The Web Health


Name of the generic: ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin
Dosage forms: transdermal patch
Drug class: contraceptives

What is Xulane?

Xulane is a birth control pill that you apply to the skin to stop becoming pregnant. Xulane has two hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, that are absorbed by the skin. It can prevent pregnancy by preventing your eggs from being released by your ovaries. eggs.Xulane is a generic variant of a patch known as Ortho Evra, which has been taken off the market.

What exactly is Xulane used to do?

Xulane is a birth control patch that is suitable for women who have a BMI lower than 30 kg/m2. It's a method of preventing the onset of pregnancy.The chances of you becoming pregnant when you use Xulane are contingent on how closely you follow the directions. If you adhere to the instructions, your chances of becoming pregnant are lower.In studies conducted in clinical trials, there was a chance that 1 to 2 in 100 of the women were pregnant within the first year in which they utilised norelgestromin as well as the transdermal ethinyl estradiol system.Xulane isn't equally effective for women who weigh over 198 pounds. (90 kg). If you are heavier than 198 pounds. (90 kg) Talk to your doctor regarding which way of controlling your birth is best for you.Xulane, as well as other pills, are just as effective in stopping pregnancies as birth control vaginal rings and pills with hormones. Birth control patches work better than diaphragms and condoms.

Details on dosage

Do not take Xulane if you are smoking cigarettes or are older than 35. Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of developing serious cardiovascular consequences from hormonal birth control techniques, such as heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, or stroke. The risk increases with the age of your body and the amount of time you smoke cigarettes.Avoid using Xulane if you are at increased risk of developing blood clots.Avoid using Xulane when your body mass Body Mass Index (BMI) is 30 kg/m2 or higher. Women with a BMI of kg/m2 or higher who take Xulane could have a greater chance of developing blood clots as compared to women with a BMI that is less than 30 kg/m2.Hormonal birth control methods can help reduce the risk of becoming pregnant. They don't safeguard against HIV disease (AIDS) or other sexually transmitted diseases.

How to take Xulane?

Don't make use of Xulane if you are:

  • Smoke, and you are older than 35 years old
  • Have you had blood clots in your arms, eyes, legs, or lungs?
  • You may have an inheritance issue that causes your blood to begin to clot faster than it normally does.
  • You may have suffered a stroke.
  • I've had a heart attack.
  • Are prone to heart valve issues or heart rhythm issues that could create blood clots in the heart.
  • Are high blood pressure patients that medication isn't able to control.
  • Are diabetic with kidney, eye, nerve, or damaged blood vessels
  • Have experienced certain types of severe migraine headaches accompanied by an aura, numbness, weakness, or changes in vision, or suffer from migraine headaches if over 35.
  • Have a BMI of 30 or more.
  • Have liver disease, including liver tumours, take any Hepatitis C drug combination containing mbitasvir, paritaprevir, or ritonavir,, with or without dasabuvir. This could increase the amount of the liver enzyme "alanine aminotransferase" (ALT) in the blood.
  • Are bleeding vaginally that isn't explained
  • You are pregnant, believe you are pregnant, or think that you might be. But xulane is not known to cause birth defects if it is used accidentally during pregnancy.
  • Have had breast cancer or other cancers that are sensitive to hormones produced by females.

The hormonal birth control method might not be the best option if you have had jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin) due to pregnancy or due to prior treatment with hormonal birth controls.Inform your doctor. If you've had one of these conditions. Your healthcare provider might suggest an alternative method to control your birth.

Before you begin using Xulane, inform your doctor:

  • On all your medical health conditions.
  • If you are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant,
  • If you're scheduled for surgery. Xulane could increase the chances of having blood clots develop after surgery. It is recommended to discontinue applying this xulane patch no less than four weeks before the surgery. Do not start it again until at least two weeks after surgery.
  • If you're scheduled for any lab tests. Certain blood tests can have an effect on hormonal methods for birth control.

What happens if I miss a dose?

  • For detailed instructions, check out the step-by-step directions for using Xulane below.
  • Utilise Xulane precisely according to the instructions of your physician.
  • Wear one Xulane patch at a time. Be sure to remove the old Xulane patch prior to putting on the fresh Xulane patch.
  • Don't skip any Xulane patches, even if you don't regularly have sex.
  • Xulane is sprayed over the course of a four-week period.
    • Make sure you apply your Xulane patch once per week for a period of 3 days (21 total days).
    • Apply every latest Xulane patch at the exact time of week. The day you apply the patch will be your "Patch Change Day." If, for instance, you apply the first Xulane patch on Monday, then all of your Xulane patches must be applied on Monday.
    • Don't put on your Xulane patch in Week 4. Make sure to take off the old Xulane patch. The patch is now free. The menstrual cycle should begin in the first week of your patch-free weeks.
    • Begin a brand new 4-week period by using a brand new Xulane patch the next day following week 4. Repeat the process of three weekly patches, followed by an unpatched week.
  • Your Xulane patch shouldn't be removed for more than seven days in a row. If your Xulane patch is absent for longer than 7 days and you've had a sexual encounter at this time, you may be pregnant.
  • If you have not had your period for a while, it could be because you are pregnant. Some women skip their periods or experience light periods when using hormonal birth control techniques, even if they're not pregnant. Consult your physician if you have missed a period and haven't taken your Xulane patch daily or if you have missed two cycles in two weeks.

What happens if I overdose?

When you take Xulane, you might experience bleeding and spotting during your period, which may be referred to as unplanned bleeding. Unplanned bleeding could range from a slight staining of menstrual periods to bleeding that is a breakthrough, which can be described as an exact replica of the regular flow of your menstrual cycle. It is common for bleeding to occur within the first couple of months following Xulane usage; however, it could happen after you've used the patch for a long time. The bleeding can be short-term and typically does not signal any significant issues. It is crucial to use the patch as scheduled. If bleeding that isn't planned or spotting is severe or persists for longer than a few days, you must talk to your physician.

Many women do not experience their period on hormonal birth control pills, even if they're not pregnant. But if you go for more than two months without having a period, are not able to get your period after one month in which you haven't used the correct patches, or are experiencing symptoms that are associated with pregnancy, like morning nausea or a tenderness to the breast that is unusual, contact your doctor since you could be expecting. Stop taking Xulane if you are pregnant.You can discontinue using Xulane at any time. Think about visiting your doctor to have a pregnancy check-up prior to when you cease taking the patch.Dosage Xulane is available as a single strength of 150 mg/day of norelgestromin (NGMN) as well as 35 mg/day of ethinyl estradiol (EE).Xulane is a 14-cm, two-peach transdermal device that is printed "Xulane(r) (norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol) 150/35 mcg per day" in brown ink. Each system has 4.86 mg of norelgestromin (USP) as well as 0.53 mg of ethinyl esteradiol (USP.

What should be avoided?

The hormones in Xulane enter the bloodstream and get used by the body in a different way than the hormones produced by birth pills for controlling You'll be exposed to 60% higher levels of ooestrogen when you take Xulane as opposed to an ordinary birth control pill with 350 micrograms or more of trogen. The general rule is that higher oestrogen levels could increase the risk of adverse side effects.Read "Important information" above.Xulane could have serious side effects, for example:

  • Blood clots. As with pregnant women, hormonal methods for birth control raise the risk of having serious blood clots (see the graph below), particularly in women who are afflicted by other risk factors like smoking, high blood pressure, excess fat levels in the blood, obesity, diabetes, a family background of blood clots, or an age greater than 35. This risk increases when you first begin using hormonal birth control. It is also the case when you return to using the same or another hormonal birth control method after having stopped using it for a period of a month or more. Certain studies have shown that women who use norelgestromin as well as the transdermal ethinyl estradiol system are at a greater risk of developing blood clots. Consult your physician regarding the possibility of developing a blood clot prior to using xulane or deciding what type or method of contraception is best for you.
    You could die or become permanently disabled due to a condition that is caused by blood clots, like an attack on the heart or stroke. A few examples of blood clots include blood clots within the following areas:

    • The legs (deep vein thrombosis)
    • Lungs (pulmonary embolus)
    • Eyelashes (loss of sight)
    • Heart (heart attack)
    • Brain (stroke)

To put the possibility that a blood clot could form in the context of In the event that 10,000 women who aren't pregnant and who do not make use of hormone birth control are monitored for a period of one year, anywhere between 1 and 5 women will develop a blood clot. The chance of developing a serious blood clot for women who are using hormonal birth control ranges from 3 to 12; for women expecting, it ranges from 5 to 20, and for women who are in the early 12 weeks following having babies (postpartum), it can range from 40 to 65.

Make contact with your doctor right away if are suffering from any of the following:

  • Leg pain that isn't going to disappear
  • Abrupt breathlessness
  • Sudden blindness, partial or complete
  • Intense pressure or pain in your chest.
  • Sudden, severe headache, unlike your usual headaches
  • Numbness or weakness in the leg or arm, or difficulty speaking
  • Skin, or eyeballs

Other risky areas include

  • The liver is a major organ, and tumours can cause it.
  • Gallbladder diseases
  • High blood pressure

The most commonly reported negative side effects associated with Xulane are:

  • Breast-related symptoms (discomfort swelling, discomfort, or discomfort)
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Skin irritation, redness, itching, pain, swelling, or rash around the site of application for patches
  • Stomach pain
  • Pain during menstruation
  • Vaginal bleeding and menstrual issues like spotting or bleeding during periods
  • Mood anxiety, affect, and mood disorders

Certain women experience spotting, mild bleeding, tenderness in the breasts, or feeling sick to their stomachs after norelgestromin and the transdermal system of ethinyl estradiol. If these symptoms are present and persist, don't discontinue taking your Xulane patch. The issue will typically be resolved. If it doesn't disappear, consult your physician.

Common side effects include:

  • Acne
  • Less sexual desire
  • Fluid retention or bloating
  • The darkening of your face with blotches, particularly on your face
  • Elevated blood sugar levels, and especially for women who suffer from diabetes.
  • High fat (cholesterol and triglyceride) levels in the blood
  • Depression is a common occurrence, especially if you have experienced depression previously. Consult your physician immediately in case you're concerned you might hurt yourself..
  • Issues with tolerant contact lenses
  • Weight gain

Talk to your doctor about any side effect that irritates you or doesn't disappear.This is not the only possible side effect that could be triggered by Xulane. For more details, consult your doctor or pharmacist.Consult your physician to seek medical advice on possible side effects. If you experience any side negative effects to the FDA by calling 1-800-FDA-1088.

It is unclear whether hormonal birth control can cause breast cancer. Certain studies are not the only ones, but they suggest an increase in the chance of developing breast cancer among women who have been using it for longer periods of time.If you're diagnosed with breast cancer today or have experienced it previously, don't use hormonal birth control since certain breast cancers are sensitive.Women who are using hormonal birth control methods could have a slightly higher risk of contracting cervical cancer. This could be due to other factors, including being more intimate with their partners.

Interaction with other drugs

Your healthcare provider should be aware of any herbal or medicinal products you use.Certain herbs and medicines can cause hormonal birth control to be less efficient, such as, but not only:

  • Certain seizure medicines (carbamazepine, felbamate, oxcarbazepine, and topiramate)
  • Aprepitant
  • Barbiturates
  • Bosentan
  • Griseofulvin
  • Certain particular combinations of HIV drugs (nelfinavir and ritonavir; boosted ritonavir protease inhibitors)
  • Certain non-nucleoside reverse transcriptionase inhibitors (nevirapine)
  • Rifampin and rifabutin
  • John's wort

Utilise a different method for birth control (such as a condom, diaphragm, and/or spermicide) in conjunction with medications that could make the Xulane patch less effective.Certain medications and grapefruit juices may raise your levels of the hormone ethinylestradiol if taken in combination, for example:

  • Acetaminophen
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Medicines that affect the way your liver processes other medications (itraconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole, and fluconazole).
  • Certain HIV medicines (atazanavir, indinavir)
  • Atorvastatin
  • Rosuvastatin
  • Etravirine

Methods for controlling the hormonal birth rate could interact with lamotrigine, an anti-seizure drug used to treat epilepsy. This can increase the chance of seizures. Therefore, your physician may need to alter the dosage of lamotrigine.Patients receiving thyroid replacement therapy might require higher dosages of the hormone thyroid.Take note of the medicines you are taking. Keep a record of them that you can show to your doctor or pharmacist whenever you receive an upcoming medicine.