication. Use a condom and a different method of birth control to avoid pregnancy while taking this medication. It is recommended to use it for a minimum of three months following the last dose.

Before you Take this Drug

It is not recommended to use enzalutamide when you have a reaction to it.

To ensure that enzalutamide is safe for you, inform your physician if you've ever experienced:

  • A seizure;
  • A head injury, stroke, or brain tumour;
  • Circulatory problems, heart disease;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes
  • The highest cholesterol or triglycerides (a kind of fat found in the blood).

Enzalutamide may cause harm to an unborn baby as well as birth defects, even when the father is taking the medication.

  • If you suspect that your partner is expecting, you must wear a condom during sex.
  • If you suspect that your partner may get pregnant, use effective birth control to stop the pregnancy. Use birth control for a minimum of three months after stopping taking the medication enzalutamide.
  • Contact your doctor right away in the event of a pregnancy occurring during this morning pill.

While it isn't intended for use by mothers, enzalutamide shouldn't be taken by women who are nursing babies.

How to Take Enzalutamide?

Follow the exact dosage of enzalutamide as directed by your physician. Follow the instructions on the prescription label and review all medication guides and instructions.Use the medicine daily at the same time every day, either with or without eating.It may be necessary to take between two and four tablets at a time to receive the full dosage.

Take the pill in its entirety. Don't break or chew the tablet. Do not chew, open, or dissolve a capsule.Take all medications according to the directions, and make sure you read the entire medication guide you are given. Don't alter your dosage or schedule of dosing without a doctor's approval.

Keep the bottle at room temperature, far from heat and moisture. Close the bottle when not being used.

Details on Dosage

Usual Adult Dose for Prostate Cancer:

160 mg (four 40 mg capsules) taken orally, once per day
The drug is available in combination with or without food.
Swallow the capsules in their entirety. Avoid chewing, dissolving, or breaking the capsules.
Patients receiving this drug should also receive a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue concurrently or have had a bilateral orchiectomy.
Use for: metastatic and nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

You should take the dose you missed as soon as you can remember. If you do not remember your dose for the whole day, skip the dose that was missed and resume your normal schedule the following day. Don't take two doses at once.

What Happens If I Overdose?

Get medical attention immediately or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222 for help. Overdoses can cause seizures.

What Should be Avoided?

Enzalutamide increases the chance of having a seizure. Avoid any activity that may be hazardous if you experience seizures or loss of consciousness.

Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you are aware of the effects of enzalutamide. Dizziness or drowsiness may cause accidents, falls, or even serious injuries.

Even without dizziness, using enzalutamide can increase the chance of falling or suffering bone fractures. Avoid situations or activities that could cause accidents or falls.

Side effects of Enzalutamide

Stop taking this medication and seek medical attention immediately. If you notice symptoms that you are experiencing an allergic reaction to the enzalutamide, such as hives, breathing difficulties, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,

Stop using enzalutamide. Call your doctor right away. If you suffer from:

  • Dizziness, spinning sensation;
  • A seizure (blackout or convulsions);
  • Trouble with thinking, confusion, serious headaches, vision problems;
  • Insufficiency and loss of consciousness.
  • Pink or red urine;
  • Heart-related problems chest discomfort, breath shortness (even when exerting only a little);
  • Higher blood pressure Headache that is severe, fuzzy vision, pain inside your ears or neck, anxiety, nosebleeds,
  • Indications of lung inflammation such as fever, cough with green or yellow mucus, chest pain that is stabbing, as well as wheezing and feeling exhausted.

The treatment for cancer may be delayed or completely stopped when you experience certain adverse effects.

Common enzalutamide side effects may include:

  • Being tired or weak;
  • Constipation, diarrhoea;
  • Lack of appetite
  • Flushing (redness and hot sensation);
  • Back pain, joint pain,
  • High blood pressure.

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other effects may also be present. Contact your physician for advice regarding medical adverse effects. You can report symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Enzalutamide could increase your chances of experiencing a seizure, especially if you take other medications for inflammation, swelling, infections, asthma, hormone replacement, diabetes, depression, or mental illnesses.

Numerous drugs may interact with enzalutamide. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Not all interactions are included in this list. Inform your doctor of all the medications you are currently taking as well as any new medications you are about to start or stop taking.