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Generic name: hydromorphone (oral) (oral) HYE-droeMOR’fone
The brand name is Dilaudid.
Dosage formats: oral liquid (1 mg/mL) oral tablet (2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg) or oral tablet extended release (12 mg, 16 mg, 32 mg, 8 mg)
Drug class: opiates (narcotic analgesics)

What is a Hydromorphone?

Hydromorphone is an opioid medicine that is used to treat moderate to severe discomfort.

Hydromorphone with extended release is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. It is not to be used as needed for pain.Hydromorphone can also be employed for other purposes that are not covered in this guideline.

Side effects of Hydromorphone

Contact a medical professional immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that are warning signs of an allergic reaction, such as asthma, hives, or swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,Opioid medication can reduce or stop your breathing and even cause death. Anyone who cares for you must seek urgent medical attention if you experience a breath that is slow, with long pauses and blue lips, or if it is difficult to get up.

Hydromorphone could cause serious adverse side effects. Consult your physician immediately if you suffer from:

  • Loud breathing, sighing breath that is shallow, and breath that stops when you sleep;
  • A low heart rate or a weak pulse
  • Disorientation, extreme sadness, or happiness;
  • Extreme weakness or excessive weakness,
  • A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you're passing out;
  • Low levels of cortisol: low cortisol levels cause nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. fatigue, dizziness that gets worse, or weakness.

Take immediate medical attention if you are experiencing signs that suggest serotonin syndrome, which include hallucinations, agitation, sweating, chills, shivering, rapid heart rate, muscle stiffness, or twitching. You may also experience loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Risky side effects are more common in older people and those who are undernourished or weak.

The long-term use of opioids could impact fertility (the ability to have children) for women or men. It is unclear if the effects of opioids on fertility are permanent.

Common adverse effects of hydromorphone could include:

  • Drowsiness, tiredness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache
  • Constipation, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

This isn't an exhaustive listing of all possible adverse consequences, but other effects might occur. See your physician to get medical advice about adverse effects. It is possible to report any symptoms to the FDA by dialing 1-800-FDA-1088.


The misuse of opioids can lead to addiction, overdose, or even death. Keep the medication in a location where other people are unable to access it.Opioid medicine taken during pregnancy could trigger withdrawal symptoms that could be life-threatening for the baby.

The risk of fatal side effects could occur when you mix opioids in conjunction with alcohol or other substances that cause drowsiness or a slowing of breathing.

Before you Take this Drug

It is not recommended to take hydromorphone if you have ever experienced any allergic reactions to hydromorphone or other narcotic medications or:

  • Extremely severe asthma or breathing issues;
  • A blockage in your stomach, intestines,
  • It is an obstruction of the bowel known as an ileus paralytic.

Don't use hydromorphone if you've used an MAO inhibitor within the last 14 days. A potentially dangerous interaction between drugs could occur. MAO inhibitors are isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue injection, rasagiline, phenelzine, and tranylcypromine, among others.

Inform your doctor if you ever had:

  • A head injury, brain tumor, or seizures;
  • Breathing issues, sleep apnea;
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental illness
  • Problems with urination;
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • A sulfite allergy;
  • Issues with your gallbladder, pancreas, or thyroid.

If you take opioids when you are expecting, your child could develop a dependence on the medication. This can cause withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening for the infant after it is born. Babies born dependent on opioids may need medical treatment for several weeks.

Do not breastfeed. Hydromorphone can pass into breast milk and cause breathing issues or drowsiness in a nursing infant.

How to Take a Hydromorphone?

Follow the instructions on the prescription label and review all medication manuals. Do not take hydromorphone in greater quantities or for a longer period than prescribed. Inform your doctor if you notice an increase in your desire to take more medication.

Do not share your opioid medication with anyone, especially those who have a history of dependence or abuse. Misusing the medicine can result in addiction or even death. Make sure the medication is kept in a location where other people can't access it. Offering or selling opioids is against the law.Stop taking any other opioid pain medication once you start taking hydromorphone.

Suck the tablet or capsule completely to prevent exposure to a fatal overdose. Don't crush, chew, break, split, open, or dissolve.

Take care when measuring liquid medicines. Make use of the dosing syringe supplied or a dose-measuring device (not the kitchen spoon).Don't stop taking hydromorphone abruptly; otherwise, you might experience uncomfortable withdrawal effects. Discuss with your physician how you can completely stop taking hydromorphone.Do not crush or break the pill of hydromorphone to breathe the powder or mix it with liquid for injection of this drug in your vein. It could cause the death of a person.

Keep at room temperature, free of heat, moisture, and light. Discard any liquid that is not used within 90 days.Make sure you keep track of your medication. It is important to be aware if someone is taking it incorrectly or without a prescription.

Don't keep any leftover medication for opioids. One dose could cause death if someone is taking the medication in error or incorrectly. Ask your pharmacist where you can find a drug recycling program for takeback. If there's no taking-back system, then flush any unneeded medicine into the toilet.

What Happens if I Miss the Dose?

Since hydromorphone can be used to treat pain, you're less likely to skip a dose. Avoid any dose missed when it's time for the next dose. Don't take two doses at once.

What Happens If I Overdose?

Get medical attention immediately, contact emergency medical assistance, or dial the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. An overdose of hydromorphone is fatal, especially for children or any other user of the drug without a prescription. Overdose symptoms may include a slow heartbeat and severe drowsiness. It could also cause weak muscles, chills, cold skin, swollen pupils, extremely difficult breathing, or even a coma.

What Should be Avoided?

Avoid drinking alcohol. Dangerous side effects or even death could happen.

Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you understand how hydromorphone affects you. Drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion can cause accidents, falls, or serious injuries.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Opioid medicine can interact with other drugs, causing serious side effects or even death. Be sure your doctor is aware if you take:

  • Other narcotic drugs, like pain medicine with opioids and prescription cough medicine;
  • A sedative, such as Valium-diazepam, alprazolam, and lorazepam; Xanax; Klonopin; Versed; and more;
  • Medications that cause you to be sleepy or reduce your breathing—a sleep pill or muscle relaxer; medications to treat mental illnesses;
  • Medications that alter the levels of serotonin in your body. They can be stimulants or medications used to treat depression, Parkinson's disease, migraine headaches, severe infections, vomiting, and nausea.

This list isn't complete. Other medications may interact with hydromorphone. This includes medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Not all interactions are included in this list.