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Generic Name: divalproex sodium divalproex sodium dye-val-PRO-ex dye-val-PRO-ex
Class of drugs: fatty acid derivative anticonvulsants

What is Depakote?

Depakote influences the production of chemicals within the body that could be responsible for causing seizures. Depakote is prescribed to treat a variety of seizures. The medication is sometimes utilized in conjunction with other seizure medications. Depakote capsules and tablets can be used for treating seizures in patients with epilepsy who are over 10 years old. The tablets can be combined with other seizure medications. Depakote tablets can also be used for adults to treat migraine headaches and to help treat episodes of manic depression that are related to bipolar disorder (manic depression).


Depakote could cause liver damage that could be fatal, particularly in children younger than 2 and those with problems with their livers caused by genetic diseases. Divalproex is not a good choice in the case of an illness of the liver, urea-cycle disorder, a low platelet count, or a genetic condition like Alpers Huttenlocher or Alpers syndrome.

Do not begin stopping or resuming your use of Depakote during your pregnancy without a doctor's approval. Divalproex sodium may harm a newborn baby; however, having a seizure during pregnancy could be harmful to both the baby and mommy. Don't use Depakote to avoid migraine headaches when you are expecting. Consult your physician immediately if you notice that the person who is taking this medication has symptoms of pancreas or liver problems, such as lack of appetite and stomach pain in the upper part of the stomach (that can be transferred into your lower back). persistent vomiting as well as vomiting or dark urine, swelling of the face, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin). Don't stop taking this medication without consulting your physician for directions. The sudden stop could cause an extremely serious, life-threatening form of seizure.

It is not recommended to use Depakote in the event that you are allergic to Divalproex or if you suffer from:

  • Liver disease;
  • A urea cycle disorder; or
  • A genetic mitochondrial (mye-toe-kon-dree-al) disorder such as alpers' disease or alpers-huttenlocher syndrome, especially in a child younger than 2 years old.

Divalproex sodium can lead to liver failure, which can lead to death, specifically in infants younger than 2 years of age and those suffering from liver issues caused by a mitochondrial genetic disorder.

To ensure that this medication is suitable for you, inform your physician if you suffer from:

  • Liver issues caused by a genetic mitochondrial disorder
  • Depression, mental illness, or suicidal or suicidal-like thoughts or actions;
  • A family history of urea cycle disorder or deaths of infants of unknown causes

There are people who think about suicide when taking Depakote. Your doctor should monitor your progress on a regular basis during appointments. Family members or other caregivers should be aware of changes in your mood or symptoms.

Utilizing Depakote during pregnancy can increase the chance of having serious birth defects that may occur early in the pregnancy process, even before you recognize that you are expecting. The use of this medication during pregnancy may also impact cognitive capacity (reasoning, thinking, and problem-solving) later on in the life of your child. Seizures during pregnancy can be harmful to both the mother and the baby.

If you are taking Depakote to treat manic episodes or seizures, you should know that the benefit of stopping manic episodes or seizures can outweigh the risk that this medication poses. There are other medicines that are more secure to take during pregnancy. Do not begin or stop using this medication without consulting your physician.

Do not take Depakote to avoid migraine headaches when you are pregnant.

If you're not pregnant, you can use birth control to stop pregnancy while taking the drug Depakote. Tell your doctor when you stop or begin using hormonal contraception that has estrogen (birth control pills, injections, implants, patches for the skin, and vaginal rings). Estrogen may interfere with divalproex sodium and reduce its effectiveness in stopping seizures.

It is not recommended to breastfeed while taking this medication. Consult your physician regarding any risks.

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How to take Depakote?

You should take Depakote exactly as directed by your physician. Follow the instructions on the prescription label and go through all the medication guides or instructions. Your doctor may alter your dosage. Take plenty of water when you're taking this medicine. Your dosage could need to be altered in the event that you don't drink enough fluids every day.

Take your capsule or tablet in its entirety, but do not crush or chew on it, break it, or even open it. If you're unable to take the whole capsule of sprinkles, then open it and sprinkle the medicine over the form of a spoonful of applesauce or pudding. Consume the liquid immediately. Don't save it to use at a later time. You might require regular blood tests.

If you require surgery, inform your surgeon in advance that you're taking Depakote. In the event of an emergency In the event of an emergency, you should wear or carry a medical ID to let people know that you are taking Depakote.

Do not stop taking Depakote abruptly, even if you are good. The abrupt stop could trigger the most serious, life-threatening kind of seizures. Follow your doctor's advice on increasing your dosage. Keep it at room temperature, free of heat and moisture.

What happens if I don't take the dose?

You should take the medication as quickly as you are able, but avoid any missed doses if it's close to the time of the next dose. Don't have two doses at one time.

How do I react if I take too much?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact for help at the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should you do to

Alcohol consumption can increase some of the negative effects of divalproex.

Avoid driving or engaging in hazardous activities until you are aware of the effects of this medication on your body. Your reaction could be affected.

Side effects of Depakote

See a doctor immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms of an allergy reaction, Depakote (hives and breathing difficulties or swelling in your throat or face) or an extreme skin reaction (fever and throat soreness, burnt eyes, irritation, as well as red or purple itching, blistering, and peeling).

Get medical attention in the event of a serious drug reaction that could affect various parts of your body. Symptoms may include an itch on your skin or fever, swollen glands, muscle aches, extreme weakness, and unusual bruising or redness of your eyes or skin.

Contact your doctor immediately if the patient who is taking this medication shows indications of pancreas or liver issues, such as lack of appetite or stomach pain in the upper part of the stomach (that could extend into your lower back). continuous nausea or vomiting bloody urine, swelling on the face or eyes, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

If you notice any new or deteriorating symptoms to your physician, including changes in your mood or behavior such as anxiety, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and trouble sleeping, or if you experience uncontrollably angry, angry and aggressive, active, restless (mentally and physically), or are having thoughts about suicide or even hurting yourself,

Contact your doctor immediately in case you are suffering from any of these negative side effects:

  • Easily bleeding, unusual bruises (nose, mouth, gums), either red or purple areas of skin
  • Fever, swollen glands, mouth sores;
  • Fatigue, confusion nausea, fatigue, and coldness change the state of your mind.
  • Severe drowsiness; or
  • Worsening seizures.

Common Depakote side effects could include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation;
  • headache, back pain;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, and tremors;
  • Memory problems, mood swings, sleep problems, trouble sleeping
  • Bleeding or bruising;
  • nasal runny sore throat wheezing, cough trouble breathin
  • Symptoms of flu and fever;
  • Problems with coordination or walking;
  • Swelling of your feet or hands;
  • Blurred vision blurred vision, double vision, strange eye movement;
  • Your ears are ringing.
  • Rash, hair loss, or
  • Changes in appetite or weight.

This isn't an exhaustive list of all the side effects. Other side effects could occur. Contact your physician for advice regarding medical effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with other drugs

It is sometimes not advisable to use certain medicines in combination. Certain medications can alter the blood levels and the other drugs you are taking, which could cause more side effects or make the medication less effective.

A variety of drugs can be incompatible with and interact with divalproex. This includes over-the-counter and prescription drugs, vitamins, and herbal products. The interactions of all drugs are not included in this list. Inform your doctor of all of your medications and any medication you begin or stop taking.