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S2 (Inhalation) 

Generic name: racepinephrine [rayse-ep-i-NEF-rin-hye-droe-KLOR-ide]

Drug class: Adrenergic bronchodilators 

Uses for S2 

Inhalation of racepinephrine is used to provide temporary relief for the mild symptoms that are a part of a weak form of asthma known as intermittent asthma (e.g., chest tightness, difficulty breathing).  The medicine is available on the market.

Before using S2 in making a decision to take any medicine, the dangers of taking the medicine have to be considered against the benefits it can do. It is a choice you, as well as your physician, make. To determine the appropriate medicine to be considered, the following factors should be taken into consideration:


Discuss with your doctor if you have experienced any abnormal or allergic reaction to this medication or any other medications. Be sure to inform your health doctor if you are suffering from other allergies, for example, to dyes, food preservatives, animals, or dyes. For products that are not prescription-only, you must review the label or ingredients with care.


Studies that are appropriate have not been conducted on the relationship between age and the effects of inhalation racepinephrine on young children less than 4 years of age. The safety and effectiveness of the drug have not been proven.


There is no information available about the connection between age and the effects of inhalation of racepinephrine in geriatric patients.

Interactions with other medicines 

Certain medicines shouldn't be combined in any way; however, there are instances where two medicines could be combined even though there is a chance of interaction. In these situations, your doctor might decide to adjust the dosage or take other precautions. Discuss with your healthcare professional whether you're taking any additional prescriptions or non-prescription (over-the-counter [OTC]) medications.

Interactions with Alcohol, Food, and Tobacco 

Certain medications are not recommended to be taken at or near the time of eating food or eating certain kinds of food, as interactions can occur. The use of tobacco or alcohol along with certain medications may result in interactions. Discuss with your physician the interactions of your medicine with alcohol, food, or tobacco.

Other medical problems 

The presence of any other medical conditions could affect the use of this medicine. Be sure to inform your physician if you suffer from any other medical conditions, particularly:

  • Diabetes, prostate cancer, glaucoma, narrow-angle, or
  • A heart attack, the history of hypertension (high blood pressure), or
  • Seizures, thyroid issues, or urinary problems: use with caution. This can make your condition worse.

The medicine is used with an inhaler device known as a nebulizer. The nebulizer transforms the medication into fine vapor that is sucked in through your mouth and into your lungs. If you are unable to follow the instructions or aren't sure what to do with the nebulizer, consult your physician for guidance on what you need to do. Also, ask your physician to examine regularly the way you are using the nebulizer in order to ensure you're making use of it correctly.  Do not take this medicine to treat breathing problems of other kinds without consulting your physician.  Beware of drinks or foods that contain caffeine.  Beware of supplements that contain or claim to have stimulant effects.

Details on dosage:

The dosage of this medication is different for different people. Follow your doctor's prescriptions or the instructions in the prescription. This information is only for the doses that are typical of this medication. If your dose differs, don't alter it unless your medical professional advises you to change it.

The quantity of medicine you consume is contingent on the strength of your drug. Additionally, the number of doses you will take every day, the amount of time you can take between doses, and the duration of time you use the medicine will depend on the medical condition for which you're taking the medication.

  • For inhalation dosage forms
  • To relieve asthma-related symptoms
  • Children and adults 4 years old and older: 1 up to 3 inhalations per dose. Take at least three hours between each dose. Limit yourself to 12 inhalations within 24 hours.
  • Children under 4 years old: Use and dose should be supervised by a doctor.

Missed Dose 

If you are missing a dose of this medication, be sure to take it as fast as you can. If it's nearing the time to take the next dose, you can skip any missed doses and then go back to your normal dose schedule. Do not take double doses.


Keep it out of the reach of children.  Don't keep old medicine or medications that are no longer needed.  Consult your physician about how to dispose of any medication you don't take.  Store the vial in an aluminum pouch until you're ready to utilize it. Place the vial in the fridge or in a room at room temperature away from sunlight. Don't freeze. A medicine vial that is open should be used immediately.


It is vital that your doctor monitor the progress of your child or yourself on a regular basis to ensure that the medicine is functioning well and to monitor for any adverse or negative effects.

Consult your physician. If your symptoms don't improve or get worse. The severity of your asthma could be getting worse in the following situations:

  • It's not like you'll be better off in 20 minutes.
  • You require more than 12 breaths in 24 hours.
  • You take more than nine breaths every hour for three or more days in a week.
  • There are more than two asthma attacks within a week.

Talk to your doctor immediately if you experience problems sleeping, a fast heartbeat, tremors, nerves, or seizures.

Do not take this medication in the event that you use or have previously used any MAO inhibitor (MAOI) like isocarboxazid [Marplan(r) Linezolid [Zyvox(r)], phenelzine [Nardil(r) Selegiline [Eldepryl(r) [Eldepryl(r)], or tranylcypromine [Parnate(r) [Parnate(r)]) within the last 14 days.  This medication can cause an increase in blood pressure, which can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. Consult your physician now if you're experiencing chest discomfort or pain, nausea or vomiting, discomfort or pain in the jaw, arms, neck, or back, or slurred or erratic speech. weakening.  Don't take other prescriptions without discussing them with your physician. This includes prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications as well as herbal or vitamin supplements.

Side Effects of S2 

In addition to their beneficial effects, medicines can also have unwanted negative effects. While none of these side effects could be present, if they do occur, they could require medical attention.  Talk to your doctor immediately. If any of these adverse reactions occur:

The incidence is not known.

  • Vision blurred
  • Chest discomfort or pain
  • Confusion
  • Problems with speaking
  • Dizziness
  • Double vision
  • Headache
  • Inability to move legs, arms, or facial muscles; inability to speak; nausea
  • Nervousness
  • Discomfort or pain in the jaw, arm, back, neck, or arms
  • A pounding sound in the ears seizures
  • Heartbeats that are slow or fast (slow speech, sweating)
  • The shakingvomiting

There are some side effects that can occur, but they usually do not require medical treatment. These side effects can be eliminated after treatment, when your body adapts. Additionally, your health professional might be able to inform you of ways to avoid or lessen the effects of these adverse side effects. Consult your doctor if any of the following symptoms persist or become troubling, or if you have any concerns regarding them:  The incidence is not known.

  • Trouble sleeping

Other adverse side effects that are not listed might also occur in certain patients. If you observe any other symptoms, consult with your doctor. Contact your doctor for advice from a medical professional regarding adverse effects. You can report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.