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Name of the Generic: Dabrafenib [da-bRAFe-e-nib] da-bRAF-e-nib.
The Brand Name: Tafinlar.
Dosage Form: Capsules (50 mg; 75 mg).
Drug Class: Multikinase inhibitors.

What is Dabrafenib?

Dabrafenib can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with a different medication called trametinib (Mekinist) to treat certain kinds of cancer in patients with the "BRAF" gene mutation.


  • Melanoma (skin cancer) that is not treated by the surgical procedure and has spread to various areas of the body to stop melanoma from coming back after surgery.
  • Non-small-cell lung cancer that has recurred in other parts of the body.
  • Metastatic or advanced thyroid cancer that has developed and spread, for which there are no other options for treatment.

Dabrafenib can also be employed for other purposes that are not covered in this medication guide.

Side effects of Dabrafenib

See a doctor immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, hives, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue. Certain negative side effects can be more likely when taking dabrafenib and trametinib in combination. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience:

  • Minimal or no urination.
  • Fever Feeling cold, shivering, short of breath, or lightheaded.
  • Yellowed or pale skin, dark-colored convulsions, fever, or weakness.
  • Eye swelling, eye pain or swelling; changes in vision; seeing halos in the light; seeing the color "dots" in your vision.
  • Extreme skin eruption that causes skin pain or swelling with redness and flaking skin that appears on feet or hands.
  • More thirst or increased urination.
  • Indications of bleeding such as dizziness, weakness, headache, bloody or tarry stools, vomiting of blood or vomit that appears like coffee grounds.
  • Symptoms of heart problems warning signs of heart problems breathing problems (even when you exert yourself). rapid heartbeats, and swelling of your ankles or feet.

The treatment for cancer may be delayed or discontinued permanently in the event of certain adverse effects.

Common adverse effects of dabrafenib could be:

  • Migraine, muscular, or joint discomfort.
  • Bleeding.
  • Fever, chills, tiredness.
  • Dry skin and thickened, dry warts or rash.
  • Swelling in the arms, legs, and face.
  • The appearance of swelling, redness, peeling, or tenderness in the feet or hands.
  • Vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, reduced appetite.
  • Cough, shortness of breath.
  • Hair loss.

This is not a comprehensive list of all the side effects. Other effects may also be present. Contact your doctor for medical advice on the consequences. You can report any side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


Utilizing dabrafenib together with trametinib can increase the chance of developing a particular kind of skin cancer. Consult your physician about the risk you are most at risk for. Contact your doctor if you detect any new skin issues.

Before you take this drug

You shouldn't use dabrafenib if you have an allergy to it.

Inform your doctor if you were ever diagnosed with:

  • Heart disease.
  • Bleeding issues.
  • Kidney or liver disease.
  • Diabetes (dabrafenib can increase blood sugar levels).
  • Eye issues (especially problems in your eyes) eye problems.
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) insufficiency is a hereditary enzyme deficit.

Utilizing dabrafenib together with trametinib can increase the risk of developing a particular kind of skin cancer. Discuss with your physician your risk. Contact your doctor if you detect any new skin issues like warts, redness, sores that do not heal, or a mole that has grown or changed color. You might need to undergo an unfavorable pregnancy test prior to commencing this treatment. Men and women who are taking dabrafenib must utilize effective birth control methods to avoid pregnancy. Dabrafenib can harm the unborn baby and cause a birth defect if the father or mother is taking this medication. Use contraceptives for at least two weeks after your last dose. Reach your doctor immediately if you experience a pregnancy when one of the mothers or fathers is taking dabrafenib. If you take dabrafenib with trametinib, Use birth control for a minimum of 4 months following the previous dose of the two medications. Dabrafenib could make hormone-based birth controls less efficient, such as contraceptive implants, injections, skin patches, or vaginal rings. To avoid pregnancy when using dabrafenib, utilize an alternative form of birth control, such as a diaphragm, condom, cervical cap, or contraceptive sponge. This medicine can impact fertility (the ability to have children) for both men and women. It is nevertheless important to use birth control in order to stop pregnancy, as dabrafenib could harm an unborn baby. You shouldn't breastfeed while taking this medication and for a minimum of 2 weeks following your final dosage (or 4 months after the previous dose of dabrafenib using trametinib).

How to take Dabrafenib?

Follow the instructions on your prescription label, and review all medication guides and instructions. Follow the medication exactly as prescribed. Your doctor will run blood tests to ensure that you have the right tumor type that can be treated with dabrafenib. Use dabrafenib with a full stomach at least an hour prior to or two hours after eating. Dabrafenib is best taken at evenly spaced intervals of around every 12 hours. Suck the capsule whole, and don't crush, chew, break, or break it open.

If you are in need of an operation, dental work, or any medical procedure, inform the doctor that you currently take dabrafenib. Your doctor should inspect your skin at least every two months during the time you're taking dabrafenib as well as for up to six months after your treatment is over. The heart's function could need to be monitored by using an electrocardiograph (sometimes also referred to as the EKG). Take all your medication according to your doctor's instructions, and study the medication instructions you receive. Don't alter your dosage or schedule of dosing without your physician's guidance. Maintain at room temperature, away from heat and moisture.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Use the medicine as quickly as you are able, but take a break from any missed dose if the scheduled dose comes due within less than six hours. Do not take two doses at once.

What happens if I overdose?

Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Follow your doctor's advice regarding any restrictions on your food, drink, or activities.

Interaction with other drugs

It is sometimes not safe to use certain medicines together. Certain medications can alter the blood levels of other medications you are taking, which could create side effects or render the drugs less effective. Other medications can affect dabrafenib, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Discuss with your doctor the medicines you are currently taking and any medications you begin or stop taking.