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Vivotif berna

Generic name: typhoid vaccine (live), oral [tye-food-vax-een]

Drug class: bacterial vaccines

What is Typhoid vaccination?

The typhoid vaccine is used to prevent this disease among adults and children aged at least six years. Typhoid vaccination is recommended in the united states, even though it's not part of the routine immunization programme.

  • Travelers to areas where typhoid is prevalent (especially asia, africa, and central or south america);
  • People who live with a typhoid carrier
  • Laboratory workers who might come into contact with salmonella typhi at work

This vaccine is effective by exposing your body to a tiny amount of bacteria. Your immune system will develop immunity against the disease.

The typhoid vaccine does not protect against any other disease, nor will it treat an infection already present in the body.typhoid vaccination may not protect everyone from the disease.

Side effects of Typhoid vaccine

If you experience any of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention: difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face, lips, or throat.

Infecting yourself with typhoid or fever can be much more harmful to your health than getting this vaccine. This vaccine, like all medicines, can have side effects, but the chances of them being serious are extremely low.

Side effects that are common include:

  • Fever;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain,
  • Skin .

There may be other side effects. For medical advice on side effects, call your doctor. Report the side effects of vaccines to the us department of health and human services by calling 1-800-822-7967.

Similar/related drugs

Typhoid vaccine, live, typhim vi


Inform your doctor of any other medications you are taking or if you have allergies or other medical conditions.

Before you take this drug

If you've ever had an allergy reaction to the typhoid vaccination, or you:

  • A fever associated with any infection or illness
  • A weak immune system can be caused by a disease or certain medicines.

You may have to postpone or even cancel your vaccination if you suffer from any of the following conditions:

  • Stomach flu or any illness that causes vomiting or diarrhea
  • If you are currently taking a sulfa or antibiotic,
  • If you intend to take anti-malaria medication within 10 days of receiving the typhoid oral vaccine,

If you are suffering from a minor cold, it is still possible to receive a vaccination. Wait until you are better if you have a severe illness, such as a fever or infection.inform your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing.

How to take the Typhoid vaccination?

Read all instructions or guides that come with your medication and follow all directions. Follow the directions on the label.this vaccine will not work if you do not follow the schedule. Plan ahead and complete all the doses at least one week before entering a high-risk area for typhoid. It is important to time this vaccination correctly for maximum effectiveness.

Take one capsule every alternate day on an empty stomach (total of four capsules) for seven days. At least 1 hour prior to eating. The capsules will be taken every other day on an empty stomach for 7 days (a total of 4 capsules). Take the capsules at least 1 hour before eating. Please follow all the directions on the package.

Vivotif berna should be taken with a glass of water that is lukewarm or cool. Avoid water that is too hot or cold, as this could cause the capsules to dissolve faster.after placing the capsule in your mouth, swallow it as soon as you not open, crush, chew, or break the capsule.

Typhoid capsules must be kept cold. As soon as you receive your capsules, put them in the refrigerator. Each capsule should be kept in its foil blister pack until you're ready to use it. The capsules should not be allowed to freeze.

The vaccine is effective for up to 5 years. If you are still exposed to typhoid, it may be necessary to repeat the 4-capsule series every 5 years. Follow the instructions of your doctor or the schedule suggested by the centres for disease control and prevention.

What happens if i miss the dose?

If you forget to take the capsule on time, call your doctor. It may be necessary to start again to ensure that you are protected from the disease.

If you continue to be exposed to typhoid, it is important to take another four capsule series every five years.

What happens if i overdose?

If taken as directed, it is unlikely that this vaccine will cause an overdose.

What should be avoided?

Eat nothing for at least an hour after taking a capsule.

Take precautions when traveling in addition to this vaccine to prevent further contact with bacteria that cause typhoid:

  • Eat only leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce. They are difficult to clean.
  • Avoid eating fruits and vegetables that are not peeled or have been peeled previously by someone else.
  • Avoid drinks containing ice or frozen treats, flavored ices, and other ices made from contaminated water.
  • Avoid eating food that you haven't prepared or cooked yourself. When preparing food, use clean surfaces and utensils.
  • Only drink bottled water or water that's been boiled for at least one minute.
  • Avoid buying food or beverages from street vendors.

Interaction with other drug

Tell your doctor if you've recently had any other vaccinations before using this vaccine.after receiving your last dose of typhoid vaccination, you should wait at least 10 full days before taking an anti-malaria medication that contains proguanil. Proguanil may make the typhoid vaccine less effective.

Typhoid vaccination may be affected by other drugs, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Inform your doctor of all the other medications you take.