What are Atazanavir and cobicistat?
Atazanavir, along with cobicistat, is a combination medication combined with other antiviral drugs in order to cure the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in adults. HIV is the most common virus that causes an acquired immunodeficiency disorder (AIDS). Cobicistat and atazanavir are not effective treatments to treat HIV and AIDS.Atazanavir and cobicistat are recommended for adults and young children who weigh at least 77 pounds (35 kilograms).Atazanavir and cobicistat can also be used for reasons that are not mentioned in this guide.
Side effects of Atazanavir and cobicistat
Contact a medical professional immediately. Get medical attention immediately if you notice symptoms or warning signs of an allergic response, such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of your lips, face, or tongue.
Atazanavir and cobicistat could result in serious side effects. Should you experience:
- Severe dizziness, irregular heartbeats;
- Blood sugar levels are high—increased thirst, more frequent urine production, dry mouth, fruity breath odor
- Issues with gallbladders or liver-upper abdomen pain nausea, vomiting, itching, dark stools, clay-colored urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin);
- An extreme skin reaction severe skin reaction: an extreme skin reaction, such as fever, flu-like symptoms, mouth sores, muscles or joint discomfort and swelling of your face, eye burning, irritation and blisters, warmth, irritation under your skin;
- Indications of kidney stones—pain in your lower back, pain or difficult urination, bloody stains within your urine
It is possible to discontinue taking the medication for a long time if you experience an extreme skin reaction.Atazanavir and cobicistat can affect the immune system, which could cause some adverse reactions (even months or even weeks after you've taken the medicine).
Inform your doctor whether you suffer from:
- Indications of a new infection: fever, night sweats, swelling glands, and cold sores coughing, wheezing, diarrhea, weight loss
- Difficulties swallowing or speaking; difficulties with balance; weak or prickly sensation; trouble swallowing; balance or eye movement problems;
- Swelling in your throat or neck (enlarged thyroid) menstrual fluctuations, impotence
Common adverse consequences of atazanavir and cobicistat could include:
- Rash;
- Jaundice;
- Change in the form or position of your body fat (especially on your legs, arms, face, and neck), the breasts, your waist, and your neck).
This list does not represent all possible adverse reactions; additional issues could occur. Please seek medical advice regarding adverse effects; furthermore, report them directly to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 if applicable.
Similar or related drugs
Biktarvy, Descovy, Truvada, Tenofovir, Atripla, Complera, and Stribild
Inform your doctor about the medicines you are currently taking as well as any new medications you decide to start or stop taking. Certain drugs may be incompatible with atazanavir and cobicistat. Some medicines should not be taken in conjunction with each other.
Prior to using this drug
You shouldn't use atazanavir or cobicistat if you are allergic to them.A variety of drugs interact and create dangerous adverse effects. Certain medications shouldn't be used with cobicistat or atazanavir.
Your doctor might alter your treatment regimen in the event that you also take:
- Alfuzosin;
- Cisapride;
- Colchicine;
- Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol (birth control pills);
- Irinotecan;
- Oral midazolam, triazolam;
- Pimozide;
- Rifampin;
- Sildenafil (revatio is used to treat hypertension in the pulmonary artery);
- John's wort;
- Antipsychotic medicine—lurasidone, pimozide;
- Cholesterol-lowering medicine: lomitapide, lovastatin, and simvastatin;
- Ergot medicine: dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, and methylergonovine;
- Heart medication—dronedarone, ranolazine;
- Hepatitis c antivirals: elbasvir and pibrentasvir, grazoprevir, and glecaprevir;
- Other hiv medicines—indinavir, nevirapine,
- Seizure medicine: carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and phenytoin.
Inform your physician immediately if you have ever experienced:
- Coronary disease;
- Liver disease (especially hepatitis b or c);
- Hemophilia or another bleeding or blood clotting disorder;
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease (or kidney disease if you're taking dialysis).
Do not accept the event that you are expecting. Atazanavir and cobicistat might not work as well in the course of pregnancy. There is also a chance of developing an extremely serious condition known as lactic acidosis when you use cobicistat and atazanavir along with other HIV drugs during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor immediately if you find yourself pregnant. Your doctor may suggest switching medications.Make sure you are taking your medication correctly to prevent an infection. HIV is a risk to your child in the event that the virus isn't managed during pregnancy. Your name might be recorded in a registry that tracks any adverse effects of antiviral medications on the infant.Atazanavir and cobicistat may make hormone-based contraceptives more ineffective, which include birth control pills, injectable implants, skin patches, and vaginal rings. To avoid pregnancy when taking atazanavir or cobicistat, utilize a barrier type of birth control like a condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, or contraceptive sponge.Women who have HIV or AIDS shouldn't feed their babies. Even if the baby is born with no HIV, it is possible that the virus will be transmitted to the child through breast milk.
How do I take Atazanavir and cobicistat?
Follow the instructions on your prescription label, and review all medication guides and instructions sheets. Follow the medication precisely as directed.Atazanavir and cobicistat are taken in conjunction with other antiviral medicines as well as not taken on their own. There are, however, certain antiviral medications that you shouldn't use with cobicistat and atazanavir. Be sure to follow your doctor's prescription and dosage instructions carefully.Use this medicine in conjunction with food.You'll require frequent medical examinations.Utilize all HIV medicines as directed. Take note of all medication guidelines you are given. Don't alter your dosage or stop taking a medication without consulting your physician. Everyone suffering from HIV must remain under the supervision of a physician.Keep the container in its original container at room temperature and away from heat and moisture. The bottle should be kept tightly shut when not being used.
Info on dosage
Usual Adult Dose for HIV Infection:
1 tablet taken orally every day along with food
Therapy-experienced and therapy-naive patients
The number of resistance-related primary protease inhibitor substitutions is a good indicator for therapy-experienced patients.
Utilizing this drug during pregnancy leads to substantially lower exposures to cobicistat (and consequently lower exposures to atazanavir) in the third and second trimesters. This medication is not recommended for use during pregnancy and should not be initiated for pregnant women; an alternative treatment is suggested for patients who are pregnant while using this drug.
Use: When combined with other antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV-1 infection
Usual Pediatric Dose for HIV Infection:
At least 35kg: 1 tablet taken orally, at least once a day, in conjunction with food
For patients who are therapy-experienced and not therapy-naive.
The number of resistant primary protease inhibitor mutations is a good indicator for therapy-experienced patients.
The use of this medication during pregnancy results in substantially lower exposures to cobicistat (and therefore lower exposures to atazanavir) in the third and second trimesters. This drug is not suggested to be used during pregnancy, as it should never be initiated for pregnant women; an alternative regimen is suggested for women who become pregnant while taking this drug.
Use: In conjunction with other antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV-1 infection
What happens if I miss the dose?
As soon as possible, take your medication.However, avoid your missed dosage if it's nearing the time to take the next dose.Do not take two doses at the same time.Make sure you refill your prescription before you run out of medication completely. Inadequate doses can increase the likelihood of your virus becoming resistant to treatment.
What happens if I overdose?
Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222.
Aviod this
The use of cobicistat and atazanavir cannot stop your condition from spreading. Don't engage in sexual activity that is not protected or share toothbrushes and razors. Discuss with your physician ways to protect yourself from HIV transmission during sexual contact. Sharing needles with medicine or drugs is not safe, even for a healthy individual.
Interaction with other drug
Certain medicines may make atazanavir and cobicistat less effective when they are taken simultaneously. If you are taking any of these medicines, you should take them separately from the doses of cobicistat and atazanavir.
- Antacids: Cobicistat and atazanavir should be taken for at least 2 hours prior to or two hours after taking the antacid.
- Coated with enteric didanosine Dosage: Take your dose of cobicistat and atazanavir in the morning, with a meal 2 hours prior or one hour after you have taken didanosine.
- Medicines to decrease stomach acid (such as Cimetidine or Ranitidine, Tagamet, Pepcid, or Zantac): You can either take the medications at the same time, or you can take atazanavir and cobicistat at least 10 hours after taking the stomach medication.
- Proton pump inhibitors (such as Omeprazole or Esomeprazole Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, or Protonix): You should take your cobicistat and atazanavir doses within 12 hours of having taken the other medication.
Other medications can also influence cobicistat and atazanavir, and certain drugs shouldn't be taken simultaneously. Discuss with your doctor your current medications as well as any medications you are about to start or stop taking. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications, vitamins, and herbs. The interactions between these products are not included in this list.