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It is a neurological condition that causes a variety of symptoms. The most common are pulsing, throbbing headaches, usually on one side but sometimes both. It has been noted that exposure to light, exercise, loud noises, or smells often aggravates migraines. This may last up to four hours or, in some cases, even days. About 12% of Americans have been affected by this disease. According to research reports, it is the sixth most disabling illness in the world.

What is Chronic Migraine?

Chronic migraine is a headache that continues for at least five consecutive days, and at least eight of those days show migraine symptoms. Chronic headaches usually begin as less frequent or more consistent headaches and gradually become more frequent and severe.


You might be interested to learn that specialists have estimated that almost half of adults experience headaches. Of Americans, only 12% get migraine headaches. Unfortunately, women are more likely to get a migraine. Women are three times more likely to get migraines than men.


The people who experience the ill effects of ongoing cerebral pains are more defenseless to numerous wild and perilous circumstances, including:


Resting at a terrible sleep time or dozing insufficiently

  • Achieves gloom
  • Pointless tension
  • Potential Triggers

The things that cause headaches and the triggers of headaches are two unique things. Some people prone to migraines will find that certain situations, behaviors, or environments can trigger a migraine attack. These factors are known as triggers.


I want to point out quickly that triggers vary from person to person. You may also find that the triggers affect a person differently each time they are exposed. Avoiding common migraine triggers can dramatically reduce future symptoms of chronic headaches.


The following are some risk factors that may trigger migraines or make someone more susceptible to them.


A frequently stressed-out person is more susceptible to migraine. Stress at high levels can trigger migraines regardless of gender.

Improper posture:

Sitting incorrectly can cause reduced blood flow through the neck. This reduced blood flow can also cause a headache. How you sit affects your mood. To prevent migraines, sitting with the correct body posture is important.


Experts say that anxiety can cause some health problems. Individuals suffering from migraines may find their painful headaches increase during stress and anxiety.

Genetic condition:

 About 80% of people who suffer from migraines are related to the disease in some way.


 Women between the ages of five to fifty-five are most susceptible. The hormones are likely to be more prevalent in women.

Certain consumables:

Aged food (such as cured cheeses, cured meats, and smoked fish), spicy foods, and artificial sweeteners can be triggers. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a typical food additive that can set off headaches.

Caffeine misuse and abuse:

In spite of the fact that caffeine helps the body, its maltreatment can be unsafe. Caffeine can set off headaches. Beverages and soft drinks with high sugar content can set off headaches.

Hormonal imbalance:

 Women are more susceptible to migraines and are more likely to experience them. It may be because women undergo regular hormonal changes due to their monthly menstrual cycles. Also, they experience noticeable hormone changes before and during menopause. Hormonal medications, such as birth control, may also cause chronic migraines.

Smells and sounds:

 Over the years, loud noises or flashing lights have triggered migraines. Paint thinner, perfumes, and secondhand smoke — among others — can trigger migraines in different people.

Absence of rest:

An excess of rest or staying asleep from sundown to sunset can cause headaches. Rest propensities should be adjusted.

Active work:

A serious actual work, for example, during sexual action or exercise, can set off headaches.

Changes to Atmospheric conditions:

Changes in weather patterns or barometric pneumatic stress can cause a headache.

Treatment Options

Treatment of migraine can include medication, lifestyle changes, and alternative remedies.


If the migraine attack is mild, it is best to start treating the pain with simple painkillers (aspirin or paracetamol). Then, increase the dosage as necessary until the maximum tolerated amount, except if the headache is severe from the beginning or is likely to become so. If this happens, add a triptan to the medication above to increase its effectiveness. Opiates should be avoided whenever possible. Since your doctor knows you better, he can devise the best treatment plan for chronic headaches. It is also important to treat side effects such as nausea.


You can likewise utilize other treatment techniques, for example, transcranial attractive excitement and transcutaneous supraorbital Nerve Recreation.

Way of life Changes

Way of life changes can assist with forestalling headaches. Many individuals can forestall headaches by lessening pressure and expanding unwinding. Contemplation is an extraordinary method for controlling the circumstance.

Alternative Remedies  

You can use some alternative remedies to treat migraine. These include acupuncture and increased B-2 vitamin intake, as well as massage. Biofeedback is another alternative remedy that can help to prevent migraine. It helps you learn how to relax specific muscles to reduce headaches.

Do I have to see a Dental specialist?

Conversing with your primary care physician is significant, particularly on the off chance that this is whenever you first are encountering headache assaults or on the other hand assuming they have expanded in seriousness or recurrence. You can counsel your overall expert, who will probably allude you to a cerebral pain trained professional or nervous system specialist. You ought to counsel your primary care physician assuming you experience any new side effects other than headache.