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How To Get Un-High?


It is not uncommon to feel anxious, paranoid, or anxious after overdosing on weed. Increased heart rate, nausea, hallucinations, and confusion can all be side effects of too much marijuana.

This effect is not pleasant, but gradually disappears over several hours. However, some people may want to speed up the process.

Have you ever felt so high? Don’t worry, most people experience this for the first time. Even if you’re new to cannabis, you have a low tolerance for THC, or if you’re consuming a fairly high dose, getting high can be an unpleasant experience, especially if you have a job or social function coming up.

What Makes Seniors Use Cannabis?

THC, which has the primary psychoactive effect, stimulates the brain’s pleasure center, which includes eating and sex. It releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which makes you feel happy and relaxed after recreational or medical drug use.

THC levels usually peak within 30 minutes, and the effects can last from one to three hours. If you drink or eat, it can take you hours to think straight. You may not always be aware of the power of your recreational cannabis.

What is the effect of cannabis?

Cannabis has different effects on different people. Some people are very sensitive to the effects of drugs, while others don’t feel it at all.

A variety of factors affect how you feel about anxiety, including:

  • The amount of dosage, the pulling force and strength are other measures that can be taken into consideration.

  • Yes, smoking, vomiting or eating will all make a difference.

  • Age and sex and physiology, how frequently does the so medication

  • They cherish knowledge about the fact that each of them somehow or other uses alcohol or some related products.

What happens when you have cannabis?

Even with high doses, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • happiness

  • comfortable

  • funny

  • giggling

  • is creative

  • famine

The use of cannabis, on the other hand, can lead to unpleasant feelings or experiences. Here are some examples:

  • worried

  • confusion

  • delusions and hallucinations

  • high blood pressure

  • nausea and vomiting

  • panic

  • paranoia

  • psychosis

  • heart rate

What happens when you get too high?

The effects of the drug can be sedating, invigorating, and downright euphoric, but high doses of THC can cause unwanted effects in some users. Common side effects of smoking too much include:


A common side effect of overdose and other forms of cannabis is drowsiness or fatigue. Sometimes this effect is desirable—in fact, one of the reasons for getting prescription drugs is to help manage insomnia and other sleep disorders. Other times, it can prevent us from being productive when needed.

Increased Anxiety/Paranoia:

These psychoactive effects can range from mild to severe and are very common when you get too high. A racing mind, rapid heartbeat and paranoia can be side effects of an overdose. An overdose can cause a racing mind, rapid heartbeat and paranoid behavior. Individuals that are on the anxiety spectrum need to exercise a lot of caution when consuming cannabis and more so the dosage.

Dry mouth:

The most frequent effect of cannabis consumption is that the subject’s mouth will become incredibly dry, or what is commonly referred to as ‘cottonmouth.. More worrying than anything else, dry mouth can make it difficult to speak or swallow, and can even cause bad breath. Other side effects of overdose may include nausea, dysphoria, and loss of coordination. Alcohol use can increase the likelihood and severity of these side effects.

Some methods to get un-high

1.  Change your focus and relax

Very often, how high people get makes them precisely even more susceptible to anxiety and that feeling of losing control. Engaging in an activity in order to momentarily shift focus can remove the great feeling. For example, people can try:

  • listen to your favorite music

  • -browse through entertaining movies or clips on the Internet

  • take some time for a break and do a few breathing exercise or a little yoga

  • two-of-a-kind, drawing, using a computer

  • Be productive, but not demanding, for instance, tidiness, especially in closets.

2. Stay Hydrated

Drinking rather large quantities of water, tea or any beverage that is not spicy has a way of minimizing the pain. Alcohol should not be taken when a person is drunk to the extent of the following. It can make marijuana and the high much more potent that was intended by the smoker. It’s pretty clear, but it needs to be hydrated. One of the reasons you feel negative effects related to your increase may be from previous dehydration. This may be because very few people actually drink enough water.

Dehydration can exacerbate feelings of altitude sickness and make you uncomfortable. If you didn’t drink enough water before, drinking cold water when you feel very high will help you get rid of your bloating and you can get back to normal. Honestly, a good rule of thumb when you’re not feeling well: When in doubt, drink water.

3. Eat Well

While there is some evidence that marijuana consumption can increase hunger and appetite, there is no scientific research to support anecdotal claims that eating will reduce the psychoactive effects of marijuana. Foods that contain these compounds include:

Pine nuts

Pine nuts contain the terpenes pinene and limonene, which are also found in cannabis. Pine’s ability to increase the amount of neurotransmitters important for memory formation can help overcome mental fog. Try eating a piece of raw pine nuts or lightly toast them in a dry pan for a few minutes.


Man has been discussing lemons for a long time as an additive to cannabis for the “highs”. In the 10th century, Al-Razi, the Persian physician, advised that they “should drink sweet water with ice or eat sour fruit to prevent ‘harm’ when eating the seeds or stalk of hemp.” This is done by boiling a lemon peel in hot water and taking the mixture. If possible, steep herbs such as lemon balm or lemon curd in water for the same effect.


Recent studies have revealed that pepper contains the terpene, beta-caryophyllene which has been proven to assist humans to attain enhanced focus and low levels of anxiety.Just dropping the corner angle can be enough to change the height. Try chewing peppermint soup or keep it in hot water with lemon.

4. Taking a shower/ bath

This same may also come in handy in strengthening and relaxing from a hot shower. Feeling refreshed may cause a person to want to take further action to improve his condition, so may not be a bad place to begin. Like with any great workout, nothing feels quite as rejuvenating as a hot shower or nice bath. However, if you are feeling dizzy or unbalanced, this method is not for you, but if you feel paranoid that the world is above the plane, or if anxiety creep is getting the better of you, switch to a different comfortable position. If you’re able to have clothes that you can clean then this will give you more confidence.

5. Get out of the car

Exercise is sometimes referred to as ‘movement’, so if you cannot do anything at the moment, try taking a walk; it may stabilize your blood pressure and decrease your present symptoms.

The second manner is the change of the attitude and one of such changes might prevent the mind from the experience of the “high” feeling.

6. Talking with someone

If someone doesn’t come up with the answer the first time, it’s not necessarily a hostile gesture. Using other people, especially our friends to help us think about something can be really effective when it comes to “making things big” or expanding on an idea we have.

Conversation can calm a person’s nerves and take them away from being “adult”. Talking to others can prevent people from doing risky things like driving under the influence.

7. Try CBD

Existing research indicates that one can substantially minimize some of cannabis’ less-desirable effects resulting from CBD use, including intoxication, sedation, and palpitations.

Hemp plant produces CBD and THC which are two cannabis products that have healing effects but have a different chemical composition. THC produces the addiction, and CBD does not. CBD low THC levels in the body because it gets to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and inhibits the activation of THC. Many a time, a person can try to administer CBD oil under your tongue, or simply take CBD sand.

8. Sleeping

Sleep is the brief way of saying “rest”. With sleep, or a longer sleep, sleep will take the time, which will dispel the effects of THC.

However, if a person is anxious after smoking or eating weed, it can be difficult to sleep. One can try one or more of the above methods before trying. This may not work immediately (because not everyone can sleep with just the command), but if you can, we recommend trying to cancel it. Sleep is the fastest way to recover from a high, and thankfully, it’s a great sleep aid.

If you can climb up until it wears you out, leave it. Sleep is the best healing agent for the human body, and even a short nap can help take the edge off an intense high. You can even wake up with a great, restful night of sleep that you didn’t know that you needed.

9. Aromatherapy

Terpenes are essential oils that are responsible for the smell associated with hemp and other such plants. These compounds influence the taste and impact of dried blossoms and the abundance of cannabisTerpenes, found in many aromatic plants, can promote a sense of calm. As with CBD, the effects of aromatherapy still need more research, but natural scents like lavender, lemon and pepper can have a positive effect if you’re feeling really high.

Squeeze a lime and inhale the wonderful aroma of the peel and juice, or balance the spicy aroma of chili. Timing is still the best and only way to ride, but if you accidentally overdo it, these techniques can help you re-center, relax, and enjoy the ride.

10. Caffeine

That’s why coffee can help you mobilize if you need to be productive, but you feel a little high on getting things done. A cup of coffee or other caffeinated product is not the perfect thing to do if feeling high.. If it doesn’t get you “high,” it can improve focus and alertness, which can help balance the sedative effects of THC. Caffeinated drinks can also have dehydrating effects, so drink plenty of water to replenish your fluids.

The bottom line

If a person realizes how high they are, it can lead to more panic and the feeling of being “out of control”. Doing something to occupy your mind can help you feel less depressed. The tingling will eventually fade, leaving you feeling relieved or tired.