What is Ethyol?
Ethyol can be used to reduce the side effects of certain cancer chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatments.When given to patients who have ovarian carcinoma, ethyol protects the kidneys against the harmful effects of cisplatin.Ethyol can also be used to treat dry mouth that is caused by head and neck radiation treatments, as they may affect the glands.Ethyol does not protect against all the side effects that chemotherapy drugs can cause. Ethyol can protect you from the side effects of chemotherapy.This medication guide does not list all possible uses of ethyol.
Side effects of Ethyol
If you experience symptoms of an allergy (hives), a skin reaction that is severe (fever or sore throat with burning eyes, severe pain in the skin, or a red, purple, or blistering skin rash), seek emergency medical attention.If you experience a severe drug reaction, which can cause symptoms in many different parts of the body, seek medical attention. The symptoms may be a skin rash or hives, a high fever, swelling of the glands, influenza-like symptoms, or muscle pains. They can also include unusual bruises or yellowing in your eyes or skin. The reaction can occur up to several weeks after starting Ethyol.
If you:
- Severe or persistent nausea
- A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you could pass out.
- Weak or shallow breathing
- Chest pain that is fast or slow in heart rate
- A seizure;
- Redness, blisters, or a rash on your palms or soles
Ethyol can cause a number of side effects.
- Nausea, vomiting;
- Flushing (warmth or redness);
- Fever, chills and an overall sense of unwellness.
- Rash;
- Dizziness, drowsiness;
- Hiccups, sneezing;
- Double vision, or blurred vision, is another name for this phenomenon.
- Pain, itching, redness, or swelling near the iv needle
There may be other side effects. For medical advice on side effects, call your doctor. Please report side effects by contacting the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
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Do not take blood pressure medications within 24 hours of receiving ethyol.
Before you take this drug
If you have an allergy to ethyl,
- You are dehydrated;
- You have taken a blood pressure medicine in the last 24 hours.
Ethyol must be taken at least 24 hours before any other blood pressure medications are stopped. Speak to your doctor about your concerns if you plan on stopping blood pressure medications for only a few days.
Tell your doctor about any of the following to ensure that ethyol will be safe for you:
- Kidney disease
- Low blood pressure
- High blood pressure
- Low levels of calcium (hypocalcemia) in the blood
- Heart diseases, or prior to a heart attack
- A stroke (including "mini-stroke").
Ethyol is known to cause harm to an unborn child. Inform your doctor immediately if you plan to get pregnant.Amifostine does not pass into the breast milk. It is unknown if this could cause harm to a baby who was nursing. This medicine should not be taken while breastfeeding.
How to take Ethyl?
Ethyol can be injected through an IV into the vein. This injection will be given by a healthcare professional.Ethyol should be given 15–30 minutes prior to the beginning of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.Drink extra fluids prior to taking Ethyol. You should follow your doctor's advice.Other medications may be prescribed to treat nausea and vomiting when you receive Ethyol.Your blood pressure is closely monitored while receiving ethyol to ensure that it does not cause any harmful side effects.Your caregivers may continue to monitor your blood pressure a few hours after the infusion if you have stopped taking your blood-pressure medicine.You may be asked by your doctor to take calcium supplements while receiving ethyl. Only take the recommended amount of calcium.
What happens if I miss the dose?
If you are unable to attend your appointment for chemotherapy or radiotherapy, call your doctor.
What happens if I overdose?
Call 1-800-222-1222 for poison help or seek immediate medical attention.
What should be avoided?
Do not take blood pressure medications within 24 hours of receiving ethyol.You may become dizzy if you get up quickly from a seated or lying position following your ethyol injection. To avoid falling, get up slowly.
Interaction with other drug
If you take any medication that lowers your blood pressure, it may have dangerous side effects.
Inform your doctor of all the medicines you are currently taking and those that you will stop or start using.
- Antidepressants are a type of medication.
- Heart or blood pressure medications;
- Medicine for erectile dysfunction;
- Medicine to treat Parkinson’s disease
- Opioid (narcotic) medications
The list below is not exhaustive. Amifostine may also interact with other drugs, such as prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal products. This medication guide does not list all interactions.