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Repatha Autoinjector

Generic name: evolocumab [E-voe-LOK-ue-mab]
Brand names: Repatha Prefilled Syringe, Repatha Pushtronex, Repatha SureClick, Repatha Autoinjector
Drug class: PCSK9 inhibitors

What is Repatha Autoinjector?

Repatha autoinjector helps the liver reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL), circulating in your body.Repatha autoinjector can be used in conjunction with a low-fat diet and other medications to lower cholesterol levels for people who have homozygous or heterozygous familial high cholesterol. These conditions can lead to high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood as well as plaque buildup inside your arteries.The Repatha autoinjector can also be used to lower the risk of stroke or heart attacks in patients with heart or blood vessel problems due to plaque buildup or hardening of the arteries.Repatha Autoinjector can be used in other ways not mentioned in this guide.

Side effects of Repatha Autoinjector

If you experience any of the following: hives; severe itching; difficulty breathing; swelling in your face, lips, or throat;

Repatha autoinjector may cause serious side effects. You should call your doctor immediately if:

  • High sugar: increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity odor in the breath.

Repatha autoinjector side effects may include:

  • Redness, pain, or bruising at the site of injection;
  • Backache
  • Flu symptoms
  • Cold symptoms include sneezing and a stuffy nose.

There may be other side effects. For medical advice on side effects, call your doctor. To report adverse effects, you can contact the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Similar/related drugs

atorvastatin, Ozempic, rosuvastatin, Xarelto, simvastatin, ezetimibe, and lipitor


You should read the entire label and package instructions before taking your medicine. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions you may have, including allergies and medications.

Before you take this drug

Repatha autoinjector should not be used if you have an allergy to it.

Inform your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms:

  • Liver or kidney disease
  • A latex allergy.

You may find your name on a registry if you are pregnant to track the effects evolocumab has on the baby.Repatha autoinjector may cause problems if breast-feeding is being done. You should consult your doctor if you are concerned about any risks.This medicine should not be given to children without consulting a doctor. Repatha autoinjectors are not for children under 13 years of age. This medicine is not recommended for children under 13 years old if they have certain medical conditions.

How to take Repatha Autoinjector?

Read all instructions or guides that come with your medication and follow all directions. Follow the directions on the label.Repatha autoinjectors are injected beneath the skin. You may be taught how to use the medication properly by a healthcare provider.Repatha Autoinjector comes in three different forms: a prefilled syringe or autoinjector (SureClick), and a Pushtronex cartridge for on-body infusors. Please read and follow the instructions for use that come with your medicine. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist, or call the manufacturer at 1-844-737-2842.Pushtronex is an on-body infusor that slowly delivers the Repatha autoinjector dosage. Wear the device for approximately 9 minutes in order to receive the full dose. You can walk, bend, and reach while wearing the on-body infusor.Your healthcare provider will show you the best spots on your body where you can inject the Repatha autoinjector or place the on-body infusor. Each time you inject, use a new location. Don't inject in the same spot twice.

Each prefilled single-use syringe or cartridge is only intended for one use. Even if some medicine is left in the syringe, throw it away after use. You must follow any local or state laws regarding the disposal of used needles and/or syringes. Use a "sharps container" that is puncture-proof. Use the container in accordance with local or state laws. Keep the container out of reach of pets and children.Repatha Autoinjector should be stored in its original carton in the fridge, away from heat and light. Do not freeze. Do not freeze any of these medicines.Before injecting, remove the medication from the refrigerator. Let it come to room temperature between 30 and 45 minutes. Never heat an injection device or syringe.Repatha Autoinjector can also be stored in its original carton at a cool room temperature, away from heat and light. If the medicine is stored at room temperature, it should be used within 30 days.Handle this medication with care. A broken injection device may result from dropping it. Even if there is no visible break, do not use an injectable device that you have dropped on a hard surface. For new medication, call your pharmacist.This medicine should not be shaken. If the color of your medicine has changed or if it has particles, do not use it. For new medication, call your pharmacist.Do not stop using Repatha Autoinjector before consulting your doctor, as your LDL cholesterol level may rise.Repatha autoinjectors are only one part of an overall treatment plan that includes diet, statin medications, and regular blood tests. You should follow your doctor's advice.

What happens if I miss the dose?

If you miss the dose, use it within seven days. Skip the dose if your missed dose is more than seven days late. If you miss a dose, return to your original schedule. Use the medication again at your next scheduled dosage.Use only one dose at a time.

What happens if I overdose?

Call 1-800-222-1222 for poison help or seek immediate medical attention.

What should be avoided?

Repatha autoinjector should not be used on skin that has been bruised, sore, scarred, or hardened.

Interaction with other drug

Repatha Autoinjector may be affected by other drugs, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Inform your doctor of all the medicines you are currently taking and those that you will begin or stop using.