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Generic name: Carbidopa [kar-bi-DOE-pa]
Brand name: Lodosyn
Dosage format: Oral tablet (25 mg)
Class of drugs: Dopaminergic antiparkinsonism agents

What is Carbidopa?

Carbidopa is used in conjunction with a different medication known as levodopa to treat the symptoms associated with Parkinson's illness, like stiffness or tremors. Levodopa and carbidopa are used to treat Parkinson's-like symptoms caused by certain medications or exposure to toxic minerals or gases like manganese or carbon monoxide. Carbidopa can only be employed in conjunction with levodopa and does not have any impact when used on its own. Carbidopa can also be employed for other purposes that are not covered in this medication guide.

Side effects of Carbidopa

Contact a medical professional immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction, like hives, trouble breathing, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue, The following adverse reactions could be experienced when taking carbidopa together with levodopa:

Carbidopa may cause serious side effects. Consult your physician immediately. If you suffer from:

  • Extreme sleepiness
  • Uncontrolled muscle movements in your facial muscles (chewing or lip smacking, frowning, tongue movements, blinking, or eye movements);
  • The worsening of shaking (uncontrolled shaking);
  • Severe nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea;
  • Hallucinations, confusion, bizarre shifts in mood or behavior;
  • Depression or suicidal ideas;
  • seizure (convulsions); or
  • Extreme nervous system reaction: very rigid (rigid) muscles and excessive temperature; sweating and confusion; rapid or irregular heartbeats as if you're about to be stricken with a stroke.

Certain people who are taking carbidopa along with levodopa may fall into a state of sleep during routine activities during the day, such as talking, working, eating, or driving. Inform your doctor if you are experiencing any issues with sleeping through the day or experiencing sleepiness.

There is a possibility that you will experience increased sexual urges, unusual cravings towards gambling, or any other intense desires while taking carbidopa. Discuss this with your doctor in the event of this

It is possible that your urine, sweat, or saliva appear dark, like brown, red, or black. It's not a hazardous result, but it could cause staining on your clothing.

Common adverse effects of carbidopa could include:

  • Nausea,
  • Upset stomach
  • Headache, dizziness;
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia) and more frequent dreams than normal;
  • Dry mouth and a burning sensation on your tongue;
  • Changes in weight the weight of a person
  • Atypical liver test results

This is not a comprehensive list of possible side effects, and other effects may also be present. Consult your physician for advice regarding medical effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

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Do not take this medication if you've taken an MAO inhibitor within the past 14 days, including isocarboxazid, linezolid blue injections, phenelzine, or tranylcypromine.

Before taking this medication, you must consult your physician.

It is not recommended to use carbidopa if you have an allergy to it or suffer from:

  • Narrow-angle glaucoma.

Avoid using carbidopa if you've used an MAO inhibitor within the last 14 days. A potentially dangerous interaction with a drug could happen. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue injection, phenelzine, and tranylcypromine, as well as other MAO inhibitors.

Speak to your doctor if you are ever diagnosed with:

  • Nausea and vomiting when taking levodopa
  • Heart disease, high blood pressure;
  • Kidney disease or liver failure;
  • An intestinal ulcer or stomach;
  • Glaucoma; or
  • Depression, mental illness, or psychosis.

People suffering from Parkinson's disease could be at greater risk for skin cancer (melanoma). Consult your physician about any signs of skin cancer to look out for. It is unclear whether carbidopa can cause harm to an unborn baby. Consult your physician if you are expecting or planning to become pregnant.

Breastfeeding is not advised while using carbidopa. Not permitted for use by anyone less than 18.

How to take Carbidopa?

Follow the directions on the prescription label and review all medication guides and instruction sheets. The doctor might alter your dosage. Follow the medication precisely as directed. If you are already taking levodopa but haven't used carbidopa, begin taking both medications within 12 hours from the time you last took levodopa on its own.

Use both levodopa and carbidopa at regular intervals to ensure steady levels within your body at all times. It is possible that you will require regular medical tests. The symptoms you experience may not improve for a period of time. Contact your physician in the event that your symptoms do not improve or when you feel the benefits of this medication diminish rapidly after a few doses. You could experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking carbidopa abruptly. Talk to your doctor before stopping the medication.

This medication can alter the outcomes of certain medical tests. Inform any physician who treats you that you're taking carbidopa. Keep at room temperature, free of heat and moisture.

Details on dosage:

Usual Adult Dose for Parkinson's Tremor:

Patients who are receiving carbidopa and levodopa therapy and require an additional dose of carbidopa
Initial dose: 25 mg oral, together with the initial dose of carbidopa-levodopa every day.
Maintenance dose The doses may be increased to 12.5 mg, or even 25 mg can be administered along with every dose of carbidopa and levodopa.
The maximum dosage is 200 mg taken orally per day.

Patients who require individual dosages of levodopa or carbidopa:
Initial dose: 25 mg taken orally 3 to 4 times per day, taken simultaneously as levodopa.
Maximum dosage daily: 200 mg oral per day

Most patients respond to a 1:10 ratio of levodopa and carbidopa in the event that the dose of carbidopa is at least 70 mg or greater. In patients who are taking carbidopa-levodopa, the quantity of carbidopa present in the carbidopa and levodopa combination should be taken into consideration in determining the maximum daily dose of carbidopa.
In patients who are already taking levodopa, wait an interval of 12 hours between the dose that was last administered and the beginning of therapy using carbidopa or levodopa.

Uses: In conjunction with carbidopa-levodopa or levodopa in treatments for symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease idiopathic (paralysis agitans), postencephalitic parkinsonism, and symptomatic parkinsonism.

What happens If I miss a dose?

Do not take the medicine for as long as you are able, but do not take any missed doses if it's nearing the time to take the next dose. Don't take two doses at a time. Refill your prescription prior to the expiration date of your medication.

What happens If I miss a dose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact the Poison Help line toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Avoid driving or engaging in hazardous activities until you understand the effects of carbidopa on your body. Your reaction may be impaired. Do not get up too quickly from a lying or seated position, as you could be dizzy.

Do not take iron supplements or eat a diet rich in protein. This can make it difficult for your body to absorb and digest levodopa and carbidopa. Consult your physician or dietitian regarding the best foods to eat or not eat.

Interaction with other drugs

Carbidopa, in combination with other medications that cause drowsiness, can increase the severity of this effect. Consult your physician before taking opioid medications, a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxer, or medication to treat an anxiety disorder or seizures.

Other medications may interact with carbidopa, such as prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Inform your physician about any other medications you take.