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Name of the Generic: Morphine (oral) (oral) MOR-feen [MOR-feen]
Names of Brands: Kadian, MS Contin
Forms of Dosage: Oral capsule, extended release (10 mg/12 to 24 hours) 100 mg/12 up to 24 hours 120 mg per 24 hours 20 mg/12 to 24 hours 30 mg/12 up to 24 hrs 30 mg/24 hours, 45 mg/24 hours 50 mg/12 to 24 hours 60 mg/12 to 24-hour hours; 60 mg/24 hours 75 mg/24 hours (20 mg/12 up to 24 hours; 90 mg/24 hours); list all 5 dosage forms.
Drug class: opiates (narcotic analgesics)

What is Morphine?

Morphine is a prescribed medicine that is used to treat mild to extreme pain. Morphine tablets are used for children and adults who weigh a minimum of at least 110 lbs (50 kilogrammes).Extended-release versions of morphine can be used to provide 24-hour treatment for severe to moderate pain in adults. Extended-release capsules and tablets are not recommended for pain treatment that cannot be controlled with medications that are taken as required.

The oral solution for morphine is employed in adults as well as children who are at least 2 years old. Certain forms or solutions for the mouth can only be used by adults.Morphine is a member of a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It affects how the nervous system and brain respond to pain.

Side effects Morphine

Contact a medical professional immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that you are experiencing an allergic reaction due to morphine, such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of your lips, face, and throat, as well as your tongue,

Opioid medication can impede or stop breathing, and death could occur, particularly if you consume alcohol or take other substances that can result in sleepiness or slow breathing. The person who is caring for you must administer the drug naloxone or seek medical attention if you experience prolonged pauses in breathing, blue-coloured lips, or if you find it difficult to get up.

Morphine could cause severe adverse effects. Contact your doctor right away If you have:

  • Low heartbeat low pulse, fainting, and slow breathing (breathing could be stopped);
  • Chest pain; fast or pounding heartbeats;
  • Extreme drowsiness, feeling like you might pass out;
  • Reducing the hormones of your adrenal glands decreased adrenal gland hormones nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and a loss of appetite. fatigued or lightheaded, muscle joint discomfort, skin discoloration, and needing salty foods.

Breathing problems that are serious could be more prevalent in older people and those who suffer from debilitation or suffer from the syndrome of wasting or chronic breathing disorders.Get medical attention immediately if you are experiencing signs that suggest serotonin syndrome, which include hallucinations, agitation, sweating, fever, or shivering; an increase in heart rate; muscle stiffness and twitching; loss of coordination; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Common side effects of morphine include:

  • Drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, and anxiety;
  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, gas, or constipation;
  • Sweating, low levels of oxygen (shortness of breath), or feeling lightheaded.
  • Emotions of extreme sadness or happiness.

This is not a comprehensive list of possible side effects, and others could happen. Consult your physician for advice regarding medical effects. You can report symptoms to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


Do not use morphine if you suffer from breathing issues or asthma that are severe or blockages in your stomach or intestines, as well as a condition of bowel blockage known as paralytic ileus.

Morphine can cause a slowing or stopping of breathing. It can also cause a pattern of habit formation. The misuse of opioids can lead to addiction, overdose, or even death, particularly in children or any other person who is using the drug that is not prescribed. Keep the medication in a location where other people are not able to access it.The use of opioids during pregnancy can trigger withdrawal symptoms that could be life-threatening for the infant.The risk of fatal side effects could occur when you are using morphine in combination with alcohol or other substances that cause drowsiness or slow breathing.

Before you Take this Drug

It is not recommended to use this medication if you have had any allergies to morphine or other opioid medications or:

  • Extremely severe asthma or breathing issues;
  • Stomach or obstruction to the bowel (including paralytic ileus)
  • If you've used an MAO inhibitor within the last 14 days, like isocarboxazid, linezolid blue injections, phenelzine, or tranylcypromine,

To ensure that morphine is safe for you, inform your doctor if you have ever experienced:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), sleep apnea, or another breathing disorder
  • A brain trauma, a brain tumor, or a tumor of the brain; high pressure inside the skull as well as seizures;
  • A dependency on alcohol, drugs, or mental illness
  • Urination issues;
  • Troubles with your bile passageway, pancreas, gallbladder, thyroid gland, or adrenal gland problems with your adrenal gland, thyroid, pancreas, bile duct,
  • Kidney or liver disease

Consult your doctor if you are also taking stimulant medication or other opioid medicines, herbal products, or medicines to treat depression or mental illness, Parkinson's condition, migraine headaches, severe infections, or the prevention of vomiting and nausea. A morphine-related interaction could cause a serious health condition known as serotonin syndrome.

Morphine could harm a newborn baby. Tell your doctor whether you are expecting or are planning to be pregnant. If you take morphine while pregnant, your baby could be born with withdrawal symptoms that could be life-threatening and could require medical attention for a few weeks.The long-term use of morphine can affect fertility in women and men. The chances of getting pregnant are less likely to occur if either parent is taking this medication.Avoid breastfeeding. Morphine in breast milk can have life-threatening adverse effects for babies who are nursing.

How to Take Morphine?

You should take morphine as directed by your physician. Follow the instructions on the prescription label and review all medication guides and instructions. Do not use morphine in greater amounts or for a longer period than what is prescribed. Inform your doctor if you notice an increase in your desire to take more morphine.

Do not share your opioid medication with anyone else, particularly those who have an addiction history. The misuse of opioids can lead to addiction, overdose, or death. Place the medication out of reach of others who might need it. The sale or distribution of this medication is against the law.Do not crush a pill in order to inhale the powder or inject it directly into your vein. It could cause death.Suck your extended-release tablet or capsule whole to be safe from exposure to a fatal overdose. Don't crush, chew, break, crack, open, or dissolve.If you can't swallow the capsule completely, take it out and mix the medication with applesauce. Drink the mixture immediately without chewing.Use the measuring device supplied (not an ordinary spoon).

Consult your physician if symptoms don't improve or if they become worse.It is not recommended to stop taking the drug abruptly. The abrupt stop could cause withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor before stopping the medication.Your dosage requirements can change when switching to an alternative brand, strength, or dosage of this medication. Make sure you are using only the medication that the doctor has prescribed.Do not store any leftover medication. A single dose could cause death if someone uses the medication in error or unintentionally. Ask your pharmacist about a programme for taking back drugs, or dispose of the medicine you haven't used in the toilet.

Close the container tightly to room temperature and away from heat, moisture, and light. Place your medication in a safe place that is secure and where nobody can access it in a way that isn't safe.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Because morphine is prescribed for pain, you're not likely to skip a dose. Do not miss any doses when it's time to take the next dose. Don't take two doses at once.

What Happens If I Overdose?

Get medical attention immediately, contact emergency medical attention, or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. Poisoning can cause death, particularly in the case of a child or someone who is taking opioids that are not prescribed. Overdose symptoms may include extreme drowsiness, a sharpening of the pupils, a slow breathing rate, or a lack of breathing.

The doctor might suggest that you take Naloxone (a medication that reverses an overdose of opioids) and carry it around throughout the day. The person who is caring for you may give you naloxone when you cease breathing or don't regain consciousness. Your carer needs to get medical attention in the event of an emergency. They might need to administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to you as they wait for assistance to arrive.

Naloxone can be purchased from pharmacies or your local health department. It is important that everyone who cares for you understands the location where you keep your naloxone and how to make use of it.

What Should be Avoided?

Don't drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or even death could happen.

Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you understand how morphine affects you. Drowsiness and dizziness could cause accidents, falls, or serious injuries. Avoid getting up too quickly from a seated or lying position. You could be dizzy.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Other drugs may be hazardous when used in conjunction with opioids. Tell your doctor when you are using:

  • Medicines to treat allergic reactions, cough, blood pressure, asthma, and motion sickness Irritable bowel or an overactive bladder;
  • Other opioid pain medications and prescription medicines for cough
  • Cimetidine, verapamil, and quinidine;
  • Sleep aids, muscle relaxers, or other medications that cause you to sleep as well as
  • Benzodiazepine sedatives such as Valium, Klonopin, and Xanax

This list isn't complete, and other drugs could alter the effects of morphine. This includes over-the-counter and prescription drugs, vitamins, and herbal remedies. There are many possible interactions between drugs, which are included here.