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Generic name: Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) [me-NIN-je-KOK-al-KON-je-gate-vax-EEN] should be given as soon as possible after exposure.]
Drug class: Antibacterial vaccines

What is Menveo?

Menveo prevents infection by serogroups C, A, Y, and W-135. The vaccine is used to help your body build immunity against meningitis. The meningococcal vaccination will not cure an infection caused by active meningococcal bacteria. The meningococcal infection can cause meningitis and can lead to death or permanent medical issues. The disease is spread by small drops of saliva that are expelled into the air each time an infected individual coughs or sniffles. Bacteria are spread by close contact, such as kissing and sharing drinking glasses or eating tools. The disease can affect babies under 1 year old, young adults aged 16–23, people with weak immune systems, or anyone who has been exposed to an epidemic. Menveo is a vaccine that works by exposing your body to small amounts of bacteria (or a protein derived from bacteria), which causes it to build immunity against the disease. Menveo is a combination of four types of common meningococcal bacteria (serogroups C, A, Y, and W-135). Menveo can be used by children or adults aged between 2 months and 55 years. Menveo, like any other vaccine, may not protect everyone from illness.


Menveo should be avoided if there has ever been an adverse reaction to the meningococcal vaccine or diphtheria vaccination. If you experienced a severe allergic reaction to the initial shot, then you should not get a booster.

Before you take this drug

Menveo may not be available to you if your body has ever experienced an allergic reaction after receiving a meningococcal vaccine, tetanus, or diphtheria.

Menveo can be delayed or even not administered if:

  • A severe infection or illness accompanied by a high fever;
  • A weak immune system due to disease or certain medicines (this vaccination may not work as well if you're immunosuppressed);
  • A history of Guillain-Barre syndrome;
  • A history of preterm birth

Even if your cold is minor, you can still get vaccinated. You should consult your doctor to determine if you require Menveo while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Similar/related drugs

Ciprofloxacin, Ceftriaxone, Rocephin, Rifampin, and Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine

How to take Menveo?

Menveo can be given by injection into the muscle. This injection will be given in the doctor's clinic or office.

Menveo can be recommended in the following situations:

  • You've been exposed to a meningococcal outbreak.
  • You are a member of the military.
  • You work in a lab, and you are exposed to the meningococcal bacterium.
  • You live in a dorm or group housing.
  • You live or travel in an area where the disease meningococcal is prevalent;
  • You have been diagnosed with a splenic problem, or you've had your spleen removed.
  • You have HIV/AIDS.
  • You use a medicine called eculizumab (Soliris) or eculizumab (Ultomiris);
  • You have a disorder of the immune system called "complement deficiency."

Menveo should only be given once to children and adults older than 2 years. If you are at high risk for meningococcal disease and have not received the vaccine in 4 years, you may require a booster shot. Children under the age of 4 will require four doses. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends all adolescents aged 11–12 receive a Menveo single-dose vaccine. At age 16, a booster dose is recommended to continue protection against meningococcal diseases. You may have a different booster schedule. You can follow the instructions provided by your local health department or doctor. Menveo is only effective if you take all the recommended dosages. Other types of meningococcal vaccination are available. You should ensure that the booster you receive is for serogroups C, A, W, or Y of meningococci and not serogroup B.

Details on dosage

Menveo is administered by a single intramuscular 0.5-ml injection. This should be given to infants in the thigh or upper arm.

Primary Vaccination.

  • Infants aged 2 months: Menveo should be given in a four-dose course at 2, 4, 6, and 12 months old.
  • Children aged 7 to 23 months: Menveo should be given in a two-dose sequence, with the second dosage administered at least three months after the initial dose.
  • Menveo should be given as one dose to children aged 2–10 years. Children aged 2 to 5 who are at high risk for meningococcal infection can receive a second dose 2 months following the first.
  • Menveo can be administered to adolescents and adults aged 11–55 years.

Booster Vaccination.

  • Teenagers and adults aged 15 to 55 years: If at least four years have passed since receiving the meningococcal vaccine conjugate, a single booster dose may be administered.

What happens if I miss the dose?

If you are behind on your booster or missed a dose, contact your vaccine provider. The next dose must be administered as soon as you can. There is no need to restart.

What happens if I overdose?

It is unlikely that this vaccine will cause an overdose.

What should be avoided?

If your vaccine provider has given you any instructions regarding restrictions on food, beverages, or activities, follow them.

Side effects of Menveo

If you experience any of the following symptoms of an allergy to Menveo, seek immediate medical attention: itching, weakness, rapid heartbeats, difficulty breathing, swelling on your lips, face, tongue, or throat. Keep track of any side effects. You will have to inform the vaccine provider of any side effects if you require a booster shot. If you experienced a severe allergic reaction to the initial shot, then you should not get a Menveo booster vaccine. Meningitis and infection with the meningococcal bacteria are far more harmful to your health. Although any vaccine can cause side effects, the risks of severe side effects are low. Menveo can make you feel faint. Some people experienced seizures after getting this vaccine. You may be asked to stay under close observation for the first 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine.

If you experience:

  • You may experience severe weakness in your legs or arms for 2 to 4 weeks following the vaccination.
  • High fever
  • Unusual behavior

Menveo may cause side effects such as:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Changes in appetite
  • Redness, pain, or swelling where the injection was made
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Headache, drowsiness, and tiredness
  • A low fever is a feeling of being unwell.
  • (In babies): fussiness, irritability.

There may be other side effects.For advice regarding side effects, reach out to your physician. Report the side effects of vaccines to the US Department of Health and Human Services by calling (800) 822-7967.

Interaction with other drug

Inform your doctor of all vaccines that you have received recently, including:

  • A diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (such as Daptacel) vaccine;
  • A pneumonitis vaccination (such as Prevnar)

The list below is not exhaustive. There are other drugs that may interfere with the meningococci vaccine. These include prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal medicines. This list does not cover all potential drug interactions.