What is Ycanth?
Ycanth (cantharidin 0.7 percent) is a topical treatment that is applied by a medical professional every 3 weeks to the skin for treating molluscum contagiosum in children and adults two years old and over.Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease characterised by distinctive raised, skin-toned-to-pink-coloured lesions called Mollusca that can cause pain, inflammation, itching, and bacterial infection. It is unclear what cantharidin is used to treat the molluscum contagiosum.On July 21, 2023, the FDA approves Ycanth.
The risk of death or serious toxicities could be triggered when Ycanth is taken orally. Contact with the area being treated should be avoided to ensure that it doesn't get into the eyes or mouth.Be cautious not to allow children to get in touch with the area and then put their hands into their mouths. If Ycanth enters the eyes, then flush them with water for a minimum of 15 minutes.
The skin reactions that occur in the area of treatment could be very serious and have included pruritus, vesiculation discoloration, and the appearance of erythema. It is not recommended to apply it to the lips, around the eyes, or on healthy skin. When it comes into proximity to these regions, you should remove it right away.If you experience severe skin reactions locally, you should remove the cream before the 24-hour treatment time has expired.Ycanth is extremely flammable, regardless of drying. Avoid flames, fires, or smoking during treatment and even after the substance is eliminated.
Before you take this drug
Ycanth is not recommended for those who are allergic to cantharidin or any of the other inactive ingredients found in the solution.To ensure that Ycanth is suitable for you, inform your doctor if you previously had:
- Previous treatment options for moluscum bumps
- Other skin issues
- Are expecting or plan to be pregnant or plan to
- Are you breastfeeding or planning to?
It isn't known whether Ycanth is safe and effective for children who are less than two years old.
It isn't known whether Ycanth could harm the unborn baby.
If you're nursing, your healthcare provider must be aware of the parts of your skin that your baby may come into contact with. You should also avoid getting it into their mouths or eyes. Consult your doctor about whether you can breastfeed during the time that Ycanth is applied to your skin.
How to take Ycanth?
Ycanth is intended for use to treat skin (topical application) only. It must be applied by a medical professional to areas of your skin that have molluscum bumps. It's not recommended to be used in the nose, mouth, or genital regions, nor in the eyes.It is possible that you require multiple treatments with Ycanth, and it is administered by your doctor every 3 weeks if needed.
The preparation for treatment with Ycanth
The day before treatment, do not apply creams, topical steroids, or lotions to the skin areas that are prone to molluscum bumps.Your physician, who has been certified in the use of Ycanth, will apply the cream as an application only to the skin while wearing gloves and other personal protection equipment, such as eye protection.
Following the time your healthcare provider applied Ycanth to your skin:
- Allow it to completely dry before you leave the healthcare facility's office or the clinic (up to 5 to 10 minutes).
- Do not contact the areas treated within 24 hours, or up to washing, or allow them to come into contact with your nose, mouth, and genital areas, as well as your eyes, for up to 24 hours, or until you wash them.
- Do not let children bite or lick the affected areas. The bittering component in Ycanth helps prevent youngsters from putting it in their mouths.
The dye Ycanth is violet, which may temporarily tan the areas of your skin that have been treated.You may also take over-the-counter medications for pain relief if you need to.Cleanse the treated skin with soap and water for 24 hours following treatment, unless your physician tells you to take a different approach. Wash Ycanth carefully off the skin in the event of blistering that is severe, pain, or other reactions that are severe. Don't use the washcloth or any abrasive materials for rubbing, as it could cause pain.
What should be avoided?
- Contact with the affected regions of the skin, such as contacts with the mouth
- Applying topical steroids, creams, lotions, or sunscreen to the areas treated for 24 hours following treatment, or until you cleanse ycanth away from the skin,
- Covering the area being treated with bandages
- Flames, fire, or smoking throughout treatment, and up to the point that ycanth is removed from your skin, as it is inflammable and will continue to burn even when dried.
Side effects of Ycanth
Ycanth may cause serious adverse side effects, some of which can be life-threatening if they get into the eyes or mouth, such as:
- Kidney failure
- Burns and serious damage to the stomach and the intestine (intestinal tract)
- Blood clotting issues
- Seizures
- A specific type of paralysis.
When you notice that your child or yourself has ingested Ycanth, contact a poison control centre (1-800-222-1222) or visit the nearest emergency room at a hospital immediately.
Eye injuries can be severe. If Ycanth is introduced to your eyes, such as:
- Tiny holes or ulcers within the eyes
- Scarring
- Redness
- Itching
- Severe eye pain
- Permanent eye injury, including blindness.
If Ycanth accidentally enters the eyes, rinse them with water for at least 15 minutes. Then seek medical assistance immediately.Common adverse reactions are local skin reactions on the site of application, for example:
- Small, non-fluid-filled, or fluid-filled blisters that are located on or around an area(s)
- Pain
- Itching
- Scabs
- Redness
- Skin lightening or darkening of the affected area(s)
- Dry skin on the treatment area(s)
- Swelling that occurs on or near the affected area(s)
- Breakdown of the skin's outer layer in the treatment area(s).
If you notice extreme pain, blisters, or other reactions that are severe in the treated areas of your child's skin, clean Ycanth off your skin no later than 24 hours after the event and contact your physician.These aren't all the possible side effects associated with Ycanth. Consult your physician for advice regarding medical adverse effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or to Verrica Pharmaceuticals Inc. at 1-877-837-7222.
Do I be concerned if I miss a dose?
Your doctor will inform you whether you require further treatment using Ycanth. If you do not receive an appointment, call them to make a new appointment.
What will happen if I take excessively?
You should seek medical attention in an emergency or contact the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 in the event of a severe response to Ycanth or if you accidentally swallow it or put your eyes on it.
Interaction with other drugs
Inform your doctor about the medications you use, such as prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as vitamins and herbal supplements.There are no studies that have evaluated the potential drug interactions of cantharidin.Ycanth shouldn't be used simultaneously with topical creams, steroids, lotions, or sunscreen for a period of 24 hours following treatment or until it's cleaned off.Not all possible interactions between drugs are included here.