What is Lacosamide (oral/injection)?
Lacosamide can be used to treat partial-onset seizures that occur in children and adults older than 4 years.Lacosamide can also be used to treat primary tonic-clonic seizures among people aged at least four years.Lacosamide can be used in other ways not mentioned in this guide.
Side effects of Lacosamide (oral/injection)
If you experience symptoms indicative of an allergic reaction, seek medical assistance immediately: hives, difficulty breathing and swelling in lips, face, tongue or throat.Seek immediate medical attention if you experience a severe drug reaction.You should tell your doctor if any symptoms worsen or change, including mood or behavioural changes, depressive disorder, anxiety, or panic attacks. Also, you may have trouble sleeping or feel impulsive or hyperactive, restless (mentally or physically), hostile, or aggressive.
Lacosamide can cause serious side effects. If you experience:
- Feeling lightheaded? Are You at Risk of Passing Out
- Severe dizziness;
- Problems with muscle or balance movement
- Chest pain, shortness of breath
- Fast or pounding heartbeats
- Very slow heartbeats
- Dark urine
Lacosamide can cause the following side effects:
- Headache, dizziness;
- Drowsiness;
- Double vision
- Nausea.
There may be other side effects. Call your physician immediately if experiencing side effects; for any reports related to adverse events call the FDA directly on 1-800-FDA-1088.
Similar/related drugs
Sympazan, gabapentin, clonazepam, pregabalin, lamotrigine, diazepam, and Lyrica
If you suddenly stop taking lacosamide, your seizures may increase.Lacosamide can cause suicidal thoughts in some people. Be alert if you notice any changes in your mood or symptoms. Inform your doctor if you experience any new symptoms or if they worsen.Lacosamide can make you feel dizzy. If you experience rapid or pounding pulses, shortness of breath, or sudden dizziness, call your doctor immediately.
Before you take this drug
If you have an allergy to lacosamide, then it is best not to use it.
Notify your doctor immediately of any of the following issues:
- Heart problems
- Kidney disease
- liver disease
- Depression is a mental disorder that can lead to suicidal feelings or thoughts.
- Drug or alcohol abuse;
- Diabetes can cause nerve damage.
Lacosamide, an orally administered solution, can contain phenylalanine. Tell your doctor if phenylketonuria is present.Lacosamide may lead to suicidal thoughts in some individuals taking this drug. You will be required to visit your doctor regularly in order for him or her to monitor your progress. You or your family members should be aware of any changes in mood or symptoms.Don't start or stop taking seizure medications during pregnancy without consulting your doctor. A seizure could be harmful to both mother and child. Inform your doctor immediately if you fall pregnant.You may find your name on a registry for pregnant women to track the effects lacosamide has on the child.Lacosamide can cause problems with breastfeeding. You should ask your doctor if there are any risks.Lacosamide should not be used by children under 4 years of age.
How to take Lacosamide (oral/injection)?
Follow all instructions or guides included with your medication and follow their directions exactly.Sometimes, your doctor will change the dose. You must take the medication exactly as prescribed.Lacosamide is taken orally. Lacosamide is injected into the vein. If you cannot take the medicine orally, a healthcare provider can give you an injection.Lacosamide dosages for children are determined by weight. If your child loses or gains weight, the dose needed by your child may change.Lacosamide can be addictive. Misuse of the drug can lead to addiction, overdose, or death. Store it in a safe place that others cannot reach. Selling or giving away this medication is illegal.Lacosamide oral solution or tablets can be taken either with or without food.Do not chew or crush the tablet.Measure the oral solution with care. Use the provided dosing syringe or a dose-measuring tool (not a spoon).If your seizures worsen or occur more frequently while taking lacosamide, call your doctor.Even if you are feeling fine, do not suddenly stop taking lacosamide. Sudden stopping may increase seizures. Follow your doctor's recommendations about decreasing your dosage.Wear or carry identification that identifies you as someone who uses seizure medications in case of an emergency.Keep away from heat and moisture at room temperature. Lacosamide liquid should not be frozen. Oral solutions that have not been used in 7 weeks should be thrown away.Track your medication. Be aware of anyone who is misusing your medicine or using it without a valid prescription.
What happens if I miss the dose?
If you are almost due for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Never take two doses of the same medicine at once.
What happens if I overdose?
Call 1-800-222-1222 immediately if you suspect poisoning and seek immediate medical care.
What should be avoided?
Lacosamide can affect your reaction to driving and other hazardous activities. You may be unable to react.
Interaction with other drug
Notify your doctor of any medications taken outside of those listed here, such as:
- Heart or blood pressure medications
This list is incomplete. Lacosamide may be affected by other drugs, such as vitamins and herbal products. This list does not include all drug interactions.