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Bebulin VH

Generic: Name of Factor IX Complex [ FAK-tor-NINE-KOM-plex ].
The Brand Names are: Profilnine, Bebulin, Bebulin VH, and Profilnine SD.
The Class of Drug: Miscellaneous coagulation modifiers.

What is Bebulin VH?

Factor IX (nine) is a naturally occurring protein within the blood that helps the blood form clots. Insufficient factors for clotting can result in bleeding that is not controlled since blood cells are unable to effectively clot.

Bebulin VH is a blend of four blood clotting factors as well as other proteins. This drug helps by temporarily increasing concentrations of these factors within the blood, which aids in the process of clotting.Bebulin VH is a medication used to treat or stop bleeding disorders in people suffering from a deficiency of factor IX (hemophilia B). It also helps stop bleeding that is caused by surgical or dental procedures in patients who suffer from hemophilia B. Factor IX can also be used to treat conditions not covered in this guideline.

It is believed that the Bebulin VH brand name has been taken off the market in the U.S. If there are generic versions of this item that were approved by the FDA, it is possible that there are similar generic versions available.

Side effects of Bebulin VH

Seek medical attention immediately in the event that you exhibit symptoms that indicate reactions to an allergen, including hives or itchy rashes, rapid heartbeats, tension in your chest, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue.

Bebulin VH can cause severe adverse consequences. Take a break from Bebulin VH and call your physician immediately in the event that you experience:

  • Feeling sweaty and feeling sluggish.
  • A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you're about to pass out.
  • Ease of bruising, increased bleeding episodes.
  • Bleeding from a wound or an area where it was the place.
  • Symptoms for a blood clot inside the lung: chest pain, abrupt coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing, coughing up blood.
  • Indications that a blood clot has formed on your leg, such as swelling, pain, or warmth on one or both legs.

Common adverse effects of Bebulin VH can include:

  • Headache.
  • Flushing (warmth, redness, or tingling sensation).
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Fever, chills.
  • Energy deficiency.

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects, and other side effects could occur. Contact your doctor to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You can report adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


Follow the directions on the label of your medication and the package. Inform your healthcare professionals about your medical issues, allergies, and the medicines you are taking.

Before you take this drug

Your doctor will run blood tests to determine if you are suffering from factor IX deficiencies. particular blood clotting problem. Bebulin VH is not effective for treating deficiencies in other factors that contribute to blood clotting.

The doctor might ask you to have a hepatitis vaccination prior to beginning to take Bebulin VH.

To ensure that Bebulin VH is suitable for you, inform your doctor if

  • You have a liver
  • You are allergic to latex.
  • You've recently undergone surgery.
  • You are scheduled to undergo surgery.

It is unclear if Bebulin VH can harm an unborn baby. Inform your doctor if you are expecting or planning to be pregnant. It is unclear if factor IX gets into the milk of a nursing baby or to what extent it may cause harm to a nursing infant. Consult your physician if you are nursing your baby. Bebulin VH is not approved to be used by anyone younger than 18 years of age. Bebulin VH is derived from the blood plasma of humans (part of the blood), which could be contaminated with infections and viruses. Plasma donated to the clinic is tested and treated to decrease the possibility of it containing infectious agents. However, there is a slight possibility that it may transmit the disease. Discuss with your physician the potential risks and benefits of this treatment.

How to take Bebulin VH?

Follow the instructions on the label of your medicine prescription. Don't use this medication in greater or lesser quantities or for longer periods than the recommended time. Bebulin VH is injected into the vein via an IV. It is possible to be taught how to inject one at home. Don't inject yourself with the medicine if you don't know how to apply the injection correctly and get rid of the IV tubing, needles, and other equipment employed. Always confirm the strength listed on the label. This will make certain that you are using the right dosage. Cleanse your hands prior to preparing and administering your injection. Factor IX needs to be mixed with the aid of a liquid (diluent) prior to use. The medicine and diluent should be taken from the refrigerator and allowed to come up to room temperature before mixing the dosage. Don't heat the medication or the diluent. If you're using injectors yourself, make certain you know how to combine and keep the medication.

After mixing it, gently swirl the mix and allow the medication to completely dissolve. Make use of the medicine as soon as possible after mixing. You can store mixed medicines at room temperature, but you must use them within three hours. Don't put mixed medicines in your refrigerator. Make your dose using a syringe only after you are able to administer an injection. Don't use the medicine when it's changed color or appears cloudy. Contact your pharmacist to inquire about a new medication. A single dosage of factor IX could suffice to manage minor bleeding. If you require a subsequent dose, be sure to wait at least 24 hours before you take the medication again.

Be sure to check your pulse before and during the injection. If you notice a change in your pulse, reduce your injection or stop it until the pulse is back to normal. The single-use container (bottle) of this medication is intended for use once only. Dispose of it after one dose, regardless of whether there's still some remaining medicine in it after injecting the dose. Make use of an empty needle and syringe only once. Be sure to follow any local or state regulations regarding the disposal of needles and syringes that are no longer in use. Make sure you use puncture-resistant "sharps" disposal containers (ask your pharmacist for one and how to dispose of them). Keep the label away from pets and children.

Wear a medical alert tag or have an ID card showing that you suffer from hemophilia. Any doctor who is treating you should be aware that you suffer from bleeding or blood-clotting disorders. If you are in need of any kind of dental or surgical procedure, inform the dentist or surgeon prior to the time of surgery that you suffer from hemophilia. The body could create antibodies or "inhibitors" to Bebulin VH. If the body is able to produce antibodies or "inhibitors" to the clotting factor, the treatment is less efficient at stopping bleeding episodes. Contact your physician. If this medication appears to be less effective in reducing the bleeding,

If you're taking Bebulin VH, you may require frequent blood tests. Keep bebulin and its dilute form in the refrigerator. Don't put it in the freezer. Storage of the profilnine and its diluting solution within the room at a temperature of 25°C, far from heat and moisture Get rid of any unopened solution or medication after the time limit printed on the package has passed.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Because Bebulin VH can be used infrequently at times, you may not be on a dose schedule. If you're in a routine, you should take the dose you missed as soon as you can remember. Avoid any missed doses if you are nearing the time for the next scheduled dose. Don't take any extra medication to replace the missed one.

What happens if I overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact the Poison Help line toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Be mindful to follow any restrictions from your doctor regarding certain foods or activities (foods and drinks are limited; activities include running).

Interaction with other drugs

Inform your physician about any other medications you take, including:

This list isn't complete. Other medications may interfere when combined with factor IX, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. There are many possible interactions that are not included in this guide to medication.