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Generic name: Ondansetron (oral) [on-DAN-se-tron]
The Brand Names are Zofran, Zofran ODT, and Zuplenz.
Drug Class: 5HT3 receptor antagonists

There is no Zofran brand name. Zofran brand name is taken off the market in the U.S. In the event that generic variants of the drug are approved by the FDA, there may be similar generic versions readily available.

What is Zofran?

Zofran blocks the effects of body chemicals, which can cause nausea and vomiting.Zofran is a medicine used to treat vomiting and nausea that could result from treatment for cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment.Zofran can be used for reasons not mentioned in this medication guide.


It is not recommended to use Zofran in conjunction with taking the drug apomorphine (Apokyn).You shouldn't take Zofran in the event that you have an allergy to ondansetron or other similar medicines like dolasetron (Anzemet) or granisetron (Kytril), as well as palonosetron (Aloxi).Zofran tablets that dissolve orally could contain the chemical phenylalanine. Consult your physician if you suffer from phenylketonuria (PKU).

Some serious side effects include blurred vision or temporary loss (lasting between one and two minutes to a few hours), a slow heart rate, difficulty breathing, anxiety, agitation, or shivering. You may also feel like you're about to vomit and not urinate as normal or never at all. Stop taking Zofran and contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these reactions. Ondansetron could affect your reactions or thinking. Be aware when driving or doing things that require you to be aware.

Before you take this drug

It is not recommended to use Zofran if:

  • If you're also using apomorphine (Apokyn), also known as
  • You are allergic to ondansetron or other similar medications (dolasetron and granisetron, as well as palonosetron).

To be sure Zofran is suitable for you, inform your doctor if you are suffering from:

  • Liver disease;
  • An electrolyte imbalance (such as low levels of magnesium, potassium, or magnesium in the blood);
  • Congestive heart insufficiency, slow heartbeats;
  • A family or personal experience of having long QT syndrome
  • An obstruction inside the digestion tract (the stomach or the intestines).

Zofran is not believed to harm the unborn baby. Inform your doctor if you are expecting.It's not clear if ondansetron is absorbed into breast milk or if it is harmful to the nursing infant. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding a child.Ondansetron is not recommended for use by anyone younger than

Zofran tablets that dissolve orally could contain phenylalanine. Inform your doctor if you suffer from the condition known as phenylketonuria (PKU).

Similar or related drugs

Hydroxyzine, ondansetron, Lorazepam, meclizine, dexamethasone, Benadryl, and Ativan

How to take Zofran?

Consume Zofran exactly as directed by your physician. Follow all the instructions on the prescription label. Take this medication only in greater or lesser quantities or for longer that is not it is prescribed.Zofran is a medicine that can be consumed without or with food.

First doses are normally administered prior to the beginning of your chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation treatment. Follow the dosing guidelines of your physician with care.Take the normal tablet along with a bottle of water.

To take the oral dissolving tablet (Zofran ODT):

  • Store the tablet in the blister package until you're ready to take it. Unlock the box and peel off the foil. Be careful not to push a tablet into the foil, or you could cause damage to the tablet.
  • Make use of dry hands to take off the tablet, then place it inside your mouth.
  • Don't swallow the tablet completely. Allow it to dissolve inside your mouth, without chewing.
  • Take a few sips as the tablet disintegrates.

Measure the amount of liquid medicine using the syringe for dosing, a dosing spoon, or a medicine cup. If you don't have a device for measuring doses, request one from your pharmacist. One.

Maintain room temperature and far from moisture, heat and sunlight. Place the liquid medication in an upright position.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Do the dose you missed as soon as you can remember. Avoid any missed doses if it's nearing the time for the next dose. Do not take additional medication to compensate for the dose you missed.

What happens if I overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact the Poison Help line toll-free at 1-800-222-1222.

Overdose symptoms can include sudden vision loss and severe constipation. It can also cause you to feel lightheaded or faint.

Avoid this

Zofran can affect your ability to think or react. Be aware when driving or doing any activity that requires you to be aware.

Side effects of Zofran

See a doctor immediately when you show symptoms of an allergy reaction. Zofran: rash, symptoms of hives, chills, fever, difficulty breathing, swelling of your lips, face, or tongue

Contact your doctor immediately. If you suffer from:

  • Constipation that is severe nausea, severe constipation, or constipation that is severe;
  • Headache, chest pain, fainting, extreme dizziness, and fast heartbeats;
  • Rapid heartbeats or fast beats;
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin);
  • Blurred vision or temporary vision loss (lasting from one or two minutes to a few hours);
  • Serotonin levels that are high within the body include hallucinations, anxiety, fever, a fast heart rate, and hyperactive reflexes. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of coordination. Fainting.

Common Zofran adverse effects could include:

  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Headache;
  • Sleepiness
  • Fatigued feeling.

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects, and others could happen. Contact your doctor to seek medical advice on adverse effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with other drugs

Zofran may cause a serious heart issue, particularly in the event that you are taking certain medicines in conjunction that include antidepressants, antibiotics such as heart rhythm medicine, and antipsychotic drugs, as well as treatments for malaria, cancer, HIV, or AIDS. Inform your doctor about any medications you are taking and the ones you begin or stop using in your treatment.

When you are taking ondansetron, taking other medications could result in excessive levels of serotonin buildup in your body. This is known as "serotonin syndrome," which could be fatal. Inform your doctor that you also take:

  • Medication to treat depression;
  • Medicine for treating a psychiatric disorder
  • A prescription for a narcotic (opioid) medication
  • Medication to stop nausea or vomiting.

This isn't a complete list, and other medications may interfere with ondansetron. This includes prescription and over-the-counter supplements, vitamins, and herbal remedies. Provide a list of all the medicines you take to any doctor who cares for you.



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