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What is Acrivastine?

Acrivastine is used to decrease inflammation and reduce minor pain due to conditions like the flu or cold, headaches, and muscle pains, as well as arthritis and menstrual cramps.

Acrivastine can also be utilized to treat conditions not covered in the guidelines for this medication.

Details on Dosage

The quantity of medication you consume is contingent on the strength of your drug. Additionally, the number of doses you will take daily, the amount of time between doses, and the duration of time that you use the medication are contingent on the medical issue to treat for which you're taking the drug.

  • For oral dosage forms (capsules):

  • To treat an allergy to the season:

  • Children and adults older than 12 years old: take one capsule four times per day (taken between 4 and 6 hours throughout the day).

  • Children under 12 years old: dosage and frequency must be determined by your physician.

What Happens if I Miss a Dose?

If you are missing a dose of this medication, make sure you take it as quickly as possible. But if you find it nearing the time to take your next dose, avoid the dose you missed and then go on with your usual dose routine. Don't double doses.

What should be avoided when using acrivastine and pseudoephedrine

It is crucial that you have your doctor review your health at every visit. This allows you to check if the medication is functioning properly and also to decide whether you need to be taking it.

Avoid using this drug along with one of the mao inhibitors (MAOIs), for example, Eldepryl (r), Marplan (r), Nardil (r), or parnate (r), within 14 days of each other.

The medication may cause individuals to feel disoriented, tired, or more alert than they normally are. Be sure to know the reaction you will experience to this medicine prior to taking a drive, operating equipment, or engaging in anything else that may be risky in the event that you're disoriented or dizzy.

The medicine can increase the adverse effects of alcohol as well as other cns depressants (medicines that cause you to become sleepy or less alert). Examples of cns depressants are antihistamines and medications for hay fever, colds, and other allergies, as well as a variety of tranquilizers. Sleeping medicines are prescribed for pain medication, barbiturates, narcotic medicines for seizures, muscle relaxants, or anesthetics, which includes the use of dental anesthetics. Make sure to consult your doctor or dentist before you take any of these medications.

Don't take any other medications in the absence of discussing them with your physician. It includes nonprescription or prescription (over-the-counter [otc]) medications as well as herbal or vitamin supplements.

Side effects of Acrivastine and pseudoephedrine

In addition to their beneficial results, medicines can have unwanted consequences. While not all negative side effects are likely to be present, should they occur, they might require medical attention.

Contact emergency aid immediately. If any of the following signs of an overdose are present:

Mild effects

  • Vision blurred

  • Pain in the chest or discomfort

  • Cool, cold, or paler skin

  • Confusion

  • Dizziness

  • Dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when rising abruptly from a lying position or in a

  • Irregular heartbeats

  • Seizures

  • Breathing shortness

  • Slow heart rate

  • Sweating

  • Uncommon tiredness or weakness

Certain side effects can be experienced that usually don't require medical treatment. They may fade in the course of treatment as your body adjusts to it. In addition, your healthcare specialist may give you suggestions to reduce or prevent certain side effects. Consult your health care expert if any of these symptoms listed below persist or become bothersome, or if you have questions regarding them:

Adverse side effects

  • Dry mouth

  • Headache

  • Drowsiness that is unusual or sleepy

  • Acidic or stomach sourness

  • Of belching

  • Body aches, pains, or numbness

  • Congestion

  • Cough

  • Soreness, dryness, or dryness in the throat

  • Febrile

  • Heartburn

  • Hoarseness

  • Indigestion

  • Weakness, lack of strength,

  • Nausea

  • Nervousness

  • Nasal, runny nose

  • Stomach discomfort, upset, or pain

  • Swelling, tender glands that are located in the neck

  • Trouble sleep

  • Trouble with swallowing

  • Voice changes

Additional side effects that are not mentioned could also be experienced by some patients. If you experience any additional symptoms, consult your physician.