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Generic name: Iodixanol (pronounced EYE-oh DIX-anol)

Drug class: non-ionic contrast media

What is Visipaque?

Visipaque belongs to a class of drugs known as radiopaque contrast agents (RAY DEE OOH PAYK). This medicine contains iodine, which is a substance capable of absorbing x-rays. The radiopaque contrast agent is used to make it easier to see blood vessels, organs, and non-bony tissue on a CT scan.

Visipaque can be used to diagnose certain diseases of the heart, brain, blood vessels, and kidneys.Visipaque can be used in other ways not mentioned in this guide.

Side effects of Visipaque

If you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as hives, difficulty breathing, swelling on your face or in your throat, or a severe reaction to your skin (such as a fever, sore throat, burning in the eyes, or skin pain or rashes that are red or purple and cause blisters or peeling), seek emergency medical attention.

If you experience a severe drug reaction, seek medical attention. This can include a skin rash, fever, or flu-like symptoms. Other symptoms may include muscle aches or weakness, unusual bruises, or yellowing.

Visipaque may cause serious side effects. If you experience:

  • A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you could pass out.
  • Weight gain and swelling are rapid, but there is little or no urination.
  • Difficulty breathing
  • A seizure (convulsions);
  • Symptoms of thyroid disease include extreme tiredness, dry skin, stiffness or joint pain, muscle weakness or pain, hoarseness in voice, sensitivity to cold temperatures, and weight gain.
  • Heart attack symptoms: chest pain or pressure, spreading pain to your jaw and shoulders, nausea, or sweating.
  • Signs of a Stroke: sudden numbness, weakness, or a severe headache; slurred or shaky speech; or problems with vision, balance, or coordination.
  • Signs of a blood clot in the lungs: chest pain, sudden hack, wheezing, and rapid breathing

Visipaque can cause the following side effects:

  • When the medicine is injected, you may feel a warm or painful sensation.
  • Dizziness, spinning sensation;
  • Feeling of numbness, tingling, or a tingling sensation;
  • Vision changes
  • Sleep problems (insomnia);
  • Headache, migraine;
  • Chest pain;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Agitation, anxiety, and nervousness;
  • Itching on the skin rash
  • Your senses of smell or taste may have changed recently.

There may be other side effects. For medical advice on side effects, call your doctor. The FDA can be contacted at 1-800-FDA-1088 to report side effects.


Visipaque shouldn't be given to children who have recently taken a laxative or have not eaten well.

Before you take this drug

Visipaque shouldn't be given to children who have recently taken a laxative or have not eaten well.Inform your doctor if there has ever been a reaction to a contrast agent.

Tell your doctor about any of the following to ensure Visipaque will be safe for you:

  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Heart diseases, including congestive cardiac failure.
  • A history of a stroke, blood clots, or coronary arterial disease
  • Food or drug allergy;
  • Epilepsy
  • Sickle-cell anemia
  • Diabetes;
  • An active infection;
  • An impaired immune system, caused by either illness or medication.
  • An autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus;
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • Multiple myeloma; bone cancer
  • Thyroid disorder, including cancer.

Visipaque is not known to harm unborn babies. Inform your physician immediately if you become pregnant.

It is unknown if iodixanol can pass into breast milk or if this could have an effect on the nursing infant. Do not breastfeed for 10 hours following iodixanol. Throw away any milk collected by a breast pump. Do not give it to your child.

How to take Visipaque?

Visipaque can be injected through an IV into a vein. This injection will be given by a healthcare provider just before the radiologic test.Visipaque may be combined with medication to reduce the risk of certain side effects.If you experience any pain or swelling when Visipaque IV is injected, tell your carers.

Drink more fluids both before and after the radiologic test. Visipaque may cause dehydration, which could have dangerous effects on the kidneys. You should follow your doctor's advice on the type and amount of fluids to drink before and following your test.

You may need to take extra care with older adults in order to prevent dehydration. You may need to have your kidney function checked after receiving Visipaque.Visipaque may interfere with some medical tests up to 16 weeks after treatment. Inform any doctor that treats you about your recent use of Visipaque.

Visipaque may reduce the effectiveness of radioactive iodine in patients with thyroid carcinoma. This effect may last up to eight weeks after receiving this medicine. You should tell your doctor if radioactive iodine I-131 and I-123 are scheduled to be administered.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Visipaque will only be used during the radiologic test. You won't have a schedule of doses.

What happens if I overdose?

Call 1-800-222-1222 for poison help or seek immediate medical attention.

What should be avoided?

Do not let yourself become dehydrated in the first few days following Visipaque. If you experience any nausea or diarrhea, call your doctor. You should follow your doctor's advice on the type and amount of fluids to drink.

Interaction with other drug

Inform your physician of all of the medications you are currently taking, such as:

  • Metformin is available in many forms (glucophage glucovance). Actoplus Met prandimet avandimet Janumet Kazano Invokamet Jentadueto Xigduo Synjardy Metaglip and others).

This list is incomplete. Iodixanol may interact with other drugs, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. This medication guide does not list all potential interactions.