What is Auvi-Q?
Auvi-Q injections are made up of epinephrine, an ingredient that can narrow blood vessels and open airways in the lungs. This can reverse hypotension, excessive itching of the skin, hives, and other signs of an allergic reaction.Auvi-Q injections are used to combat severe allergy reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings, bites, food, drugs, and other allergens. Epinephrine can also be used to treat anaphylaxis caused by exercise.Auvi-Q auto-injectors are often kept in the case to be used by self-injection for a person with a history of extreme allergic reactions. This medication is intended for use by adults and children who weigh at least 16.5 pounds (7.5 kilogrammes).
Get medical attention immediately following any use of AuviQ to treat an extreme allergic reaction. After the injection, you'll require more treatment and monitoring.
Prior to using this drug
Before taking Auvi-Q, inform your doctor whether any previous usage of the medicine has resulted in an allergic reaction that has begun to become more severe.
To ensure that Auvi-Q is safe for you, inform your physician if you've ever experienced:
- Heart disease, also known as excessive blood pressure,
- Asthma;
- Parkinson's disease;
- Depression and mental health
- A thyroid disorder;
If you experience an allergic reaction, nursing or being pregnant can harm both the baby and the mother. It's possible that you will need to take epinephrine in the course of pregnancy or while you breastfeed. Get medical attention immediately after having taken this injection.If it is possible to do so in an emergency, inform your medical professionals if you are nursing or pregnant.
Similar or related drugs
EpiPen Prednisone and Loratadine, Benadryl, Triamcinolone, Diphenhydramine, and Promethazine
How do I take Auvi-Q?
The Auvi-Q auto-injector is a consumable, single-use device. Follow the directions on the label of your prescription and also read the medication guide or instructions sheets. Don't inject this medication when you don't understand the directions. Be certain to follow all directions when taking your medicine. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor if you don't understand these directions.Make use of an auto-injector just once. Do not attempt to inject an auto-injector twice. If the needle is bent after the first injection, the needle could cause severe damage to the skin.Avoid giving this medication to children without medical guidance.Auvi-Q is injected directly into your surface (subcutaneously) or the muscle (intramuscularly) of the outer thigh. In an emergency, the injection is administered through your clothes.Your medication may also include the "trainer pen." The trainer pen is not medicine or a needle. It's only for non-urgent use to help you practice administering an AuviQ injection.Do not take off the cap for your safety until you are able to inject the auto-injector. Do not touch the injector's tip while taking off the safety cap or once the safety cap is removed.To make use of an AuviQ auto-injectorAuvi-Q has an electronic voice system to help you navigate through each stage of your injection. If the instructions given by the voice do not work due to any reason, you can use Auvi-Q as instructed in the following steps. It can still be used in an emergency situation involving allergic reactions.
- Remove the Auvi-Q from the case's outer side.
- Pull the red safety guards down and away from Auvi-Q. To minimise the risk of an unintentional injection, make sure you don't touch the black bottom of the auto-injector. This is the point where the needle is released. If an injection is accidentally made, you need medical assistance; seek it out immediately. Take note that the safety shield is designed to fit tightly. You can pull it out with force to get rid of it.
- Place the black end of Auvi-Q in the centre of your outside of the thigh (through clothing, if necessary) and then press with a firm force until you hear a click and a hiss sound. Hold for two seconds. Make sure to inject only into the middle of your outside thigh. Don't inject into any other area of the body. If you administer Auvi-Q to a child or infant, keep the leg in a secure position when administering an injection.
The needle retracts automatically after the injection has been completed. The needle won't be visible following the injection. AuviQ comes with a two-second countdown once it has been activated, after which the voice instructions will signal that the injection has been completed. - Take immediate medical attention following any epinephrine use to treat an allergic reaction that is severe.
Epinephrine's effects could fade after 10 or 20 minutes. It is necessary to seek additional treatment and follow-up.
Don't use Auvi-Q. If it has changed colour, contains particles, or is a month past its expiration date, the prescription has expired. Ask your pharmacist for the new prescription.Keep it at room temperature, free of heat, moisture, and light. Do not freeze or refrigerate this medication. Also, do not keep it in your vehicle.Do not reuse needles or syringes. Make use of them only once and put them in a puncture-proof "sharps" container. Make sure you follow local or state laws on how to dispose of the container. Make sure it is out of reach of pets and children.
What happens if I miss the dose?
Because epinephrine is only used in times of need, it is not required to have a regular dosing schedule.
What happens if I overdose?
Get medical attention in an emergency or contact the poison help line at 1-800-222-1222.Some symptoms of an overdose may include weakness or numbness. intense headache, blurred vision, the pounding of your neck or ears, chills, sweating, chest pain, rapid or slow heartbeats You may also experience severe breathlessness or a cough with foamy mucus.
Aviod this
Make sure you do not inject epinephrine into an artery or into the buttock muscles, or else it might not work equally. Inject it only into the fleshy area outside of your thigh.Intentionally injecting epinephrine in your feet or hands could result in a reduction of blood flow to these locations, resulting in a feeling of numbness.
Side effects of Auvi-Q
Before taking epinephrine, inform your physician if previous use of this medication resulted in an allergic reaction that has begun to become worse.Contact your doctor immediately if you feel the sensation of warmth, pain, swelling, redness, or symptoms of infection at the site where you received an injection.Some side effects are more prevalent in older adults.
Common Auvi-Q side effects include:
- Breathing issues;
- Quick, irregular, or rapid heartbeats;
- Pale skin, sweating;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Dizziness;
- The tremors or weakness;
- Headaches migraine
- Feeling anxious, frightened, or anxious. Or even excited.
This isn't an exhaustive list of possible side effects, and other effects may also be present. Contact your doctor for advice regarding medical adverse effects. You can report any symptoms to the fda at 1-800-fda-1088.
Interaction with other drug
Discuss with your doctor all other medicines you take, including:
- Asthma medicine;
- An antidepressant
- Cold or allergy medication (benadryl and others);
- Heart or blood pressure medication;
- Thyroid medication;
- Ergot medicine dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, and methylergonovine.
This list isn't comprehensive. Other drugs can be incompatible with epinephrine, such as prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. There are many possible interactions between drugs. are included here.