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Generic Name: Dexlansoprazole [DEX-lan-SOE-pra-zol].
Drug Class: Proton pump inhibitors.

What is Kapidex?

Kapidex reduces the amount of acid that is produced by the stomach. Kapidex can be used to treat heartburn that is caused by gastroesophageal resuscitation disease (GERD) and also to treat erosive esophagitis (damage of the esophagus caused by acid in the stomach). Kapidex could also be used for different uses that are not mentioned in this guideline.

Kapidex is a brand name. Kapidex brand name is removed across the U.S. If there are generic versions of this drug that were approved by the FDA, there may be alternatives that are generic.


Before you take Kapidex, consult your physician about any allergies you may have to any drug or if you have liver disease. It is possible that you require an adjustment in dosage or other tests to ensure you are safe taking Kapidex. Use this medication for the time recommended by your doctor. The symptoms could improve before your treatment is complete. In dealing with heartburn, Kapidex typically lasts for a period of 4 weeks. In order to heal erosive esophagitis as best as possible, it is possible to take this medication for a number of months. Follow the directions of your doctor. Heartburn may be mistaken for the early signs of a heart attack. Get medical attention immediately in the event of chest pain, a heavy feeling of dizziness, pain that spreads across the shoulder or arm, sweating, nausea, vomiting, or a general feeling of ill-being.

Before you take this drug

It is not recommended to use Kapidex when you have an allergy to dexlansoprazole. Before you take Kapidex, inform your physician if you're allergic to any medication or have liver disease. There may be a need for an adjustment in dosage or other tests to ensure you are safe taking Kapidex.

FDA pregnancy category A Kapidex is not expected to harm the unborn baby. Consult your physician if you are expecting or planning to become pregnant while taking treatment. It isn't known if dexlansoprazole can be found in the breast milk of a nursing baby or whether it can harm the nursing infant. Don't take this medication without consulting your physician when you breastfeed babies.

How to take Kapidex?

Use Kapidex exactly as prescribed. Don't take the medicine in large amounts or for longer than suggested by your physician. Follow the instructions on the prescription label. Drink each dose using an entire glass (8 ounces) of water. Kapidex is a drug that can be used in combination with food or not. Don't crush or break a delayed-release capsule. Take the capsule whole. It's designed to release medication slowly into the body. The pill is not opened or broken. will cause too much of the drug to release all at once. If you're unable to swallow a delayed-release capsule in its entirety, open the capsule, then sprinkle the medicine onto one spoonful of applesauce. Take this liquid immediately without chewing. Do not store the mixture to use at a later time. The empty capsule should be discarded. It is essential to take Kapidex frequently to reap the greatest benefits. Refill your prescription prior to the time you are out of medicine completely.

Use these medications for the full period as prescribed by your doctor. The symptoms might improve after your treatment has been completed. In dealing with heartburn, Kapidex typically lasts for four weeks. To get the most effective treatment for erosive esophagitis, it is possible to take Kapidex for a few months. Follow your doctor's recommendations. Keep this medication in a cool, dry place at a temperature that is free of heat and humidity.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Do not miss the missed dose as quickly as you can remember. If it's getting close to your next dose, avoid the missed dose and take the medication at the regular time. Do not take additional medicine to make up for the missed dose.

What happens if I overdose?

Contact emergency medical assistance. If you believe you've consumed excessive amounts of this medication. A dose too high of Kapidex isn't likely to cause life-threatening effects.

What should be avoided?

Follow your doctor's advice regarding any foods, drinks, or activities when you're using Kapidex.

Side effects of Kapidex

Seek medical attention immediately in the event that you exhibit any of the following signs of an allergic reaction allergic to Kapidex: hives, trouble breathing, or swelling of your lips, face, or tongue. Get your doctor's attention immediately when you experience a severe adverse reaction, such as:

  • Chest pain; fast or pounding heartbeats.
  • Severe stomach pain.
  • Heartburn that is getting worse.

Not as serious as Kapidex side effects can be:

  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, gas.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nasal congestion, sneezing, or other symptoms of a cold.

This isn't an exhaustive list of possible side effects, and others could happen. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with other drugs

Before you start taking Kapidex, inform your doctor that you are taking any of these drugs:

  • Ampicillin (Omnipen, Principen).
  • Atazanavir (Reyataz).
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix).
  • Digoxin (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps).
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral).
  • A blood thinner like warfarin (Coumadin).
  • Iron (Feosol iron, Mol-Iron Fergon, Femiron, others).

This list isn't complete, and there could be additional medications that are incompatible with Kapidex. Inform your doctor about every prescription and nonprescription medicine you take. This includes minerals, vitamins, or herbal supplements, as well as medicines prescribed by other doctors. Don't begin using any new medication without first talking to your physician.