What is Athlete's foot cream?
Terbinafine is an antifungal drug that combats the occurrence of infections due to fungi.Athlete's foot cream (for your skin) can be used for treating skin ailments like athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringsworm infections.Athlete's Foot Cream can also be used to treat conditions that are not mentioned in this guide.
Side effects of Athlete Foot Cream
Contact a medical professional immediately. If you are experiencing symptoms warning signs of an allergic response, such as difficulty breathing, hives, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,
Terbinafine may cause serious side effects. Stop taking terbinafine and contact your doctor immediately in case you suffer from:
- Extreme burning, itching, dryness, peeling, redness, or irritation on the skin treated
The less serious side effects could be more likely, or there may be no side effects whatsoever.This list does not cover every possible adverse reaction of taking this medicine. Other effects may also be experienced. Contact your doctor for advice regarding medical adverse effects. Report adverse reactions directly to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
Follow the directions on the medicine label and on the label of your package. Inform your healthcare professionals about your allergies, medical conditions, and all medications you take.
Similar/related drugs
Clotrimazole topical, ketoconazole topical, terbinafine topical, itraconazole, miconazole topical, Lamisil
Prior to using this drug
Do not apply Athlete's Foot Cream if you have an allergy to the product.The athlete's foot cream cannot be intended to harm a baby who is not yet born. Consult a physician if you are planning or expecting pregnancy.It is not clear if terbinafine is absorbed into breast milk or if it is harmful to the nursing infant. Consult a physician if breastfeeding your infant child.Terbinafine is not permitted for use by anyone who is younger than
How do I take Athlete foot cream?
Take exactly as indicated on the label or as recommended by your physician. Don't use in greater quantities, in smaller amounts, or for longer periods than suggested.Do not consume by mouth. Athlete's Foot Cream is intended for application only to the skin. Don't use this cream for treating the fungal infection of your fingernails, toenails, or scalp.Check all the information about your patient, including the medication guides and instructions provided to you. Should you have any concerns, be sure to notify either your pharmacist or doctor immediately.Cleanse your hands prior to and after taking this medication.Dry and cleanse the area affected. Apply the medication as directed.Make sure to take this medicine for the entire prescribed duration. The symptoms might improve after your illness is cleared completely.Contact your physician if your symptoms don't improve or if they become worse.Don't cover the treated skin unless your physician advises you to.Keep the medicine at room temperature, far from heat and moisture. Keep the container securely closed whenever not in use.
What happens if I miss the dose?
Take the dose you missed immediately after you remember. Don't miss any missed dosages if it's nearing the time to take the next dose. Don't take extra medication to replace the missed dose.
What happens if I overdose?
A terbinafine overdose isn't expected to pose a risk.If you suspect an accidental overdose of medication has taken place, seek immediate medical assistance or call the Poison Help Line immediately at 1-800-222-1222 for advice and treatment.
Aviod this
If athlete's foot cream is absorbed into your eyes, mouth, nose, rectum, or vagina, wash with water.Don't use any other medication on the areas that you treat with terbinafine unless a doctor has instructed you to.Do not wear tight-fitting, synthetic clothing that does not let air circulate. Wear loose-fitting clothing made from cotton or various natural fibres until the inflammation is gone.
Interaction with other drug
It is unlikely that other substances you consume in the form of injections or oral dosages can affect the topically applied Terbinafine. However, many medications can interfere with one another. Inform your health care professionals about the medicines you take, which include prescription and non-prescription medications, vitamins, and herbs.