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How to Relieve Stress for a Woman | Expert Tips & Advice

How to Relieve Stress for a Woman

Stress is present in everyone’s life, but it is much more burdensome for women. According to the APA 2023 survey, women gave their stress level 5.3 on a scale of 10 as opposed to men who gave 4.8. This gap poses a very serious issue. Women experience daily stress more often than men, and approximately 27% of women reported feeling stressed every day.

Women juggle multiple roles—working, raising children, and caring for aging parents. These responsibilities add up and negatively affect health. Studies link ongoing stress to heart disease, and women often face worse outcomes than men with the same condition.

More shockingly, 60% of women have reported that their stress levels have increased in the past year. This increase indicates that there is a need to find out how to relieve stress for a woman.

That’s why, today, we will share practical tips below to lower stress and boost your overall health.

What is Stress?

Stress is your mind’s response to a daily event that brings a challenge or threat. Almost everybody experiences a great deal of stress due to various challenges. However, women feel more stress as compared to men.

Sometimes, stress can motivate and help you achieve goals. But stress also brings various challenges that are negative and can be destructive. After some time, stress becomes excessive and makes it harder to cope. Stress can be caused by many activities:

  • Having little or no control over a situation.
  • Not being able to meet a deadline.
  • A family member or kid being ill.
  • Any traumatic event. 

Women surround themselves with so many responsibilities that they often neglect their mental health. This constant pressure makes them feel more stressed. Stress can show up in many ways, like changes in their hormones, dark circles under their eyes, or oily hair.

The first step to dealing with stress is knowing what causes it. When women know what makes them stressed, they can do things to feel better and lessen the bad effects of stress.

How Stress Affects Heart Health in Women?

Adrenaline, a “fight or flight” chemical is released by the body during stress. Thus, stress is not just a mind state. It can cause other health issues too. Adrenaline increases heart rate by raising the blood pressure. This can lead to a heart attack. 

Cortisol is another stress hormone. It leads to increased blood glucose levels and insulin resistance. This can lead to diabetes and depression. 

Stress can also cause inflammation in the body. It can lead to high blood pressure and eventually a heart attack. Moreover, stress makes it harder to sleep and can put your heart health at risk. 

Women are more likely to die after a heart emergency than men. Therefore, it is crucial to find ways that reduce stress in women.  Women should avoid drinking too much alcohol or eating unhealthy foods. This can help them manage stress. 

What are the Symptoms of Stress?

Every human reacts to stress in different ways. Likewise, each woman has a different way of reacting to stress. But some symptoms can identify stress:

Physical Symptoms:

Physical symptoms may include:

  • Headaches
  • Tension
  • Upset stomach
  • Tiredness
  • Pain in back
  • Overeating
  • Less energy
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Less interest in sex

Emotional Symptoms:

Emotional symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Crying
  • Constant sadness
  • Mood swings
  • Sadness
  • Worry
  • Isolation
  • Irritability

Mental Symptoms:

Mental symptoms include:

  • No decision power
  • Memory loss
  • Overthinking
  • Negative Thinking
  • Boredom
  • Lack of focus

Social Symptoms:

Social symptoms include:

  • Less intimacy
  • Isolation
  • Emptiness
  • Unforgiving

Behavioral Symptoms:

Behavioral symptoms may include:

  • Constantly worrying
  • Drinking
  • More smoking
  • Changes in mood
  • Less focus

Not everyone experiences all these symptoms. However, if you feel 4 to 5 of these for several weeks, it is important to consult a doctor. 

What are Some Reasons that Cause Stress in Women?

Stress comes from many things. Men and women experience stress from similar sources. Some of the sources include money problems, job worries, career tension, and relationship struggles. However, women feel more stress because they play many roles. 

Now, women manage family duties along with their jobs and careers. They have to manage work responsibilities and still can’t neglect their kids or family. Therefore, they feel higher levels of stress compared to men. 

When all the demands pile up, women can feel overwhelmed. They may feel that they don’t have enough time or energy for everything. This can lead to stress and anxiety. Even after managing everything, some women may feel like a failure. This is because they have stressed themselves with so many tasks. This leaves them little or no time to take care of themselves. 

Sometimes, women are so stressed that they never actually realize what they need.

How Stress Affects a Woman’s Health?

Stress brings many health issues for women including:

Mental health

Stress causes depression and anxiety. It leads to low decision power and forgetfulness. Women can feel racing thoughts and can’t focus.

Physical Health

Stress can lead to: 

  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Back pain
  • Upset stomach
  • Low iron eyes
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Drug and alcohol misuse

It can also lead to skin problems. Skin problems may include acne, rashes, and hives. 

Reproductive health

Stress can cause many reproductive issues for women. These issues include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Infertility
  • Premature menopause

Stress increases the risk of pregnancy complications. It can lead to low birth weight and premature births. 

Cardiovascular health

Stress and anxiety can increase:

  • Blood pressure 
  • Cholesterol levels 

This can lead to heart disease. These diseases may include a heart attack, stroke, or any other cardiovascular problem. 

Digestive Health

It can also lead to digestion issues. Stress can make women suffer from:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Acid reflux. 

Immune system

It is obvious that stress can weaken the immune system. This makes women more vulnerable to various infections and illnesses. 

Stress can have a big health impact. Therefore, women should understand how to relieve stress and anxiety for a woman. 

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety For a Woman

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety For a Woman

Through various ways women can reduce stress, here are best possible ways:

Have a Balanced Diet:

Studies show that eating a lot of processed foods and sugary snacks can make you feel more stressed. On the other hand, being under constant stress makes you overeat unhealthy foods. This can negatively impact your mood and health.

Not eating enough nutritious foods can cause your body to lack important nutrients. These include magnesium and B vitamins. These can help manage stress and improve mood.

If you want to feel better and manage stress, eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet includes whole and natural foods and less processed food. Good options for a healthy diet include:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Beans
  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

These foods nourish your body. Plus, they can help women manage stress more easily.

Listen Music:

If you feel stressed, try listening to your favorite songs. Your favorite tune can make your mood better in seconds. A survey showed that music therapy was beneficial for many brain disorders including Parkinson’s disease. 

Go for a Walk:

If something has irritated you, it’s better to leave everything aside and go for a walk. Don’t take anybody with you and just listen to your thoughts during the walk. It can help you gather your thoughts. Physical activity can make your mood a lot better. 

Enjoy Sunny Days:

The heat from the sun can bring peace to your mind. Just like the hot showers, the sun can make you feel relaxed. Bright light is effective for people who suffer from stress and anxiety. 

Indulge in Self Care:

Self-care is important for reducing stress. If a woman feels beautiful, she’s more confident and less stressed out. So, set aside time for self-care. You can do these activities for self-care: 

  • Take a bath with scented candles
  • Read a good book
  • Exercise for 10-15 minutes
  • Do skincare every night
  • Prepare your favorite meal
  • Do yoga

If you focus on self-care, you will feel lower stress levels. It is proven that a lack of self-care leads to higher stress levels. 

As a woman, you should take some time out for your self-care. It is important to understand that self-care should not be complicated. Simply do the things that make you happy. 


If you use scented candles and essential oils, it can help you reduce stress. Here are some relaxing scents to look for:

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Roman chamomile
  • Sandalwood
  • Orange or orange blossom
  • Geranium

Aromatherapy can make your mood better. Thus, it reduces stress and improves sleep. 

Prepare Wellness Plan

Creating a wellness plan with goals helps reduce stress. It is important to write all your goals step by step to make them less overwhelming. Here are some tips for getting started: 

  • First, identify the areas that you want to improve in your life. 
  • Then, identify your goals and what needs to be finished. 
  • Set your goals and be specific about them. 
  • Set smaller goals and be realistic. Don’t focus on anything impossible to achieve. 
  • Then, find the resources that will help you in reaching goals. 
  • After that, set specific time limits to achieve the goals.

As a woman, you will continue to feel stressed out. However, a wellness plan can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Reduce Caffeine Quantity:

Caffeine is a chemical that stimulates the central nervous system. It is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and chocolates. Women love to drink coffee and eat chocolates. 

However, too much caffeine can increase stress. Overconsuming these products harm your sleep. This increases your stress and anxiety levels. 

Each woman has different thresholds of how much caffeine they can consume and tolerate. If you feel anxious by too much caffeine, replace coffee or drinks with decaffeinated coffee, water, or herbal tea.  

Practice Deep Breathing:

Stress can activate the sympathetic nervous system. It can send your body to a fight-or-flight situation. It is caused by a hormone and during this reaction many issues get triggered. These can include fast heartbeat, frequent breathing, and inflammation. 

So, in this situation, deep breathing exercises can help a lot. These exercises activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Thus, you can feel relaxed. 

Deep breathing exercises may include:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Alternate nostril breathing
  • Box breathing
  • Paced respiration

Deep breathing makes your breath slower and deeper. This can make your lungs fully expand and your belly rises. After that, you will feel relaxed as your heart rate will slow down. 

Use Supplements:

Vitamins and minerals are important for stress control and mood regulation. If you don’t take these properly, your stress can increase. 

Moreover, studies show that supplements can reduce stress. If you experience chronic stress, you can start taking magnesium supplements as they can help reduce anxiety. 

Other supplements include: 

  • Rhodiola
  • B vitamins
  • L-theanine

You should first consult a doctor before taking dietary supplements. This is because they may not be safe for everyone. 

Do Exercise:

During exercise, endorphins can raised. They make your mood better and keep your heart healthy. The AHA suggests doing aerobic exercise for 30 minutes daily. 

You should also focus on taking 10,000 steps per day. As a woman, you should never skip your exercise or yoga. Keep track of your progress to motivate yourself. 

Find Balance and Learn to Say No:

Planning is important for finding the right balance between your me-time, exercise, friendship, career, and family. When you properly plan and prioritize your commitments, you can effectively manage your time. This will help any woman in reducing stress. 

When you properly plan everything, you will create a better level of balance. This will allow you to equally divide your time for each area of life. 

How to Say No: Learn to say no! Saying yes to every task and request can emotionally drain you. You might think at some point that you don’t have any time left for yourself. So, say no to protect your peace. It’s not important that you have to be rude. You can politely reject a request. 

If you are too busy, leave some things behind and go for a vacation. A vacation can help your mind relax. 

Listen to Your Feelings:

Many times, you get told to ignore gut feelings and push forward to meet goals or do what others expect. While goals and responsibilities matter, constantly ignoring your emotions can lead to stress. Also, to decisions that don’t truly align with who you are.

Tuning into your feelings is an important part of staying well. Paying attention to how certain situations affect you can help you decide:

  • How much you can handle without feeling overwhelmed?
  • Which people lift you and which drain your energy or confidence?
  • What career path fits your strengths and passions?
  • And so much more that impacts your stress and happiness.

If ignoring your emotions has become a habit, reconnecting with them may take some time and practice. But listening to your feelings and trusting your inner wisdom will help you make better choices. You can live a life that feels right for you.

Protect Your Romantic Life:

Life can get overwhelming. Whether you’re working, caring for kids, or studying, it’s easy to feel exhausted by the end of the day. Because of this, sex and romance often take a backseat.

But your romantic life matters too. If you’re too busy to date, too stressed to connect with your partner, or too tired for intimacy, it’s time to make it a priority. These tips can help:

Stress Relief Through Sex: Did you know sex can help reduce stress? So, make some time for sex to reduce stress. 

Strengthening Your Relationship: If your relationship feels neglected, give some time to make it better. 

Taking care of your romantic life is part of taking care of yourself.

Extra Tips to Relieve Stress

Here are some additional tips for reducing stress:

  • Give Yourself a Hand Massage
  • Rub Your Feet Over a Golf Ball
  • Squeeze a Stress Ball
  • Stretch
  • Eat Some Chocolate
  • Meditate
  • Cuddle With a Pet
  • Spend Time in Nature
  • Cuddle
  • Practice Mindfulness

Last Words

Although you can’t avoid stress, it is important to learn how to relieve stress for a woman. Don’t let the stress affect your mental and physical health. 

There are various ways that can help you reduce stress. So, focus on them to live a happy life as a woman!