What is Naloxone?
Naloxone can be utilized in emergency situations to treat a suspected overdose of opioids in either a child or an adult.This medication should not be used as a substitute for emergency medical treatment in the event of an overdose.Naloxone can also be used for reasons not mentioned in this guideline.
Side effects of Naloxone
See a doctor immediately. Get medical attention immediately if you show symptoms that indicate an allergy, such as hives, trouble breathing, or swelling of your lips, face, or tongue.
Since naloxone blocks opioid effects, the medicine can trigger unexpected withdrawal symptoms like:
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps;
- Fever sneezing, sweating, muscle aches, weakness
- Shaking or tremors, rapid heart rate, heartbeats that pound, and increased blood pressure
- Goosebumps;
- A runny nose, yawning,
- Experiencing anxiety, agitation, or even irritability.
Rapid withdrawal symptoms in infants less than 4 weeks old can be life-threatening if handled in the proper manner. Symptoms include unusual crying, stiffness, excessive reflexes, and seizures. Contact your doctor or seek emergency medical assistance if you're unsure of the proper way to give the medicine to a newborn.
Common adverse effects of zimhi could include:
- Nausea, dizziness;
- The skin when an injection was administered.
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy;
- The skin's complexion becomes yellow, or eyes.
This isn't an exhaustive list of the possible adverse consequences, and other effects might occur. Consult your doctor for advice on medical issues. If you have any concerns, report the reaction to FDA by calling 1-800-FDA-1088.
Naloxone is a drug used to counteract the effects of opioids and treat opioid overdoses. An overdose of opioids could cause death. Symptoms may include extreme sleepiness, pupils that are narrow, breathing that is slow, or the inability to breathe.
The person who is caring for you could give you naloxone when you stop breathing or don't get up. Be sure that anyone who cares for you is aware of the location where you keep your naloxone and how to utilize it.
Your caregiver should seek assistance in an emergency situation after giving you a Naloxone injection. They may also need to carry out CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on the patient while waiting for assistance to arrive. You may need an additional injection every 2 to 3 minutes until emergency assistance arrives.
Before you take this drug
You shouldn't be treated with naloxone if you are allergic to it.
If it is possible, prior to receiving an injection with naloxone, you should inform your doctor about the following:
- If you suffer from heart issues.
If you are taking opioid medication while pregnant, your child could be born with potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms and require medical attention for a few weeks.
The use of naloxone when you are pregnant could cause withdrawal symptoms in your unborn child. But an overdose of opioids could cause death for both the mother and the infant. It is much more vital to address an overdose in the mother. You must get emergency medical help after using a naloxone injection. It is important that emergency medical personnel know you are expecting and that your physician who follows up knows that you took this medication.
Check with your doctor to see if it is safe to breastfeed while taking this medication.
How to take Naloxone?
Follow the directions on the label of your prescription and read the medication guide or instructions sheets. Make sure you use the medication exactly as prescribed.
Naloxone can be injected into a muscle, under the skin, or into veins. The injection could be given by a medical professional, an emergency medical professional, or an individual caregiver or family member who is certified to administer a naloxone injection.Naloxone is administered into a vein by a doctor.
If you're an adult caregiver or family member, follow the directions at the time you receive this medication. If you are given it by your doctor, you can use this "trainer" device to practice administering an injection so you'll know how to administer it in the event of an emergency. Consult your physician or pharmacist for more information. Make sure you seek medical assistance immediately in the event that an accident involving needlesticks happens.Be aware of how to recognize indicators of an opioid overdose in the patient you care for. The signs of an overdose could include:
- Breathing is slowed, or there is an absence of breathing.
- Extremely small or narrow pupils within the eyes;
- Low heartbeats;
- Excessive drowsiness, particularly when you are incapable of waking the person who is asleep.
Even if you're not certain that an overdose of opioids is occurring, if the person isn't breathing or nonresponsive, administer an injection of naloxone immediately and seek urgent medical assistance.
Do not think that the overdose is over if symptoms begin to improve. Your caregiver should still seek assistance in an emergency situation after administering an injection of naloxone, regardless of whether the person is awake. It is possible to administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to the patient while waiting for emergency assistance to arrive.
Naloxone injections are administered in the thigh's outer part. In the event of an emergency, you can administer an injection through a person's clothes.
After injecting Naloxone, remain with the patient and look for signs of an ongoing overdose. It is possible to administer the injection again every two or three minutes until help arrives. Follow the instructions included in the medicine.
Toss out a syringe filled with prefilled medicine after one use, even if there's some medicine in it.Keep it at room temperature, free of heat, moisture, and light. Store the auto-injector inside its protective casing until you are ready to use it.
What happens if I miss a dose?
Naloxone is used only when it is needed and is not an everyday dose.
What happens if I overdose?
Since naloxone can be administered at the right dose in a single-dose auto-injector, it is highly unlikely that an overdose will occur.
Avoid this
Be sure not to leave someone alone after administering an injection of naloxone. A high dose of opioids can affect an individual's mental or emotional state.
Interaction with other drugs
Other medications can affect Naloxone, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, vitamins, and herbal products. Inform your physician about any other medications you take.