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Generic name: Acetaminophen and hydrocodone [ a-SEET-a-MIN-oh-fen-and-hye-dro-KOE-done ]

Drug class: Narcotic analgesic combination

What is Norco?

Norco is a mixture of Acetaminophen along with hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is an opioid pain medicine. It is often referred to as a Narcotic. Acetaminophen is a weaker pain reliever which increases the effects of hydrocodone.

Norco can be used to alleviate mild or moderately extreme discomfort.

Norco could also be used for other purposes not mentioned in this guideline.


Hydrocodone can make you sluggish or stop breathing. Never use Norco in more significant quantities or for longer than recommended. Opioid pain medications can become habit-forming even at regular dosages. Never share Norco with anyone else, particularly those who have an addiction history to drugs or addiction. Place the medicine in a location where other people can't access it.

The misuse of NARCOTIC MEDICINES MAY RESULTS IN addiction, overdose, or death, particularly in children or anyone else using the medication without a prescription.

Do not take Norco in the event that you've used an MAO antagonist within the last 14 days, like linezolid, isocarboxazid or phenelzine, methylene blue injection rasagiline, selegiline or tranylcypromine.

Acetaminophen overdose could damage your liver and result in the death of a person. Call your doctor immediately if you experience nausea or pain in your stomach area, Itching, and loss of appetite. Dark urine, stools that are clay-coloured, as well as jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin).

Do not take Norco, and consult your doctor immediately if you notice a rash or skin redness which spreads and causes blisters as well as peeling.

Before you take this Drug

It is recommended not to take Norco If you have an allergy to Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and hydrocodone or if you've had a drink, sedatives or alcohol tranquilisers, or any other opioids.

Do not take Norco in the event that you've taken an MAO inhibitor within the last 14 days. A potentially dangerous interaction between drugs could occur. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid rasagiline, phenelzine and linezolid selegiline, tranylcypromine and selegiline.

Certain medications can interact with hydrocodone, causing serotonin syndrome. Make sure that your doctor is aware whether you are also taking medication for mental illness, depression such as Parkinson's disease, chronic infections and migraine headaches or for the prevention of vomiting and nausea. Talk to your doctor prior to making any changes to the way or how often you take your medicines.

This medication is if you suffer from:

  • Severe asthma or breathing issues severe asthma or breathing problems
  • A blockage in your stomach or your intestines.

To be sure Norco is safe for you, inform your doctor if you've had any of the following:

  • Breathing issues, sleep apnea, breathing problems (breathing ceases during sleep);
  • Liver disease;
  • An addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • Kidney disease;
  • A head injury or seizures;
  • Problems with urination and
  • Issues related to your pancreas, thyroid or gallbladder.

Norco tends to trigger breathing problems in elderly adults as well as those who are malnourished, sick or debilitated in any way.

If you take a drug narcotic while expecting, your baby may develop a dependence on the drug. This can cause severe withdrawal symptoms for the infant after it is born. Children who are dependent on habit-forming medications may require medical treatment for a period of time. Consult your physician if you are expecting or planning to be pregnant.

Talk to a doctor prior to taking opioid medications in the case of nursing. Tell your doctor when you experience severe fatigue or slow breathing during breastfeeding babies.

How to Take Norco?

Use Norco precisely as it is prescribed. Follow the directions on the prescription label. Do not take this medication in more significant amounts or for a more extended period than what is prescribed. An overdose can damage your liver or cause death. Inform your doctor in the event that the medication appears to cease working in relieving discomfort.

Hydrocodone can be addictive even when taken in regular doses. Don't share this medicine with a person you know, particularly those who have a history of substance addiction or abuse. The misuse of NARCOTIC MEDICINES can lead to addiction or even death, particularly in children or any other person who is using the medication without a medical prescription. Selling or giving away Norco is illegal.

If you are in need of medical or surgical procedures, inform your doctor in advance that you're taking this medication. It is possible that you will need to stop taking the medicine for a brief period of time.

Do not stop taking the medicine abruptly after prolonged use, or you may suffer from painful withdrawal signs. Consult your physician about how to effectively stop taking Norco.

Keep Norco within the room at a temperature away from heat and moisture. Be aware of the dosage of medication used in each bottle. Hydrocodone can be a source that is abused, and you must be aware of anyone using the medicine in a way that is not legal or without a prescription.

Always examine your medicine bottle to ensure that you've received the correct medication (same brand and kind) of the medicine recommended by your physician.

Details on Dosage

Usual Adult Dose of Norco for Pain:


The dosage that is recommended:

Acetaminophen-hydrocodone 300 mg-5 mg: 1 to 2 tablets orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed

Maximum dose:

Acetaminophen-hydrocodone 300 mg-5 mg: 8 tablets daily


Dosage must be adjusted in accordance with the intensity of discomfort and the reaction to the treatment of the individual. The tolerance to hydrocodone may grow with time, and the risk of developing adverse effects is inversely related to the dose.

Approved indication for the treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain.

What happens If I miss the dose?

Because Norco is prescribed as necessary, you may not be on a regular dosing schedule. If you take the medication frequently, you must take the missed dose immediately when you remember. Do not take your missed dosage if you are nearing the time for the next dose. Don't use any extra medication to make up for the missed dose.

What Happens If I Overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency treatment or contact for help at the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. A hydrocodone overdose could be fatal, particularly in the case of a child or another person taking the drug without a prescription. Overdose symptoms may include extreme drowsiness, a sharpening of pupils, a slow breathing rate, or a lack of breathing.

The doctor might suggest getting Naloxone (a medicine that reverses an overdose of opioids) and carrying it on hand always. The person who is caring for you may give Naloxone if you cease breathing or don't regain consciousness. Your caregiver needs to get medical attention in an emergency and could be required to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) on you as they wait for assistance to arrive.

Naloxone can be purchased from pharmacies or your local health department. It is important that everyone who cares for you is aware of the location where you keep your Naloxone and how to utilize it.

Avoid this

This medication can affect your ability to think or react. Do not drive or operate machinery until you understand how Norco can affect your body. The effects of drowsiness and dizziness could cause accidents or falls.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any other cold allergy, pain or sleep medicine. Acetaminophen (sometimes abbreviated as APAP) is found in a variety of combination medications. Combining certain medications can result in too much Acetaminophen and cause an overdose that is fatal. Check the label to determine if the medicine includes Acetaminophen or APAP.

Beware of drinking alcohol. It can increase the risk of suffering liver damage when taking Acetaminophen.

Side Effects of Norco

Take immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing symptoms of an allergy reaction, Norco: hives, difficulty breathing, and swelling of your lips, face or tongue.

Opioid medicines can reduce or stop your breathing and cause death. A person caring for you should administer Naloxone or seek medical care if you suffer from prolonged breathing, pauses in your breathing or blue lips or if you find it difficult to get up.

In some rare instances, the acetaminophen drug can trigger severe skin reactions, which can turn life-threatening. This could occur even if you've taken Acetaminophen previously and did not experience any reaction. Take a break from this medication and contact your physician right in the event of an itch or redness on your skin, which spreads and causes blisters or flaking. If you have this kind of reaction, it is best not to take any medicine containing Acetaminophen.

See your doctor right away If you suffer from the following:

  • Loud breathing, sighing breath that is shallow, and sleeping that ceases;
  • A feeling of lightheadedness, as if you're passing out;
  • Disorientation, strange thoughts or behaviours;
  • Seizure (convulsions);
  • Bleeding or bruises;
  • Infertility missed menstrual periods;
  • Inability to have sex, sexual problems, lack of interest in sexual activity;
  • Liver issues, nausea, stomach discomfort, dry skin, lack of appetite, dark urine, stools that are clay-coloured, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin);
  • Low levels of cortisol, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness, or worsening fatigue or weakness;
  • Serotonin levels are high within the body, which causes hallucinations, agitation and sweating. Shaking, rapid heart rate, muscle stiffness, twitching and loss of coordination. Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting.

The presence of serious breathing issues could be more common among older adults and those with a debilitating condition or suffer from wasting syndrome or chronic breathing conditions.

Common Norco adverse effects include:

  • Drowsiness, headache;
  • Constipation, stomach upset;
  • Blurred vision or
  • Dry mouth.

This isn't a complete list of all side effects. Others could happen. Consult your physician for advice regarding the medical effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Interaction with Other Drugs

It is possible to experience breathing issues or withdrawal symptoms if you take or stop taking other medications. Tell your doctor when you are also taking an antifungal, antibiotic as well as blood pressure or heart medications, seizure medication or medication that treat HIV as well as hepatitis C.

Norco may be a drug that interacts with many other drugs and can cause serious negative side effects or even death. Be sure your doctor is aware if you are taking:

  • Medicine for allergies or colds such as bronchodilator asthma/COPD medicine or diuretic ("water pill");
  • Medicine to treat motion sickness or irritable bowel syndrome, or an overactive bladder.
  • Other narcotic drugs such as opioid pain medicine as well as prescription-only cough medicines
  • A sedative that is similar to Valium is diazepam, alprazolam lorazepam, Xanax, Klonopin, Versed, and others;
  • Substances that cause you to be tired or cause breathing to slow, such as a sleeping pill, muscle relaxer, medication to treat mental illnesses or mood disorders or
  • Medications that alter serotonin levels within your body as a stimulant or medicine to treat Parkinson's disease, depression, severe infections, migraines or vomiting and nausea.

This list is not comprehensive. Other medications can interact with hydrocodone or Acetaminophen, which includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and products made from herbs. None of the possible interactions are included in this article.




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