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Name of the generic: Fluticasone inhalation (floo-TIK-aZ-e)
The brand names are: Flovent Diskus, Flovent HFA.
The class of drug: Inhaled corticosteroids

What is Flovent?

The drug Flovent is a corticosteroid. It stops the release of chemicals in the body that trigger inflammation. The drug Flovent helps prevent the occurrence of asthma attacks. It is not used to help with an attack of asthma that has already started. Flovent can be used in conjunction with steroid medication to be taken by mouth. The medicine is recommended for adults and children who are at least 4 years old.


The Flovent brand is not an asthma treatment that can be used to treat attacks. Seek medical attention in the event that your breathing problems become worse in a short period of time or you believe the asthma medication you are taking is not functioning equally. You shouldn't use the Flovent inhalation product if you are sensitive to milk protein.

Before taking this drug

You shouldn't use Flovent if you are sensitive to fluticasone. Avoid using Diskus Flovent if you are sensitive to milk protein. Don't make use of this medication to treat an asthma attack that has already started. To ensure this medication is suitable for you, inform your doctor if you've previously had:

  • Any type of disease (bacterial or viral or fungal);

  • Glaucoma or cataracts

  • An infection that is caused by parasites (such as malaria, giardia, and leishmaniasis), hookworm, pinworm, toxoplasmosis, and many more);

  • Tuberculosis;

  • Eye herpes infection;

  • Liver disease;

  • Low bone mineral density,

  • A weak immune system.

The long-term use of steroids can cause the loss of bone (osteoporosis), particularly in the event that you smoke, don't exercise, don't receive enough calcium or vitamin D within your daily diet, or have an ancestral background of osteoporosis. Discuss with your physician regarding your risks. Consult your physician if you are expecting. It isn't known if fluticasone could harm an unborn baby. Untreated or uncontrolled asthma in pregnancy can result in complications like preterm birth and eclampsia (dangerous hypertension that could cause medical issues for both the mother and baby). The advantages of treating asthma could outweigh any risk for the child. It is not recommended to breastfeed while taking fluticasone inhalation. Talk to your doctor about any risks. Flovent is not a prescription drug for use by children younger than four years old.

How to take Flovent?

Utilise Flovent exactly as directed by your physician. Follow the directions on the prescription label. Do not take this medication in greater or lesser quantities or for longer periods than the recommended time. It is not "resuscitation" medicine. It is not fast enough to treat asthma attacks. Only use rapid-action inhalation medication to treat the symptoms of asthma. Get medical attention if you notice that your breathing issues get worse quickly or if you suspect that your asthma medication is not effective enough. Take note of all patient information, such as medication guides and instruction sheets, that you receive. Consult your physician or pharmacist if you have any concerns.

The dose you take may be altered depending on whether you are undergoing surgery, sick, under stress, or have recently experienced an asthma attack. Do not alter the dosage of your medication or stop taking Flovent without consulting your physician. Flovent HFA aerosol is a form of fluticasone that can be found in an inhaler. The device produces the spray, which you inhale through your mouth and then into your lung. Your pharmacist or doctor will show you how to use an inhaler. Flovent Diskus can be described as a powdered form of fluticasone. It is available with an inhaler that is packed with blister packs that contain doses of fluticasone that are measured. The device is opened and loaded with the blister of fluticasone every time you take the inhaler. The disc device cannot be used in conjunction with an air spacer. Follow the instructions for patients on your medication. Do not let a small child take this medicine without assistance from an adult. To decrease the risk of getting a yeast infection in your mouth, wash your mouth with water (but avoid swallowing) after taking this medication. Be sure to pay attention to your oral hygiene. Fluticasone can lead to cavities and tooth discoloration. doctor's instructions regarding tapering the dose. It is possible to resume the oral steroid medication in the event of stress, asthma, or another medical emergency. Wear an alert medical tag or carry an ID card that states the possibility of needing an oral steroid during an emergency. Get medical attention. If you believe that one of your asthma medications is not performing in the same way as it normally does, Your doctor should monitor your progress while you're taking Flovent. Vision may also require being inspected regularly. Consult your physician if your symptoms don't improve after two weeks of treatment or if they worsen. If you have an oximeter that you use at home, consult your physician in case your results are lower than usual. It is not advisable to stop taking Flovent abruptly. The sudden stoppage of Flovent could cause your condition to get worse. Keep at room temperature, free of light, moisture, and extreme heat.

Keep the powder in the pouch, unopened, until you are ready to use it. Discard any medicine that is not used for six days (50 mcg concentration) or for two months (100 250 mcg strengths) when you open the pouch, or after the time when the inhaler device reads "0", whichever comes first. The inhaler cannot be reused. Do not try to disassemble the inhaler.

The Flovent canister is in its mouthpiece. Make sure the canister is out of direct flames or extreme heat, for example, in the car during a hot summer day.If it becomes overheated, the canister could rupture and explode. Avoid burning or puncturing an empty inhaler bottle.

What happens If I miss a dose?

Don't miss the missed dose, and apply the medicine when you are scheduled for your next appointment. Don't use any extra medicine to replace the missed dose.

What happens If I overdose?

In case of medical emergencies, seek immediate medical care or call the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222.

Fluticasone overdoses are not likely to cause dangerous symptoms. Long-term exposure to an inhaled steroid could cause cataracts, glaucoma, and thin skin, as well as modifications in the body's fat (especially around your neck, face, back, hips, and waist), more facial hair, acne, menstrual disorders, and impotence. It can also cause a loss of interest in sexuality.

What should be avoided??

Beware of being around those who are ill or suffer from illnesses. Contact your doctor for treatment to prevent infection when you've been exposed to measles or chickenpox. These illnesses can be severe and even fatal for those who take steroid medication.

Side effects of Flovent

Contact a medical professional immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that indicate you are experiencing an allergic reaction, Flovent: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your lips, face, or tongue.

Contact your doctor immediately. If you suffer from:

  • Feeling tired, having weak nausea, vomiting, and feeling like you could faint;

  • Wheezing, choking, or any other breathing problems following taking this medication;

  • Blurred vision blurred vision, pain in the eyes, or seeing halos of light sources;

  • The severity of your asthma symptoms

  • Vessels with fever or stomach pain, cough, losing weight, skin eruption, intense numbness, tingling chest pain.

  • Fluticasone may affect the growth of children. Consult your physician if your child isn't growing as normal when taking this medication.

Common Flovent side effects could include:

  • Itchy nose, sneezing, dry throat, and sinuses

  • Cough, low fever, wheezing, chest tightness

  • A voice that is slurred or loud;

  • White patches or sores in your mouth or on your lips.

  • Headache;

  • Nausea, vomiting, and an upset stomach

This list does not constitute an exhaustive list of potential side effects; others could arise. Please consult your physician if experiencing adverse effects and report them immediately to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interactions with other drugs

Sometimes taking multiple medicines at the same time is not recommended.Certain medications can alter the blood levels and the other medications you are taking, which could cause more side effects or make the drugs less effective.

Inform your doctor about all the medicines you are currently taking and any new medications you begin or stop taking, particularly:

  • An antibiotic

  • Antifungal medicine;

  • Antiviral medication to treat HIV or AIDS.

  • Steroid medicine.

This list is not comprehensive. Other drugs can interact with fluticasone. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines such as vitamins and herbal products. The interactions of all potential types aren't included in this guideline for medications.