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Name of Generic: Rizatriptan [ RYE-za-TRIPtan [ RYE-za-TRIP-tan

The Brand Names are: Maxalt, Maxalt-MLT

Dosage forms: Oral tablet, disintegrating (10 mg; 5 mg),Oral tablet (10 mg; 5 mg)

Drug Class: Antimigraine agents

What is Rizatriptan?

Rizatriptan is a headache medicine that reduces the blood vessels in the brain. It also lowers the level of certain substances within the body that could trigger headaches, nausea, sensitization to sound and light, and other symptoms of migraine.

Rizatriptan helps treat headaches caused by migraines. Rizatriptan is only used to help a headache that has already started. It cannot help prevent headaches or lessen the severity of headaches.

Rizatriptan is not recommended for treating a typical tension headache or headache resulting in losing movement in a body part. It would help if you only used Rizatriptan when a medical professional verified your medical condition for migraine headaches.

Rizatriptan can also be employed for other purposes not covered in this guideline.

Side effects Of Rizatriptan

Contact a medical professional immediately If you are experiencing symptoms or warning signs of an allergic response such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of your lips, face and tongue.

Rizatriptan may cause serious side effects. Stop using Rizatriptan, and call your physician immediately If you experience:

  • Extreme stomach pain, severe stomach pain and bloody vomiting;

  • Cold sensation or numbness in your hands and feet;

  • Extreme headache with fuzzy vision and the pounding of your neck or in your ears;

  • Heart attack symptoms include chest pressure or pain that spreads into your shoulder or jaw, vomiting, sweating;

  • Serotonin levels are high within the body- anxiety and hallucinations, fever, sweating, shivering, rapid heart rate, muscle stiffness, shaking, loss of coordination, vomiting, nausea diarrhea, diarrhea,

  • Indications of stroke symptoms--sudden weakening or numbness (especially on the opposite side) or a sudden and serious headache, blurred or slurred speech or issues with balance or vision.

Common side effects of Rizatriptan include:

  • Dizziness dizziness,, feeling tired;

  • A feeling of pain or pressure in your chest or throat.

This isn't a complete list of all side effects. Other side effects could occur. Consult your physician for advice regarding the medical effects. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Rizatriptan is not a good choice when you suffer from uncontrolled blood pressure or heart issues or a history of heart attacks and strokes, as well as circulatory issues that result in a deficiency of blood supply to the body.

Don't take Rizatriptan more than 24 hours before or after taking other migraine medication.

Do not take this medication when you've taken an MAO inhibitor within the last 14 days, for example, isocarboxazid or linezolid, blue injections, phenelzine rasagiline, selegiline or tranylcypromine.

Before you Take this Drug

Rizatriptan should not be used when you are allergic to this substance or suffer from the following:

  • Heart issues or stroke (including "mini-stroke");

  • Coronary artery diseases, angina (chest pain) blo, circulation issues and an insufficient blood supply for the heart

  • Your legs, arms, stomach, intestines, or kidneys are affecting

    circulation problems 

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure

  • Extremely chronic liver illness, severe liver disease

  • A headache that is like a migraine that is not your typical headache.

Do not take Rizatriptan when you've used an MAO inhibitor in the last 14 days. A potentially dangerous interaction with a drug could happen. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid linezolid, Methylene blue injection rasagiline, phenelzine, tranylcypromine and many others.

Inform your doctor if you were ever diagnosed with:

  • Kidney disease or liver failure;

  • Heart problems, chest pain;

  • Breathlessness

  • Risk factors that could lead to coronary risk factors include blood pressure or diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, menopausal smoking, blood vessel diseases, being overweight or older than 40 years old and being a male).

Make sure to inform your doctor that you also take stimulants, opioids, herbal products or medications to treat depression, mental illness, Parkinson's disease, migraine headaches, grave infections, and the prevention of vomiting and nausea. These medicines can interact with Rizatriptan, resulting in a serious health condition known as serotonin syndrome.

Rizatriptan disintegrating tablets may contain phenylalanine. Consult your physician if you suffer from Phenylketonuria ( PKU).

Consult your physician if you are nursing or pregnant.

Rizatriptan is not permitted for use by any person who is younger than.

How to Take Rizatriptan?

Begin taking Rizatriptan when you start to feel headache-related symptoms. Follow the directions on your prescription label, and review all medication guides or instructions. Make sure you use the medication exactly as prescribed.

The first dose is at an in-hospital or clinic setting to address any adverse negative side effects.

Take note of and follow the instructions for use in your medication. If you are unsure of the instructions, talk to your pharmacist or doctor for clarification.

Take the normal tablet, complete with a large glass of water.

Discard the tablet for oral disintegration from the packaging only after preparing to take the medication. Place the tablet into your mouth and let it dissolve without chewing.

Repeat drinking until the tablet has disintegrated.


After taking tablets (for adults), If your headache doesn't disappear completely or is gone only to recur, take a second tablet two hours after the first. If your symptoms haven't been alleviated, consult your physician before taking further tablets.

After taking tablets (for children aged 6-17), If you experience headaches that don't completely disappear or are gone only to return, consult your doctor before taking additional tablets.

Don't exceed the prescribed dose. The use of too much migraine medication can cause more headaches. Talk to your doctor if the medication fails to treat your migraine symptoms.

Contact your physician if symptoms don't improve or if there are more than four headaches within a month (30 days).

Rizatriptan may elevate blood pressure to hazardous levels. Your patients' blood pressure may require regular monitoring when you use Rizatriptan. If you take Rizatriptan for a long time, the heart's function could require a check by using an electrocardiograph (sometimes known as the EKG).

Place in a cool, dry place far from heat and moisture.

Details on Dosage

Usual Adult Dose for Migraine:

Only use after a definitive diagnostic of migraine is made

The initial dosage is five mg, or 10 mg, taken orally every time

If there was an improvement after the first dose, a subsequent dose could be administered 2 hours after migraine recurs.

Maximum dose: 30 mg in 24 hours


The 10 mg dose could have more effect. However, there is a higher likelihood of having adverse reactions.

This medication should not be used to treat hemiplegic or basilar migraines as these patients are more at risk of stroke.

The safety treatment of the average of four at least one migraine attack over 30 days has yet to be established. The effectiveness of the second or subsequent doses is not known in studies that have been placebo-controlled.

Use: For the immediate treatment of migraine that includes and without aura.

Usual Pediatric Dose for Migraine:

Use only after a specific diagnostic of migraine is made

Age 6 or over and weigh less than 40kg:

Initial dosage: 5 mg orally once

Age 6 or over and weighing 40 kg or more:

Initial dosage: 10 mg orally once

Limit: One dose within any 24-hour time


The drug is not recommended for treating hemiplegic or basilar migraines since these sufferers have a higher stroke risk.

The effectiveness of treatment of four plus migraine attacks within a 30-day time frame has not been proven. The safety and efficacy of more than one dose in 24 hours is not confirmed.

Use: Treat migraines with or without aura for patients six or older.

What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Because Rizatriptan is only used as needed, the medication does not require an ad-hoc dosing schedule. Contact your physician if your symptoms don't improve after using this medication.

What Happens If I Overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact for help at the Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222.

What Should be Avoided?

Take Rizatriptan for the next 24 hours before or following taking another medication for migraine headaches, including:

  • Almotriptan eletriptan almotriptan, frovatriptan sumatriptan and zolmitriptan;

  • Ergot medicine--dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, methylergonovine.

Avoid driving and other hazardous activities until you understand the effects of Rizatriptan on your body. The way you react could be affected.

Interaction with Other Drugs

Inform your doctor about your other medications, including:

  • Propranolol;

  • An antidepressant drug 

  • Medicines to treat medication to treat a mental disorder.

This list needs to be completed. Other medications can interfere with Rizatriptan, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, vitamins, and herbal remedies. There are many possible interactions between drugs. are listed here.

Inform your doctor about any other medications you take, including any antidepressants.

Other medications can affect Rizatriptan, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, such as vitamins and herbal products. Discuss with your doctor your current medications and any medication you begin or stop taking.