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Name of the Generic: Palbociclib.
The Brand Name: Ibrance.
Dosage in the Form of a Tablet: Capsule.
Drug Class: CDK 4/6 Inhibitors.

What is Palbociclib?

Palbociclib can be described as an oral medication that treats certain types of breast cancer in adults. The doctor who prescribes it will do so for you if it is an established benefit for your particular type of cancer. It is often used in conjunction with other cancer treatments, such as aromatase inhibitors or fulvestrants; the one you select will be based on your specific clinical circumstances.

It is a targeted treatment that inhibits CDK4 and CDK6, which are cell-specific enzymes that are essential for cell division. By blocking these proteins, you can slow down cell expansion, which reduces the growth of cancer.


It is not recommended to take palbociclib if you are expecting or planning to become pregnant because it could harm the unborn baby.

  • Females who have the potential to get pregnant should take advantage of effective birth control throughout treatment and for a minimum of 3 weeks following the last treatment with palbociclib.
  • Female partners of males who are pregnant must make sure they are using effective birth control palbociclib treatment for a minimum of 3 months following having taken the final dose of the medicine.
  • Consult your physician regarding birth control options that may be appropriate for you during this time.
  • If you find yourself pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant, inform your healthcare professional immediately.
  • Palbociclib could cause problems with fertility for males. It could affect your ability to father an infant. Consult your healthcare provider regarding family planning options prior to beginning palbociclib if this is an issue for you.

Consult your doctor if you are nursing or intend to breastfeed. It is not clear whether palbociclib is absorbed into breast milk. Avoid breastfeeding during treatment with palbociclib and for 3 weeks following the last dose.

How to take Palbociclib?

Palbociclib is utilized to treat patients who have hormone receptor (HR)-positive human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer. It should be used when combined with another medication for:

  • An aromatase inhibitor for the initial hormone-based treatment in postmenopausal females or men.
  • Fulvestrant is a treatment for patients suffering from an increase in disease severity following treatment with endocrine drugs.

Adverse effects of Palbociclib

Palbociclib can result in serious adverse side effects, such as: A low white blood cell count (neutropenia). This can increase your risk of serious infections. The low white blood cell count is frequent when you take palbociclib and could result in serious infections that could result in death. Your healthcare professional should test your white blood cell count prior to and during your treatment. If you have low white blood cells while receiving treatment, your doctor could end your treatment, reduce the dosage, or advise you to wait until you start your next treatment. Contact your healthcare professional immediately if you exhibit symptoms and signs of low white blood cells or infections, such as chills or fever.

Lung problems (pneumonitis):  Palbociclib could result in severe or life-threatening lung inflammation during treatment, which can result in death. Contact your physician immediately if you notice any new or more severe symptoms, for example:

  • Trouble breathing, breathing problems.
  • Cough, with or without mucus.
  • Chest pain.

The other possible effects can be more fully described further down the page.

Side effects of Palbociclib

Palbociclib can result in serious side effects. Also, notice the "Important information" section at the bottom of this page. Low red blood cell counts or low levels of platelet counts are typical when you take this medication. Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms in the course of treatment:

  • Dizziness.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Weaknesses.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Infections.
  • Tiredness.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Hair loss or thinning.
  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.
  • Sore mouth.
  • There are some abnormalities in blood tests for the liver.
  • It is a rash.
  • Appetite loss.

Palbociclib could cause fertility issues for males. This could hinder your ability to bear the child. Discuss with your doctor family planning options prior to beginning palbociclib if this is an issue for you. Contact your doctor in the event of any side effects that bother you or do not disappear. This is not the only list of possible side effects associated with this drug. Consult your physician for advice from a medical professional regarding possible side effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What should be avoided?

Before taking palbociclib, inform your doctor that you are:

  • Have chills, a fever, or other signs of illness. You may also experience chills, a fever, or other signs and symptoms.
  • Have kidney or liver issues.
  • Have any other medical issues.
  • Are pregnant or planning to be pregnant. Find out more below about palbociclib and pregnancy because it could cause harm to your baby.
  • Are breastfeeding or plan to be. Do not breastfeed while you are treated with palbociclib for three weeks following the last dose. Check out the following article for more details about palbociclib and breastfeeding.

How to take Palbociclib?

  • Tablets and capsules of palbociclib are taken precisely as your physician advises.
  • Make sure you take your medication at the same moment every day.
  • It is recommended to take the capsules of palbociclib along with food.
  • Tablets of palbociclib can be taken either with or without meals.
  • Consume tablets and capsules in their entirety.
  • Palbociclib tablets should not be chewed, broken, or split prior to taking them. Palbociclib capsules shouldn't be chewed, crushed, or chewed. Do not take the capsules apart before taking them.
  • Don't take pills or capsules when the tablets are damaged, broken, or otherwise damaged.
  • Do not consume grapefruit or grapefruit-related products while taking this medicine. Grapefruit may increase the amount in your blood.
  • Do not alter your dosage or cease taking the medication unless your healthcare professional advises you to do so.
  • If you do not take the dose of palbociclib or vomit after having taken a dose, you must not take another dose the next day. Your next dose should be taken at the time you normally take it.
  • If you consume excessive amounts of the medication, contact your doctor immediately or visit the nearest emergency room in a hospital.

Details on dosage

The standard dosage of palbociclib is a tablet of 125 mg or capsule that is taken once daily for 21 consecutive days. Then, you have seven days of non-use of the capsules or tablets. This is a total period of about 28 days.

  • The recommended dosage of an aromatase inhibitor if you are given it along with Palbociclib Refer to the full prescribing information for the inhibitor of aromatase being employed.
  • Consume the recommended dose of fulvestrant daily on days 1, 15, 29, and 30, and then once each month after that. Full prescription information for fulvestrant can be found here.
  • If you are a post- or perimenopausal woman who is being treated using the combination of palbociclib and the fulvestrant treatment, you should undergo treatment with luteinizing hormone (LHRH), an agonist, in line with current standards of clinical practice.
  • If you're a male receiving treatment with palbociclib and aromatase inhibitor therapy, you should consider the treatment of an LHRH as an agonist in accordance with current guidelines for clinical practice.

Your dosage could be modified by your physician in the event of adverse reactions such as changes in blood tests, liver issues, or if you're taking certain medicines that are incompatible with palbociclib.

Interaction with other drugs

Certain medications can interact with palbociclib. Therefore, it is crucial to inform your doctor about any medication that you're taking or when you decide to stop or begin taking any medication while being treated for cancer. Be sure to inform your doctor of any prescription medicines, vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, or other products that you are taking.


Store palbociclib at 68 degF to 77 degF (20 degC to 25 degC). Keep all medicines and palbociclib out of the reach of children.