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Generic Name: Methotrexate (oral) [meth-oh-TREX-ate]
Names of Brands: Trexall, Xatmep
Classification of Drugs: Antimetabolites Antirheumatics and antipsoriatics Other immunosuppressants

What Is Methotrexate?

Methotrexate inhibits the growth of specific cells in the body, specifically cells that reproduce rapidly, like cancer cells, bone marrow cells, and skin cells.Methotrexate is a treatment for leukemia and some types of breast cancer in the skin, head and neck, and uterus. It can also treat lung cancer.

Methotrexate is also utilized for treating severe psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in adults. It can also be used to treat active polyarticular-course juvenile arthritis in children.Methotrexate may be prescribed in situations where other medications have not proven effective.


Methotrexate can cause harm or even death to the unborn baby. It is not recommended during pregnancy for treating arthritis or psoriasis. Methotrexate is sometimes used to treat cancer in pregnancy. Inform your doctor if you are expecting or planning to be pregnant.

Don't use this medication for treating psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis in the case of low blood cells, an immune system that is weak, alcoholism, chronic liver disease, or if you are nursing.It is possible that you do not have to use METHOTREXATE daily. Some people have lost their lives due to improperly taking methotrexate daily. It is essential to take the appropriate dosage for your situation.

Methotrexate could cause fatal or serious adverse reactions. Tell your doctor in the event of diarrhea, mouth sores, shortness of breath, coughing, or stomach pain. dark urine, tingling or numbness in the muscles, confusion, seizure, or a skin rash that spreads and causes peeling and blisters.

Before you Take this Drug

It is not recommended to take methotrexate if you are allergic to it. You might not be able to use this medicine if you suffer from:

  • Alcohol dependence, liver cirrhosis, and chronic liver illness
  • Low blood cell count;
  • An insufficient immune system, or bone marrow disorders;
  • If you are pregnant or nursing.

Methotrexate may be employed to combat cancer in patients who suffer from the diseases listed above. Your physician will determine which treatment is best for you.

To ensure this medication is appropriate for you, inform your doctor if you've previously had:

  • Liver issues, particularly the stomach fluid (ascites);
  • Kidney disease;
  • Issues with the lungs, and especially fluid in the lung (pleural effusion);
  • Treatments with radiation and
  • It could be a stomach ulcer or ulcerative colitis.

Inform your physician if you are pregnant or planning to be pregnant. Methotrexate could cause harm or even death to the unborn baby. It shouldn't be used when pregnant to treat psoriasis, arthritis, or other conditions. However, methotrexate can be employed to fight cancer in pregnancy.

Methotrexate could cause harm to a baby who is not yet born when the mother or father is taking this medicine.

  • If you're female, you may need to undergo a pregnancy test prior to beginning this treatment. Make sure you are using effective birth control to avoid pregnancy while using methotrexate for a minimum of 6 months following your last dose.
  • If you're male, use effective birth control when your partner is capable of becoming pregnant. Continue using birth control for a minimum of 3 months following the last dose.
  • Contact your physician immediately. If you become pregnant when either the mother or the father is taking methotrexate,

This medication can impact fertility (the ability to bear children) for both men and women. It is nevertheless important to use birth control in order to avoid pregnancy since methotrexate can harm the baby in the event that there is one.Don't breastfeed during the course of this medicine or for at least one week following the last dose.

Avoid giving this medication to an infant without the advice of a doctor.

How To Take Methotrexate?

You may not need to take methotrexate every day. It is often taken once a week, which is two to four times a week. Certain conditions can be treated every day for a short period of time, followed by a rest period of one week or more before taking the medication again.It is essential to use the right dosage. A few people have died due to taking methotrexate incorrectly daily.

Use methotrexate exactly as it was prescribed to you. Follow the directions on the label of your prescription and study all medication guides or instruction sheets.Take care when measuring liquid medicines. Make use of the dosing syringe supplied or a dosage-measuring device (not an ordinary spoon).

Methotrexate is toxic to your organs and can cause a drop in blood cells. It is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations, and you might require a periodic heart X-ray or liver biopsy. Treatment for cancer could be delayed depending on the results.

If you need to be put under sedation to undergo dental procedures, inform your dentist that you're currently taking methotrexate.Keep methotrexate in a cool, dry place free of heat, moisture, and light.You can keep the Xatmep in a refrigerator or in a room at room temperature. Avoid high temperatures or freezing. Get rid of any leftover Xat Map within 60 days if it is kept at room temperature.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Contact your physician for advice when you have missed a dose of methotrexate.

What Happens If I Overdose?

Get medical attention immediately or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222 for help. A methotrexate overdose could be fatal.

The symptoms of an overdose can include bleeding or bruising mouth sores, vomiting, a lack of urine, bloody or tarry stool, coughing blood, or vomit that appears like coffee grounds.

What Should be Avoided?

Beware of drinking alcohol. This can increase your risk of liver damage.

Don't receive a "live" vaccine while using methotrexate, as you could contract a serious illness. Live vaccinations can include measles, rubella, and mumps (MMR), as well as rotavirus, yellow fever, typhoid, varicella (chickenpox), zoster (shingles), and the nasal influenza (flu) vaccine.

Methotrexate can cause sunburn more quickly. Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds. Be sure to wear protective attire and apply sunblock (SPF 30 or greater) while you're outdoors.

Side Effects Of Methotrexate

Seek medical attention immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms of an allergy reaction due to methotrexate (hives, breathing difficulties, or swelling in your throat or face) or a severe skin reaction (fever, sore throat, burning within your eye, pain in the skin (red or the skin rash turns purple and can cause blisters as well as peeling),

Methotrexate may cause fatal or serious adverse effects. Call your doctor immediately if you experience:

  • The chest is suddenly hurting; it's the wheeze, dry cough, and mucus-filled sensation of chest pain and feeling short of breath.
  • Fever, chills, swollen lymph glands, night sweats, weight loss;
  • The appearance of ulcers or blisters in your mouth, swollen or red gums, or trouble swallowing
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or blood in your stool or urine;
  • Skin conditions like the appearance of redness, warmth, swelling, or oozing
  • Low blood cells: chills, fever, fatigue, oral sores and skin abrasions, bleeding that is not normal, easy bruising, pale skin, cold feet and hands, and feeling lightheaded or sluggish;
  • Kidney issues There is no or little urine; swelling of your ankles or feet;
  • Liver issues swelling of the midsection area, left-sided abdominal pain nausea, hunger loss, dark blood, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin),
  • Nerve issues such as weakness, confusion, and drowsiness; coordination issues or feeling uneasy; headaches,  neck stiffness, and vision issues; and loss of motion anywhere on your body, seizure,
  • Indications of a tumor cell's breakdown are fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fast and low heart rates, as well as tingling on your feet and hands as well as around your mouth.

Common methotrexate side effects may include:

  • Achiness, fever, chills; unwell;
  • Low blood cell count;
  • Mouth sores;
  • Nausea, stomach pain;
  • Tests for abnormally high liver function;
  • Hair loss;
  • Burning skin lesions;
  • Being more sensitive means being more sensitive to

This isn't a complete list of all the side effects. Other side effects could be present. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on the effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Discuss with your doctor any other medications you take, particularly:

  • An anti-inflammatory or sulfa medication;
  • Folic acid;
  • Mercaptopurine;
  • Theophylline;
  • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs): Ibuprofen, aspirin (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), as well as celecoxib, diclofenac, indomethacin, meloxicam, and many others;
  • Stomach acid reducers, including esomeprazole as well as omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, Nexium, Prilosec, Protonix, and many more.

Numerous drugs interact with methotrexate. This includes over-the-counter and prescription drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Not all interactions are included in this list. Inform your doctor of your current medications as well as any medications you begin or stop taking.




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