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Drug class: colony-stimulating factors.
Generic name:
sargramostim. [sar-GRA moe-stim]

What is Leukine?

Leukine is a synthetic form of a specific protein that increases the number of white blood cells within your body. Your body uses white blood cells to fight infections.Leukine can be used by adults or children older than 2 years to prevent infection during conditions like leukaemia and bone marrow transplants.Leukine can also be used to reduce the chance of dying from bone marrow depletion after radiation exposure in both adults and infants.


Leukine should not be used within 24 hours of receiving chemotherapy, radiation, or after chemotherapy.Tell your doctor before you start leukaemia if you suffer from fluid retention, especially around the lungs, heart disease, high pressure, congestive cardiac failure, cancer of the bone marrow, seizures, kidney or liver disease, or breathing disorders such as COPD and asthma.If you experience dizziness, nausea, feeling lightheaded or short of breath, or chest pain, tell your healthcare provider immediately.If you experience any serious side effects, such as fever or chills or flu symptoms or mouth sores or easy bleeding or bruising, or if your weight increases rapidly, call your doctor immediately.Leukaemia can increase the risk of other cancers. Your doctor can tell you about the risk that is unique to your situation.

Before you take this drug

Leukine should not be used if allergic reactions to sargramostim or filgrastim are present.It is possible that leukine contains an ingredient that can have serious side effects or even cause death for very young babies or those with low birth weight. Never give this medication to a baby without consulting a doctor.

If you've ever:

  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease;
  • Benzyl alcohol is a common allergen.
  • A buildup of liquid around the lungs

Leukaemia can increase the risk of blood or tumour ncer. Discuss these potential dangers with your physician.This medicine is unknown to cause harm to an unborn child. Inform your doctor of any pregnancy or plans to get pregnant.Breast-feeding is not recommended while taking sargramostim or for 2 weeks following your last dose.

How to take Leukine?

Leukine can be injected into the vein or given by infusion. Your healthcare provider may give you your first dose and teach you to use it properly.Infusions can take as long as 24 hours when injected directly into the vein.Leukine is only prescribed if you are free of any conditions that would make it unsafe for you to use it.Please read and follow all instructions for use that come with your medication. Leukine should not be used if the instructions are unclear. If you still have any questions, ask your pharmacist or doctor.This medicine should not be shaken. Do not prepare your injection until you're ready to administer it. If the colour of your medicine changes or if it contains particles, do not se it. For new medication, call your pharmacist.You will be shown by your care provider the most effective places to inject leukine. Each time, inject in a new place. Don't inject in the same spot twice.The dose is based on the body surface area, which includes height and weight. You may need to adjust your dose if you lose or gain weight or are still growing.Your doctor may want to conduct frequent tests in order to determine the length of treatment you will receive with leukaemia.This medicine should be stored in its original container in the fridge. Don't freeze or shake the bottle. Discard vials (bottles) after using them for 20 days, regardless of whether there are still medicines inside.

Details on dosage

Adult Leukine Dose Typical for Neutropenia Due to Chemotherapy:

If the bone marrow on day 10 is hypoplastic and has less than 5% of blasts, administer 250 mcg/m2/day intravenously over a period of 4 hours starting at or near day 11, or four days after the induction chemotherapy. In the event that a second induction cycle is required, the dose should be administered approximately four days following the end of the chemotherapy. The absolute neutrophil count (ANC) must be greater than 1500 cells/mm3 over 3 consecutive days, or for a maximum 42-day period. Use: Reduce the time required for neutrophil recovery and reduce severe infections that can be life-threatening and infection-related deaths in patients older than 55 years old with acute myelogenous lymphoma (AML). The safety and effectiveness of this drug have not been evaluated in AML patients under 55 years old.

Adult Leukine Dose for Bone Marrow Transplantation—Myeloid Recovery:

When absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) are less than 500/mm3, 250 mcg/m2/day is administered IV every 2 hours, starting 2-4 hours after bone-marrow infusion. This dose should be given at least 24 hours following the last chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
Accelerate myeloid recovery for patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute lymphoblastic lymphoma, and Hodgkin disease who are undergoing an autologous bone-marrow transplant (BMT).
Accelerate myeloid recovery for patients who undergo allogeneic BMT with related HLA-matched donors.

Adult dose of leukine used for bone marrow transplantation—failure or delay in engraftment:

Infuse 250 mcg/m2/day intravenously for 14 consecutive days in a 2-hour period. If engraftment is not achieved, the dose may be repeated seven days later. In the event that engraftment does not occur after the second dose, you can administer a 500 mg/m2/day dose for 14 consecutive days, starting 7 days following the first dose.
Use: To extend the survival time of patients with graft failure or delayed engraftment, whether or not there is infection following an autologous (or allogeneous) bone marrow transplantation.

Adult doses of leukine used for peripheral progenitor cell transplantation:

Subcutaneously or intravenously, 250 mcg/m2/day over 24 hours. Continue to use the same dosage throughout the peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPCs) collection.
Comment: The optimal time for PBPC collection has not yet been determined. In clinical studies, the collection began on day 5 and continued daily until protocol goals were met.
Use: mobilisation and collection of leukapheresis-ready hematopoietic stem cells from peripheral blood.
After progenitor cell infusion, 250 mcg/m2/day is administered intravenously over 24 hours. Or subcutaneously every day until the absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) are greater than 1500 cells/mm3 on 3 consecutive days.
Use: to further accelerate myeloid reconstitution after PBPC transplantation.

What happens if I miss the dose?

If you forget to take a dosage, call your doctor.

What happens if I overdose?

Call 1-800-222-1222 if you suspect poison, or seek immediate medical treatment.Overdose symptoms include nausea, headache, skin rash, or rapid heartbeat.

What should be avoided?

If your doctor prescribes any restrictions on foods, drinks, or activities, follow their instructions.

Side effects of Leukine

If you experience any of the following: itching, difficulty breathing, swelling in your lips, face, throat, tongue, or mouth,You may experience some side effects during the injection. You should tell your doctor if you experience any of the following: nausea, dizziness, sweating, feeling lightheaded, being short of breath, chest tightness, rapid heartbeats, etc.Sargramostim can cause Capillary Leak Syndrome, a serious but rare side effect. If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately: a stuffy or running nose, followed by fatigue, thirst, reduced urination, and difficulty breathing.

If you experience:

  • Feeling short of breath when lying down or experiencing pain while breathing
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Fast or slow heartbeats
  • Pain or burning after urinating;
  • Easy bruising or bleeding; purple or red patches under the skin
  • High blood pressure, headaches, blurred vision, or pounding in the neck or ears anxiety or a nosebleed
  • Liver problems: loss of appetite, stomach pain (upper right side), tiredness, itching, dark urine, Clay-coloured Stools, Jaundice: yellowing of the skin or eye.

If you experience certain side effects, your leukine dosages could be adjusted or discontinued permanently.

Leukine symptoms include the following:

  • Swelling and breathing problems
  • Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea;
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss
  • Urination issues;
  • Fever, weakness, and feeling unwell
  • Mouth sores;
  • High blood pressure causes headaches.
  • Numbness, tingling, rash, itching;
  • Hair loss;
  • Abnormal blood tests

There may be other side effects. Call your physician if experiencing adverse side effects and report it by calling the FDA's Hotline: 1-800-FDA-1088 for advice or reporting side effects.

Interaction with other drug

Use leukine only 24 hours prior to receiving chemotherapy, radiation, or both. Do not take leukine for 24 hours following chemotherapy.Interactions with other drugs, such as vitamins and herbal remedies, may occur. Inform your doctor of all the medicines you are taking and those that you stop or start using.