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Name of the Generic: Risperidone (oral) (oral) ris-PER-ide [ ris-PER-i-done
Name of the Brand: Risperdal
Drug Class: Atypical antipsychotics

What is Risperidone?

Risperidone is an antipsychotic drug that works by altering the effects of the brain's chemicals.Risperidone serves to manage schizophrenia in children and adults who are at least 13 years old.

Risperidone can also be used to treat the symptoms related to bipolar disorder (manic depression) in children and adults who are 10 years old.Risperidone can also be used to treat the symptoms of irritability in autistic children between 5 and 16 years old.


Risperidone is not recommended for use in older adults suffering from dementia-associated psychosis.Do not give risperidone to any child without a medical professional's guidance.

When you're taking this medication, You may become more sensitive to extreme temperatures, like extremely cold or hot temperatures. Beware of getting too cold, dehydrated, or too hot. Take plenty of water, particularly in hot weather and when exercising. It is more likely that you'll be extremely hot and dehydrated when you're taking this medicine.Risperidone can affect your thinking or reactions. Be cautious if you drive or do any other activity that requires you to stay aware. Drinking alcohol can increase the effects of the medication.

Stop taking this medicine and consult your physician at any time if you are experiencing symptoms of stiff muscles, fever, sweating, confusion, irregular or fast heartbeats, uncontrollable muscle movements in your neck or face, shakes (uncontrolled shaking), difficulty swallowing, feeling lightheaded, or fainting.

Before you Take this Drug

Risperidone is not a good choice when you have an allergy to it.

Risperidone can increase the likelihood of dying in people with psychosis related to dementia. It is not permitted for this purpose.

To make sure that this medicine is appropriate for you, inform your doctor if you've previously had:

  • Cardiovascular disease hypertension and heart rhythm issues stroke, heart disease, and heart attack;
  • Diabetes (or risk factors, such as weight gain or a family background in the case of diabetes);
  • Low white blood cell (WBC) count;
  • Kidney disease or liver failure;
  • Seizures;
  • Breast cancer;
  • Low bone mineral density;
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • If you are dehydrated.

The tablet that dissolves orally could contain phenylalanine. Inform your physician if you suffer from phenylketonuria (PKU).

Antipsychotic medications taken during the last three months of pregnancy can result in problems for the baby and infant, including breathing difficulties, withdrawal symptoms, and feeding issues, as well as tremors, crying, and stiff or limp muscles. But you could experience withdrawal symptoms or other issues when the medication you are taking is stopped during your pregnancy. If you are pregnant when taking Risperidone, don't stop using it without a doctor's guidance.

If you're expecting, then your name might be added to the pregnancy registry to monitor any effects of the drug risperidone on the child.The medicine can temporarily affect the fertility (ability to bear children) of females.Risperidone is a drug that can be absorbed through breastmilk and could cause adverse effects for the infant. If you breastfeed during treatment with this medication, consult your physician to determine whether your baby exhibits symptoms like drowsiness, shaking, or involuntary muscle movements.Don't give the medication to an infant without seeking medical guidance.

How to Take Risperidone?

Follow the exact dosage of risperidone prescribed by your physician. Follow all instructions on the prescription label and study all medication guides or instruction sheets.Risperidone may be used either with or without food.

Discard the tablet for oral disintegration from the packaging only after the time is right to consume the medication. Place the tablet in your mouth and let it disintegrate without chewing. Drink several times until the tablet disintegrates.

Make sure to measure the liquid medicine with care. Use the dosing syringe supplied or a dose-measuring device (not an ordinary spoon).Don't mix it with tea or cola. medicine in liquid form with tea or cola.It could take some weeks before symptoms begin to improve. Continue to take the medication according to the directions and inform your physician if you feel your symptoms don't improve.Place it in a cool, dry place free of heat, moisture, and light. Avoid allowing liquid medicine to be frozen.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Do not take the medicine for as long as you are able, but do not take your missed dose if it's nearing the time to take the next dose. Don't take two doses at once.Make sure you refill your prescription before you run out of medication completely.

What Happens If I Overdose?

Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the Poison Help line toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.The symptoms of an overdose can include extreme sleepiness, a fast heart rate, feeling lightheaded, feeling faint, and unrestful eye muscles, jaw, or neck.

What Should be Avoided?

Avoid driving or engaging in hazardous activities until you understand the effects of risperidone on your body. Your reaction could be impaired.

Be careful not to get up too fast from a seated or lying position where you could be dizzy. Dizziness or extreme drowsiness could result in fractures, falls, or other injuries.Beware of drinking alcohol. Dangerous side effects can be experienced.While taking risperidone, you could feel more sensitive to extreme temperature fluctuations, like extremely cold or hot conditions. Avoid becoming too cold or getting dehydrated or overheated. Take plenty of water, particularly in hot weather or while exercising.

Side effects Of Risperidone

Contact a medical professional immediately. If you exhibit symptoms that you are experiencing an allergic reaction due to the drug risperidone, such as itching, breathing difficulties, or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,

See your doctor right away. If you are suffering from:

  • Muscles that are not controlled in your facial muscles (chewing or smacking your lips, mouth movement, frowning, blinking, or eye movements);
  • Breast tenderness or swelling (in either gender) or tenderness in the breasts, nipple discharge, impotence, absence of interest in sexual activity, and missed menstrual periods
  • Extreme nervous system reactions Very strenuous (rigid) muscles and sweating; high fever and confusion; rapid or uneven heartbeats; or the sensation that you may faint;
  • Low white blood cell count, an abrupt feeling of weakness or illness such as chills, fever, throat sores, sores in the mouth, swelling of the gums or redness, difficulty swallowing, skin rashes, flu or cold symptoms cough, difficulty breathing;
  • Platelets are low in the blood, easily bleeding, unusual (nose, mouth, vagina, or rectum), or either red or purple areas of skin that are aplenty;
  • High blood sugar may increase thirst, cause more frequent urination, dry mouth, the odor of fruity breath,
  • Penis erections that hurt or last for 4 hours or more

The most common risperidone side effects are:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness, drowsiness, or feeling tired;
  • Tremors, twitching, or inexplicably uncontrollable muscle movements
  • Anxiety, anxiety, and a feeling of restlessness;
  • Mood depressing;
  • Dry mouth, an upset stomach, diarrhea, or  constipation;
  • Weight gain
  • Signs of a cold like congestion, sneezing, and a sore throat.

This is not a comprehensive list of possible side effects, and other side effects could occur. Consult your physician for advice regarding medical effects. You can report any symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Risperidone taken in conjunction with other medicines that make you sleepy or cause breathing problems can cause serious or life-threatening adverse consequences. Ask your doctor prior to using an opioid drug, a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxer, or medicine to treat seizures or anxiety.

Inform your doctor about all other medications, including:

This list isn't complete. Other medications can interact with risperidone. This covers prescription as well as over-the counter vitamin supplements, medicines, as well as herbs. Some interactions with drugs are not listed here. are included here.



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