What is hoodia?
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent-like cactus that is native to the Kalahari Dry Desert of southern Africa. 1 Because of excessive harvesting and slow growth, Hoodia is now considered a threatened species. Hoodia is a clump of upright stems with thorns and tan flowers with a distinct unpleasant smell.
Hoodia has been the subject of media attention lately for its appetite-suppressant properties.
Need to know:
Patients shouldn't take Hoodia without first speaking to their physician if they are
- Suffer from diabetes or taking medication to manage blood sugar levels
- Are suffering from heart issues or are taking any heart medications,
- Are suffering from a bleeding or clotting issue or are taking medication to improve or reduce the blood clotting, like aspirin, warfarin (coumadin), or heparin,
- Are suffering from anorexia, bulimia, or any other eating disorder.
Patients might not be able to use Hoodia or may require a special monitoring regimen when they undergo treatment if they suffer from any of the above conditions, as well as taking the drugs that are listed above.
Hoodia is not assessed by the FDA to determine its safety, efficacy, or quality. The risks and benefits of hoodia are not yet known. In addition, there aren't standard manufacturing procedures that are controlled for these substances. There have been cases where herbal or health supplements were sold and were contaminated by toxic metals and other drugs. Health supplements and herbal remedies should be bought from a reputable source to avoid the possibility of contamination.
Hoodies are available to purchase at retail stores and on the internet. However, clinical studies haven't proved Hoodia's effectiveness or security. The actual amounts of hoodia present in products advertised can't always be verified, as products can be counterfeit or infected. Since a lot of these products claim to help lose weight but aren't tested clinically, the makers have violated the lawful Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
In October 2011, the FDA informed customers that the "P57 Hoodia'' product marketed by Huikng Pharmaceutical was found to contain sibutramine, which is a controlled substance that had been removed from the U.S. market in October 2010 due to safety reasons. Sibutramine is known to significantly raise the pulse rate and blood pressure in some patients. It may also be a risk for those who have a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or stroke. Sibutramine may cause serious harm with other drugs a patient might take. 2
What is the process behind the hoodia function?
The effects of hoodia on appetite suppression Hoodia was first noticed in 1937 by a Dutch anthropologist who was studying the primitive San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert.
It was observed that wandering bushmen (who call it Xhoba) took the stems of the Hoodia plant to ward off hunger during long hunts in the area with little vegetation.
Hoodia's active component Hoodia is the molecule that suppresses appetite, called P57, or oxypregnane. the steroidal glycoside P57AS3. In a few clinical studies, P57 has been studied to determine its effectiveness in the field of anti-obesity drugs.
It is believed that P57 affects the brain in a similar way to glucose. It tricks the brain into thinking that one is full, even though they've never eaten; it reduces appetite for food and slows down the time that the feeling of hunger begins. It seems to function at the level of the hypothalamus, which blocks hunger signals.
Not for:
Patients shouldn't take hoodia without consulting their doctor if they suffer from
- Diabetes,
- Heart disease, or high blood pressure
- A bleeding or blood clotting disorder,
- Anorexia, bulimia, or an eating disorder of any kind
Patients should consult their physician prior to taking Hoodia when they suffer from other medical issues or sensitivities (especially towards plants) or are taking other medications or health supplements, such as herbal or natural.
Patients shouldn't take Hoodia without first speaking to their physician if they're expecting or may be pregnant.
Patients should not use hoodia without consulting their doctor if they are breastfeeding.
There is no data available on the usage of Hoodia in children. Do not give any Herbalife supplements to your child before talking to the child's physician.
How to take Hoodia?
The application of Hoodia in traditional and cultural environments may be different from those that are accepted by modern Western medical practices. If you are considering using herbal supplements, consulting with an expert in primary health care is recommended. Also, consulting with a doctor who is knowledgeable about the use of supplements for health or herbal remedies can be beneficial, and the coordination of treatment between all health professionals involved could be beneficial.
Use Hoodia only according to the instructions of a doctor, pharmacist, or other health professional.
Store the hoodie as per the directions on the label.
Do I be concerned if I miss a dose?
There isn't any information on the missed dose of Hoodia. Speak to your pharmacist, doctor, or health care professional to obtain additional information.
What will happen if I take excessively?
Get medical attention in an emergency.
What should be avoided?
There aren't any restrictions on beverages, food, or activities while taking Hoodia except as directed by a physician.
Side effects of Hoodia
Patients should consult their physician about any potential adverse reactions they might experience.
Interaction with other drugs
There isn't much information available for hoodia and other medications. It is advised that patients consult their doctor or pharmacist as well as their health professional before taking any prescription or other over-the-counter medications or any other health or herbal supplements.
A clinical study in vitro has revealed that in the intestinal tract, P57 is mediated by the P-glycoprotein as well as the multidrug-resistant MRP1/MRP2 protein. P57 demonstrated mild inhibitory effects on the liver cell cytochrome P450 3A4 protein. 3 The possibility of clinically important interactions with drugs is not known.