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Cutaquig (subcutaneous)

Generic name: immune globulin (subcutaneous) [im-MYOON-GLOB-yoo-lin]

Brand names: Cutaquig, Cuvitru, Hizentra, Xembify
Drug class: immune globulins

What is Cutaquig?

It is also known as Cutaquig (for an injection into the skin) and is used to treat primary immune deficiency conditions. Cutaquig can also be utilized to manage chronic inflammation and demyelinating neuropathy (an auto-immune disorder that occurs when an immune system attacks nerves, which causes muscle weakness and the sensation of numbness). Cutaquig could be used for other purposes not mentioned in this guideline for medication.

Side effects of Cutaquig

Stop using Cutaquig and seek medical attention immediately. If you exhibit indications that indicate an allergic reaction, such as itching, wheezing, chest tightness, trouble breathing, dizziness, feeling like you're about to pass out, or swelling of your lips, face, or tongue,

Cutaquig may cause serious side effects. Consult your physician right away if you experience:

  • A blood cell disorder characterized by pale or yellowed skin, dark-colored blood, anemia, weakness, or confusion
  • Kidney issues: no or little urinary frequency, swelling, fat gain, and feeling tired of breath,
  • Chest discomfort, breathing problems blue-colored lips, fingers, or toes
  • Indications of recent symptoms of a new fever that are accompanied by symptoms of a new infection include a severe headache, stiff neck, eye pain, and a greater sensitivity to light.
  • Indications of a blood clot: breathlessness, chest pain, deep breathing, a rapid heart rate, weakness, or numbness on the opposite part of your body. There may also be swelling, discomfort, or discoloration on the leg or arm.

Common adverse effects of cutaquig could include:

  • Wheezing, trouble breathing
  • Bruises, pain, redness, itching, swelling, or a lump in the area where the medication was injected.
  • Fever, tiredness, dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain;
  • Itching and itching, or any other skin issues;
  • Flu and flu symptoms like congestion, sneezing, and stuffy nose; sore throat; cough;
  • Headache, migraine, or
  • Any area of your body that is hurting.

This isn't an exhaustive list of possible side effects, and others could happen. Contact your doctor for advice regarding medical effects. You may report any adverse reactions to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


This medication can lead to blood clots. The risk is greatest when you are older or have suffered from blood clots, heart problems, or blood circulation issues. The risk of blood clots is also higher likely to occur during prolonged bed rest, when using birth medications to control them, hormone replacement therapies, and an intravenous central (IV) catheter installed.

Contact your doctor immediately. If you experience chest pain, breathing problems, rapid heartbeats, numbness, warmth, swelling, or discoloration on your leg or arm, This medication can cause harm to the kidneys of your patients, especially if you suffer from kidney disease or take certain medicines. Talk to your doctor right away when you notice symptoms of kidney disease that include swelling, rapid weight gain, and little or no urine.

Prior to use this drug

Cutaquig should not be used if:

  • If you've experienced an allergic reaction with a blood product,
  • You suffer from Cutaquig A (iga) deficiency with antibodies to iga.

There is a chance that you won't be able to take Cutaquig in the event that you've experienced any allergic reactions to polysorbate or an illness known as hyperprolinemia (high levels of a specific amino acid in the blood).

This medicine may cause kidney or blood clots, particularly in older people or those with particular conditions. Inform your doctor when you've had:

  • Problems with the heart or blood circulation issues and "thick blood";
  • A stroke or blood clot
  • Kidney disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • An infection is known as sepsis.
  • If you take hormones (birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy),
  • If you've been in bed for a long time,
  • If you are using a central intravenous (IV) catheter,

There may be a need to adjust your dose if you have been affected by measles or visit a region that is measles-prone. Consult your physician if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. Avoid giving this medication to a child unless you have medical guidance.

Cutaquig is a product made from human plasma donated by donors and could contain infections or viruses. Plasma donated is evaluated and treated to lower the chance of contamination; however, there is the possibility that it may carry diseases. Consult your physician about the danger.

How to take Cutaquig?

Cutaquig is injected beneath the skin with an injection pump. The medication enters your body via a catheter that is placed beneath the skin. Your healthcare professional may instruct you on how to use the medication on your own. Cutaquig may be administered daily at times and occasionally every one to two weeks. Take this medicine regularly to ensure an even amount of substance within your body throughout the day. If you take this medicine at home, you should keep an account of the dates and times that you administered the injection, as well as where you administered it to your body.

Cutaquig is administered slowly. You may require up to eight different catheters in order to administer this medication to various areas of your body simultaneously. Your doctor will inform the body part where to inject the medicine. You should use a different location each time you administer an injection. Make sure you don't inject in the same spot twice in the same row. Take note of and follow the instructions for use that are included with your medicine. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor to clarify any instructions.

Only inject at the time you are ready to administer it. Don't use it when the medication has been diluted, cloudy, changed color, or has particles. Contact your pharmacist to inquire about the latest medication. Don't shake the medication bottle, as you risk ruining the medication. Avoid injecting Cutaquig into the vein. You'll require frequent blood tests. This medicine may affect the results of some other medical tests you require. Inform any physician who treats patients with Cutaquig. Keep Cutaquig inside the original container in a cool, dry place. Be sure to protect yourself from light and heat. You can also store this medicine in its original container in the fridge. Avoid freezing Cutaquig, and then discard the medicine in the event that it has been frozen.

It is necessary to take your medication within a specified number of months. This is contingent upon the way you store the medication (at ambient temperature or in the refrigerator). Follow the storage guidelines that are included in your prescription. Talk to your pharmacist if you have any questions. Get rid of any medicine that has not been used by the end date printed on the bottle.

Every bottle is for a single use only. Dispose of it after one use, regardless of whether there's still some medicine in it. Utilize disposable injection devices (needle catheter, needle) only once and then place them into a puncture-proof "sharps" container. Make sure you follow local or state laws on the disposal of the container. Keep it out of the reach of pets and children.

What happens if I miss the dose?

Consult your physician for recommendations in case you missed a dose.

What happens if I overdose?

For medical emergencies, seek emergency medical attention or contact for help at the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should be avoided?

Do not get a "live" vaccine while using Cutaquig. The vaccine might not function in the same way and might not completely safeguard you against disease. The live vaccines are measles, rubella (MMR), typhoid, rotavirus varicella, yellow fever (chickenpox), shingles, and nasal influenza (influenza).

Interaction with other drugs

Cutaquig could affect your kidneys, particularly when you are also taking certain medications to treat cancer, infections, osteoporosis, rejection of organ transplants, intestinal problems, high blood pressure, or arthritis pain (including Advil, Motrin, and Aleve).

Other medications can affect Cutaquig, such as medications that are prescribed and available over the counter, vitamins, and herbal products. Inform your physician about all the medications you currently use as well as any medications you are about to start or stop taking.