Educating yourself about the disease is essential to getting rid of it. Are you here to discover the six types of anxiety disorders? Do you also want to diagnose your anxiety types so that you can treat them effectively? Worry no more; we will guide you.
Anxiety disorder is a mental health disease in which we feel fear or get worried about certain conditions. There are six major types of anxiety disorders. There are also some other minor types of this illness, except for these six. We will cover all its types and their symptoms in detail below.
This detailed guide will educate you about all types of anxiety disorders. After reading it, you will be able to diagnose yourself or anyone affected by this condition without visiting a doctor. Let’s get into its details without further ado.
6 Primary Types of Anxiety Disorders
Although there are several types of anxiety disorders, they are primarily divided into six basic ones. Let’s have a close look at them.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The first and most common type of anxiety disorder is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It makes you worried and affects your daily life. It is characterized by intense worry and tension, even when they are not justified. Here are some common symptoms of this condition.
Concentration problems
Sleeping problems or difficulty falling asleep
Muscle Tension
Panic Disorder
The next one we are going to look at is panic disorder. It is characterized by repeated episodes of intense fear. It may occur due to fear of something or without any reason. It causes different traumatic physical and psychological symptoms. It is so severe, you may even feel like having a heart attack. Here are some of its common symptoms:
Heart palpitations
Stomach pains
Sudden and repeated panic attacks
Intense fear or discomfort
Trembling or shaking
Shortness of breath
Feeling of choking
Chest pain or discomfort
Nausea or abdominal distress
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Chills or hot flashes
Numbness or tingling sensations
Fear of losing control or going crazy
Fear of dying
Persistent worry about having another panic attack
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, phobia is defined as an “intense fear of or aversion toward,” certain objects or situations. In this condition, the patients know that they have the condition but cannot do anything to change it. As stated there are various forms of phobia. Here are some of the common types of it:
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Acrophobia (fear of heights)
Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)
Agoraphobia (fear of open or crowded spaces)
Cynophobia (fear of dogs)
Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning)
Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces)
Trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes)
Aviophobia (fear of flying)
Hemophobia (fear of blood)
Although the symptoms depend on the type of phobia you are suffering from, here are some common signs and symptoms of all kinds of phobias.
Intense fear or anxiety.
Immediate, excessive anxiety.
Avoidance or distress.
Physical symptoms (e.g., trembling).
Interference with daily functioning.
Taking extreme measures instead of facing the Fobia situation.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
It is a type of anxiety disorder in which you are worried or fearful about the separation of your loved ones. It may include your wife, parents, friends, or anyone. Children are often affected by this condition because of their attachment to their parents.
Following are the symptoms of separation anxiety disorder:
Excessive distress when anticipating separation.
Worry about harm to attachment figures.
Refusal to be alone.
Fear of being separated from home.
Nightmares about separation.
Physical complaints before separation.
Clinging behavior to attachment figures.
Reluctance to sleep away from home.
Fear of getting lost.
Persistent worry about harm.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd)
The next type of anxiety disorder we are going to look at is PtSD. It means the anxiety, fear, and stress after suffering from any severe traumatic experience. It is one of the most common diseases among soldiers returning from war. Domestic abuse, physical or sexual assault, and severe accidents are some of its common causes.
Here are some symptoms you might face while suffering from it:
Intrusive memories or flashbacks.
Avoidance of trauma-related triggers.
Negative changes in thoughts and mood.
Hyperarousal or increased reactivity.
Hypervigilance or an exaggerated startle response.
Difficulty concentrating or sleeping.
Irritability or anger outbursts.
Persistent negative emotions.
Feeling detached or estranged.
Avoidance of reminders of trauma.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
The last and sixth type of anxiety disorder is OCD. It is characterized by repetitive and obsessive thoughts. These behaviors include “rituals” that can offer some relief. If these are often done, they raise anxiety levels, so be careful.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms of OCD:.
Anxiety, rumination, rumination, worry, rumination.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Fear of contamination.
There is a desire for balance or organization.
Checking behaviors.
Hoarding tendencies.
Intrusive, unwanted images or urges.
Fear of making a mistake.
Repetitive counting or tapping.
Time-consuming rituals.
Other Types of Anxiety Disorders
Alongside the above-described six types of anxiety disorders, there are some other types as well. Let’s check out their details and learn what those are.
Selective Mutism
Selective mutism is a type of anxiety disorder in which you are unable to speak in certain situations, like a stage, school, etc. It is usually among children less than 5 years old. Children affected by it are normal or speak fluently except in those situations. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of selective mutism:
Limited speech in situations.
Silent despite language ability.
Fear of scrutiny.
Social withdrawal.
Comfort in familiar settings.
Reluctance to communicate.
Physical symptoms are present.
Impaired achievement.
Duration of one month.
Not language deficiency.
Social anxiety disorder
Social anxiety disorder (also known as social anxiety) is also a type of anxiety disorder. It is characterized by extreme unease in social situations. The uneasiness may be a result of a specific position or can extend to any social setting.
Here are some ways in which it can manifest:
Intense fear of social situations.
Fear of negative evaluation.
Avoidance of social interactions.
Physical symptoms (e.g., blushing, trembling).
Excessive self-consciousness.
Difficulty speaking or eating in public.
Fear of being judged.
Anticipatory anxiety before social events.
Isolation or withdrawal.
Impaired daily functioning
Substance- or medication-induced anxiety disorder
The last one on our list is substance- or medication-induced anxiety. It means the anxiety caused by any substance addiction, like alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, etc., or the long-term usage of any medication.
These are its symptoms:
Anxiety due to substance use.
Intense worry or fear.
Panic attacks.
Physical symptoms (e.g., tremors).
Impaired daily functioning.
Distress is related to substances.
Symptoms were not present before.
Not explained by other disorders.
Substance withdrawal contributes.
Symptoms persist after substance use.
Final Words
GAD, phobias, panic disorder, separation anxiety, PTSD, and OCD are the 6 types of anxiety disorders. Alongside these six, there are also some other types of this illness. There are different symptoms for each type. It has some other types as well.
If you are a victim of it, then you should go to the doctor as early as possible. Some of its well-known treatments include, taking medications, psychotherapy, and adopting healthy lifestyle changes. You should tell your doctor everything that you can about your condition for a diagnosis and treatment.