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Generic Name: Antihemophilic factor (recombinant) [ant-ee-hee-moe-FIL-ik-FAK-tor]                     Drug Class: Miscellaneous coagulation modifiers

What is Advate?

The drug Advate is recombinant in antihemophilic factors. It is a natural protein found in blood that assists in clotting blood. The absence of antihemophilic factor VIII is the reason for hemophilia A.The drug works by temporarily increasing the levels of factor VIII within the blood, which aids in the clotting process.

Advate is a medication used to treat or stop bleeding events in adults as well as children who suffer from hemophilia A. It can also be used to manage bleeding from dental surgery or other procedures for those suffering from hemophilia. It is also used to prevent joint injury in patients 16 or older who have severe hemophilia A but no previous joint damage.The drug Advate should not be used for patients suffering from von Willebrand's disease.


You shouldn't take Advate in the event that you've suffered an extreme hypersensitivity to the antihemophilic factors previously.

The body can develop antibodies against antihemophilic factors, which makes it less efficient. Contact your doctor when this medication appears to be less effective in reducing the bleeding.Be sure to follow the instructions regarding how to store this medication. Each brand of recombinant antihemophilic factor might have specific guidelines regarding placing the medication in the refrigerator or at room temperature and only for a specific number of months.

Before taking Advate, your particular blood clotting problem must be confirmed as a deficiency of factor VIII. Human antihemophilic factors cannot cure von Willebrand's disease.To make sure Advate can help your condition without creating adverse consequences, your blood could require regular testing. Visit your doctor regularly.

Wear an alert medical tag or carry an ID card that states you suffer from hemophilia. Any dentist, doctor, or emergency medical professional who cares for you must know that you suffer from bleeding or blood-clotting disorders.

Before You Take This Drug

You shouldn't use Advate if you've ever experienced a severe allergic reaction to antihemophilic factors or if you have an allergy to beef or mouse proteins.

Before you can use Advate, the specific blood clotting problem must be identified as a deficiency of factor VIII. The drug Advate cannot treat von Willebrand disease.To be sure Advate is suitable for you, inform your physician if you have heart disease.It isn't known if Advate could harm an unborn baby. Consult your physician if you are expecting or planning to become pregnant while taking this medication.It isn't known if the recombinant antihemophilic factor is absorbed into breast milk or the extent to which it may cause harm to a nursing infant. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding a baby.

How to Take Advate?

Follow the exact dosage of Advate as directed by your physician. Follow the instructions on the prescription label. Be sure to not take this medicine in smaller or larger quantities or for longer than suggested. Always confirm the potency of the drug listed on its label to make sure that you have the correct dosage.

Advil is injected into a vein by way of an IV. You might be taught how to administer an IV at home. Don't give yourself the medicine in case you aren't sure how to administer the injection, and safely dispose of any needles that are no longer needed, IV tubing, and other equipment used to inject the drug.Advil is typically administered every 8 or 24 hours over a period of between 1 and 4 days, depending on the reason you're taking the medication.

This medication comes with instructions to ensure safe and efficient use. Follow these instructions carefully. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor if you have any concerns.Make sure to wash your hands after taking your injections and preparing them.

Advate should be mixed with the aid of a liquid (diluent) prior to injecting it. If you keep your medicine in a refrigerator, take the diluent and medicine vial out of the refrigerator. Allow each one to cool down prior to mixing them.Then gently swirl the medication and diluent until they are mixed, and let the medication completely dissolve. Don't shake the vial.When you have mixed the Advate powder with the diluent, make sure the mix is kept at room temperature until you are ready to use it in 3 hours. Don't put the mixture in the refrigerator.

Make your dose using a syringe only once you are ready to inject yourself. A single-use vial is intended for only one use. After measuring your dosage, dispose of the vial, regardless of whether there's still medicine within the vial.Avoid using Advate in the event that it's changed color or contains particles. Consult your pharmacist about the latest medication.

Utilize the disposable needle and syringe only once. Be sure to follow any local or state regulations regarding the disposal of needles and syringes that are no longer in use. Make sure you use a puncture-proof "sharps" disposal container (ask your pharmacist where you can get one and how to dispose of the container). Make sure this container is away from pets and children.While taking Advate, it is possible that you will require regular blood tests.

Your body can develop antibodies to antihemophilic factors, which makes it less efficient. Contact your physician. If this medication appears to not be as effective in controlling the bleeding,Be sure to follow all directions regarding how to store this medication. Each brand of recombinant antihemophilic factor might include specific storage instructions.

Keep the medicine and the diluting solution in the original container inside the refrigerator. Don't freeze.Before you prepare your dose, take the medication and diluent out of your refrigerator and let them be at room temperature.

It is also possible to keep the diluent and medicine at room temperature for a period of up to six months without exceeding that expiration date. Be sure to follow the storage guidelines on the label of the medicine.If you keep this medication at ambient temperature, do not bring it back to the refrigerator.

Avoid storing Advate in direct sunlight. Get rid of any leftover medication and diluent when the expiration date has come and gone.Wear an alert medical tag and carry an ID card that states that you suffer from hemophilia. Any dentist, doctor, or emergency medical provider who treats you must be aware that you suffer from a blood-clotting or bleeding disorder.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Because Advate is prescribed when it is needed, it is possible that you are not on a schedule of doses. If you're in a routine, you should take the dose you missed as quickly as you can remember. Do not take any missed doses if you are nearing the time for the next scheduled dose. Don't use any extra medication to make up for the missed dose.

What Happens If I Overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact the Poison Help line toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.

What Should Be Avoided?

Follow the doctor's advice regarding any restrictions on your food, drink, or activities.

Side Effects Of Advate

See a doctor immediately. If you experience any indications or warning signs of an allergic reaction, Avert: hives; difficult breathing; feeling lightheaded or faint; swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

Stop taking Advate and consult your physician immediately if you experience:

  • Chest pain;

  • Easily bruising, more bleeding episodes easy bruising, increased bleeding episodes

  • Bleeding from a cut or an area where the medication was injected.

Common adverse effects could be:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

  • Headache, dizziness;

  • Joint pain;

  • Rash;

  • Sore throat and cough;

  • Fatigue, weakness;

  • Fever

  • Itching, pain, swelling, or a sting in the area where the injection was administered

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other effects may also be present. Contact your doctor to seek medical advice on the effects. You can report symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction With Other Drugs

Other medications may interact with Advate, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, such as vitamins and herbal products. Be sure to inform all your health professionals about the medicines you are taking currently and all medicines you stop or start taking.