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Generic name: Acetaminophen and oxycodoneoxycodone [ a-SEET-a-MIN-oh-fen-and-OX-i-KOE-done ]

Drug class: Narcotic analgesic combinations

What is Percocet?

Percocet is a mixture of Acetaminophen and oxycodoneoxycodone. Oxycodone is a painkiller that uses opioids. Sometimes, an opioid is referred to as a drug called a narcotic. Acetaminophen is a weaker pain reliever, but it does increase the effects of oxycodoneoxycodone.

Percocet is used to ease mild to extreme pain.

Because of the dangers of abuse, addiction, or misuse even in recommended dosages, Percocet is only prescribed for use when non-opioid pain relief medication is not well-received or has not offered sufficient relief from pain.


It is not advised to use Percocet if you have recently taken alcohol or sedatives, tranquilisers or any other opioid medication. Don't use Percocet if you've taken any MAO Inhibitor within the past 14 days, like isocarboxazid and linezolid, as well as phenelzine rasagiline, selegiline or tranylcypromine. Received a methylene blue injector.

Oxycodone could reduce or stop breathing and can cause a habit. Use only your prescribed dose and swallow the entire pill to avoid a fatal dose. Do not take Percocet with a person you know.

A MISUSE OF THIS MEDICINE could result in addiction, overdosing or even death, particularly in children or other patients taking the medication not accompanied by a doctor's prescription.

Do not take more Percocet than what is advised. A high dose of oxycodoneoxycodone or Acetaminophen (both found in Percocet) could cause death. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience nausea and stomach pain and itching, hunger and black stools, dark urine, and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Oxycodone (present in Percocet) could cause severe withdrawal symptoms in babies if the mother takes Percocet during pregnancy.

Take a break from this medication and consult your physician if you experience a rash or skin redness that gets worse and leads to peeling and blistering.

The risk of fatal side effects could be triggered if you are using Percocet in combination with alcohol or other substances which cause drowsiness or slow breathing.

It is not recommended to take Percocet when you suffer from severe asthma or breathing issues, or a blockage inside your stomach and the intestines.

Before you Take this Drug

You shouldn't take Percocet If you have an allergy to one or more of the ingredients, such as oxycodoneoxycodone or Acetaminophen, or if you suffer from

  • Serious severe asthma or breathing issues severe asthma or breathing problems
  • An obstruction in your stomach or your intestines.

To ensure that Percocet is suitable for you, inform your doctor if you previously had:

  • Breathing issues, sleep apnea, breathing problems
  • Liver disease;
  • An addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • Kidney disease;
  • A head injury or seizures;
  • Problems with urination or
  • Issues related to your pancreas, thyroid or gallbladder.

If you take Percocet while pregnant, your baby may become dependent on Percocet. This can cause withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening for the infant after birth. Babies born dependent on opioids may need medical treatment for several weeks.

If you are pregnant when taking oxycodoneoxycodone, avoid stopping the medication abruptly without talking with your physician. You might need to lower your dosage gradually.

Avoid breastfeeding. Oxycodone can pass into the milk of a nursing baby and cause respiratory problems, drowsiness or even death in nursing babies. Consult your physician if you are breastfeeding before using oxycodoneoxycodone.

How to Take Percocet?

Consume Percocet exactly as directed by your physician. Follow the directions on the prescription label. Don't take this medicine in greater quantities or for a longer duration than what is prescribed. An overdose can damage your liver or cause death. Inform your doctor if you notice an increased desire to take more of this medication.

Don't share this medicine with anyone else, especially someone with a history of dependence or abuse. The misuse of this medicine can cause addiction, OVERDOSE, OR DEATH. Store the medicine in a location where other people can't access it. Giving away or selling Percocet is illegal.

If you need medical or surgical procedures, be sure to inform the doctor in advance that you're taking Percocet.

You shouldn't stop taking Percocet abruptly. Follow your doctor's instructions on tapering your dose.

Keep at room temperature, free of heat and moisture. Make a note of your medication. Knowing that someone is taking it incorrectly or without a prescription is important.

Don't store any of the leftover medication for opioids. A single dose can cause death if someone takes the medication incorrectly or incorrectly. Ask your pharmacist where you can find a drug recycling program for takeback. If there isn't a taking-back system, flush any remaining medicine into the toilet.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Because Percocet is a medication used to treat pain, you're not likely to be able to miss a dose. Don't miss any doses missed when it's time for the next dose. Do not take two doses in one go.

What Happens If I Overdose?

Get medical attention immediately or call for help at the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222. A high dose of this medication can cause death, particularly for children or any other patient who is taking the medication without a prescription. Overdose symptoms may include vomiting, nausea, sweating, severe dizziness, pupils with a sharp point, and slow or not breathing.

A doctor might recommend that you take Naloxone (a medication to treat an overdose of opioids) and carry it on hand throughout the day. Someone who cares for you may give Naloxone if you cease breathing or do not wake up. The caregiver should still seek medical attention in an emergency and could be required to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on you as they wait for assistance to arrive.

You can purchase Naloxone at pharmacies or your local health department. Be sure anyone who cares for you understands where you store Naloxone and how to use it.

Avoid this

Do not drive or operate machinery until you understand Percocet's effects on your health. Dizziness or drowsiness could cause accidents, falls or serious injuries.

Don't drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or even death could happen.

Consult a physician or pharmacist prior to taking any other medication that could contain Acetaminophen (sometimes known as APAP). When you take certain medications at the same time, it could result in a death-threatening overdose.

Side Effects of Percocet:

Contact a medical professional immediately If you notice symptoms of an allergy reaction due to the medication, such as Hives and breathing problems, and swelling of your lips, face and tongue.

In rare instances, Acetaminophen could cause a serious skin reaction that could cause death. This could occur regardless of whether you've used Acetaminophen or Tylenol before and did not experience any reaction. Take a break from this medication and contact your physician right immediately if you notice the appearance of a skin rash or redness which spreads and leads to blisters or peeling.

Oxycodone could reduce or stop your breathing and even cause death. A person caring for you must administer Naloxone and seek medical attention if you experience breath that is slow, with long pauses or blue lips or if you find it difficult to get up.

Contact your doctor immediately If you suffer from the following:

  • Loud breathing, sighing breath that is shallow, and sleeping that ceases;
  • The heartbeat is slow, or it's week-long;
  • Cold, clammy skin;
  • A lightheaded sensation, similar to you're about to pass out.
  • Weakness, tiredness, fever, unusual bruising or bleeding;
  • The mind, or unusual thoughts or behaviour
  • Seizure (convulsions);
  • Issues with urination;
  • Symptoms of liver issues such as nausea, stomach pain, fatigue and loss of appetite. Dark urine, stools that are clay-coloured and jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin);
  • Nausea, vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite. Fatigue, dizziness, or worsening weakness;
  • Serotonin levels are high within the body, which causes hallucinations, agitation and sweating. Rapid heart rate, shivering muscles, stiffness, twitching and loss of coordination. Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting.

The presence of serious breathing issues could be more prevalent among older adults and those with a debilitating condition or suffer from wasting syndrome or chronic breathing conditions.

Opioid medication used for long periods can alter fertility (the ability to have children), whether in women or men. It isn't known if the effects of opioids on fertility can be permanent.

Common Percocet side effects include:

  • Dizziness, drowsiness or feeling tired;
  • Headache;
  • Constipation, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • Blurred vision
  • Itching, red eyes or flushing;
  • Feelings of extreme sadness or joy, feelings of extreme happiness or sadness
  • Dry mouth

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects, and others could happen. Consult your physician to seek medical advice on the effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with Other Drugs

There may be breathing issues or withdrawal symptoms if they discontinue or start using other medications. Talk to your doctor if you also take medication such as an antibiotic medication, antifungal medicine, blood pressure or heart-related medicine, medication for seizures or medication for treating HIV as well as Hepatitis C.

Opioid medications can interact with other medications and can cause serious side effects or even death. Be sure your doctor is aware if you take:

  • Medications for allergies or colds, the bronchodilator asthma and COPD medication or diuretic ("water pill");
  • Medications to treat motion sickness, irritable bowel syndrome medications for motion sickness, irritable bowel syndrome, or an overactive bladder;
  • Other opioids. Other opioids opioid the prescription medicine for cough;
  • A sedative similar to Valium - diazepam alprazolam, lorazepam, Xanax, Klonopin, Versed and more;
  • Substances that cause you to feel sleepy or cause breathing to slow down (HTML0) is a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxer, or medicine for treating mental or mood disorders;
  • Serotonin-related drugs can alter the levels within your body. Stimulant, or medication for Parkinson's disease, depression, migraine headaches, severe illnesses, nausea or vomiting.