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Act covid-19 antibody test prescribing information

Product insert or package label
Generic name: accelerated COVID-19 antibody test
Dosage in the form of a kit

What is the COVID-19 antibody test?

Lidocaine 2.5 percent and prilocaine 2.5% cream the usp emulsion, where the oil phase is an eutectic mix consisting of lidocaine as well as prilocaine in an amount of 1:1 by weight. The mixture is eutectic and has a melting temperature below that of room temperature. This means the two local anesthetics are an oil that is liquid instead of crystals. The product is sold in 5-gram bags.

Lidocaine is chemically designated as acetamide, 2-(diethylamino)-n-(2,6-dimethyl phenyl), has an octanol: water partition ratio of 43 at ph 7.4, and has the following structure:

Mechanism of effect: lidocaine and prilocaine creams applied to the intact skin under an occlusive dressing give dermal pain relief through itching of the lidocaine as well as prilocaine from the cream into the dermal and epidermal layers of skin. This is followed by the accumulation of lidocaine as well as prilocaine near dermal pain receptors as well as nerve endpoints. Lidocaine and prilocaine are both amide-type local anesthetics. Both prilocaine and lidocaine stabilize neuronal membranes by blocking the ionic flows that are essential for the start-up and transmission of impulses, which results in local anesthetic effects.


Lidocaine and prilocaine cream applied over larger areas or for longer durations than the recommended durations could lead to an increase in the absorption of prilocaine and lidocaine and cause severe adverse side effects (see individualization of dose).

Patients taking class iii antiarrhythmic medications (e.g., amiodarone dofetilide, bretylium, and sotalol) are advised to be under constant observation, and ECG monitors are considered as heart effects can be synergistic.

Research conducted on laboratory creatures (guinea pigs) has proven that prilocaine and lidocaine cream produce an ototoxic reaction after installation into the middle of the ear. Similar studies have shown that those exposed to lidocaine as well as prilocaine cream just in the external auditory canal did not show any abnormalities. Lidocaine and prilocaine creams are not recommended for use in any clinical setting if the spread of their effects beyond the tympanic barrier into the middle ear is possible.


Methemoglobinemia cases have been identified in conjunction with the use of local anesthetics. While everyone is susceptible to methemoglobinemia, people with a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defect, congenital or idiopathic methemoglobinemia, and pulmonary or cardiac compromise in babies under six months old, as well as concurrent exposure to oxidizing agents and their metabolites, are more likely to develop clinical manifestations of the disorder. If local anesthetics have to be utilized in these individuals, constant monitoring of symptoms of methemoglobinemia is suggested.

Methemoglobinemia symptoms can occur at any time or up to a couple of hours after exposure and may be identified by yellowish skin color and/or an abnormal hue of blood. The levels of methemoglobin can increase, and therefore urgent treatment is needed to avoid more severe heart and central nervous system adverse reactions, such as arrhythmias, seizures, comas, or even deaths. Stop using lidocaine, prilocaine cream, and any other agents for oxidation. Based on the severity of the symptoms and signs, patients could respond to care that supports them, i.e., oxygen therapy or fluid therapy. More severe symptoms might require treatment using exchange transfusions, methylene blue, and hyperbaric oxygen.

What should be Avoided?

General: Repetition of doses of prilocaine and lidocaine cream can raise blood levels of the drugs prilocaine and lidocaine. Lidocaine and prilocaine creams must be administered with care when patients are more sensitive to the consequences of prilocaine and lidocaine, especially acutely debilitated, sickly, or older patients.Lidocaine and prilocaine creams are not suitable for application to open wounds.

It is important not to permit lidocaine or prlocaine creams to come into contact with the eyes because research in animals has shown severe irritation to the eyes. The loss of protection reflexes could cause corneal irritation, and possibly irritation and abrasion. Lidocaine and prilocaine's absorption into the conjunctival tissue hasn't been established. In the event of contact with your eye, you must immediately cleanse the eyes with either salinity or water and shield the eye until the sensation is restored.

People who are allergic to para-aminobenzoic acid derivatives (procaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, etc.) Are not exhibiting cross-sensitivity to lidocaine or prilocaine, but lidocaine and the prilocaine cream are to be applied at a moderate dose in patients who have an allergy history to certain drugs, particularly if the cause of the substance is unclear.

Hepatic patients with severe liver disease, due to their inability to process local anesthetics normally, have a higher chance of acquiring toxic plasma concentrations of prilocaine and lidocaine.Lidocaine and prilocaine have both been demonstrated to prevent bacteria and viruses. The effects of lidocaine and the cream prilocaine on intradermal injections of live vaccines have not been analyzed.

  1. Avoid applying near the eye area or to bleeding wounds that are open.
  2. Be sure to keep it out of a child's reach.
  3. If your child begins to become tired, dizzy or experiences a tingling sensation on the lips or the face following the application of lidocaine and prescription prilocaine creams, stop using the cream in the area and call the doctor of your child immediately.

Information for patients:

Inform patients that the use of local anesthetics could cause methemoglobinemia, which is a grave disease that requires treatment immediately. Encourage carers and patients to discontinue use and to seek medical attention immediately when they or anyone in their care experiences any of the following symptoms or signs: pale, grey, or blue-colored skin (cyanosis), headache, rapid heart rate, faintness, fatigue.

When prilocaine cream or lidocaine is administered, the patient must be aware that dermal analgesia can occur in conjunction with the blocking of sensations on the skin being treated. This is why it is important to avoid accidental injury to the area being treated with rubbing, scratching, or exposure to intense temperature extremes until the sensation is fully restored.Lidocaine and prilocaine creams must not be applied close to the eyes or on wounds.

Lidocaine and prilocaine creams should be administered with care to those taking class i antiarrhythmic drugs (such as mexiletine and tocainide) because the effects can be combined and synergistic.Patients receiving local anesthetics have a higher likelihood of developing methemoglobinemia when exposed concurrently to the following medications, including different local anesthetics:

Details on Dosage

Blood levels that peak following an application of 60 grams up to 400 cm2 of skin that is intact for three hours are 0.05 or 0.16 mg/ml for lidocaine and 0.02 or 0.10 mg/ml for prilocaine. Lidocaine's toxic levels (>5 mg/ml) or procaine (>6 mg/ml) result in a decrease in heart output, total peripheral resistance, and mean arterial pressure. This may be due to the direct effects of depressants in these local anesthetics on the heart and vascular system. If there is no evidence of massive doses of oral or topical evaluation should consist of a thorough evaluation of the other possible causes behind the side effects or the overdose resulting in other forms of prilocaine, lidocaine, or any other anesthetic that is local to the patient. Check the inserts in the packaging for the parenteral xylocaine (lidocaine hcl) or cleanest (prilocaine hcl) for more information on the treatment of an overdose.

Side effects COVID-19 antibody

Localized reactions shortly after the treatment using lidocaine cream and prilocaine on intact skin that is located at the location of the treatment could produce edema or erythema. It might be the cause of an abnormal sensation. Very rare cases of distinct purpura or petechial reactions at the location of application were reported. A few cases of hyperpigmentation that result from the use of lidocaine, as well as prlocaine cream, have been documented. The connection between lidocaine and prlocaine cream, or the cause of the process, hasn't been determined. When conducting clinical research on intact skin that involved more than 1,300 people treated with lidocaine or prilocaine cream a single or more local reactions occurred in 56% of patients, which were typically minor and temporary, disappearing quickly within 1 to 2 hours. The reactions did not cause serious harm due to lidocaine or prilocaine cream.

Adverse reactions

A couple of recent reports mention blistering on the skin of the foreskin of neonates who are about to undergo circumcision. Both newborns were treated with 1.0 grams of lidocaine as well as cream prilocaine.In patients treated with lidocaine cream and prilocaine for skin that is not damaged, the local side effects that were observed in studies included: pallor (pallor or a whitening) at 37 percent, irritation (erythema) at 30 percent, changes in the sensation of temperature at 7%, edema at 6 percentage points, itching at 2%, and rash at less than 1 percent.

In the clinical study of mucous membranes in the genital region that included 378 lidocaine  prilocaine cream-treated patients, at least one application site reaction, which is usually brief and transient, was observed in 41% of patients. The most frequent site reactions included the appearance of redness (21 percent), burning sensation (17 percent), and swelling (10 percent).

Allergies and reactions: Allergic as well as anaphylactoid reactions triggered by lidocaine or prilocaine are possible. They can be characterized by the presence of urticaria, angioedema, and bronchospasm, as well as shock. When they do occur, they must be treated with conventional methods. It is not possible to detect sensitivity through the test of the skin that has no significance.

Systemic (dose-related) reactions: the systemic adverse reactions following proper usage of prilocaine and lidocaine cream are likely to be because of the low dose that is absorbed (see the pharmacokinetics subsection of the clinical pharmacology). Lidocaine-related adverse reactions in the system and/or prilocaine can be compared to the ones observed when using other amide local medications, such as CNS depression and/or excitation (light-headedness, anxiety, nervousness, and confusion). Dizziness, drowsiness, blurred or double vision, vomiting, sensations like chill, heat, or numbness, convulsions, tremors, respiration depression, and even an arrest. The excitation of CNS responses can be brief or may not even occur. In this instance, the initial manifestation could consist of drowsiness morphing into insanity. The cardiovascular manifestations could include hypotension, bradycardia, or the collapse of the cardiovascular system, which can lead to death.

To report suspected adverse events to report suspected adverse events, contact actavis at 1-800-272-5525 or the fda by calling 1-800-fda-1088 or visit for information on how to report adverse reactions.