What is Atgam (equine)?
Lymphocyte immune anti-thymocyte globulin (also known as equine anti-thymocyte immunoglobulin) is an immunosuppressant that lowers the immune system in your body. Your immune system provides your body with essential protection from infections and harmful organisms.. The immune system also has the ability to combat and "reject" a transplanted organ like a liver or kidney. The reason for this is that the immune system perceives the transplanted organ as an intruder.Lymphocyte immuneglobulin is used to help treat or prevent organ rejection following the procedure of a kidney transplant. Lymphocyte immune globulin can also be utilised to manage the condition known as aplastic anaemia (a condition that occurs when the bone marrow of your body does not make enough cells to create new blood).Lymphocyte immuneglobulin could also be used for other purposes that are not covered in this guideline.
Side effects of Atgam
Contact a medical professional immediately. If you notice symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, chestache, lower back discomfort, and swelling of your lips, face, and tongue,
Inform your carers immediately in the event that you are suffering from:
- Rapid heartbeat, trouble breathing;
- An euphoric feeling, similar to when you're about to pass out.
- Simple bruising or bleeding unusually (nose, mouth, nose rectum, or nose) in either red or purple areas of skin that are aplenty and coughing up blood. Vomiting that looks like coffee grounds
- Seizure (convulsions);
- Low white blood cell count low white blood cell counts low white blood cell counts, fever, swelling glands, wounds on the skin, eruptions, itching muscles, or joint discomfort; being extremely exhausted or weak
Common negative side effects of atgam could include:
- Fever, night sweats, or other symptoms of illness;
- The appearance of blisters or ulcers inside your mouth, swollen or red gums, or trouble swallowing
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea;
- Pain where the medicine was injected
- Skin that is red or itchy
- Irregular kidney function or liver tests;
- Dizziness, headache, confusion,
- The sensation of swelling, redness, warmth, and tenderness in the veins of your arms and legs
This list does not encompass every possible adverse reaction; more may arise.Contact your doctor to seek medical advice on the effects. Report any symptoms to the FDA by calling their hotline: 1-800-FDA-1088.
The medicine will be administered in a clinic or hospital setting to address any adverse side effects that may occur. Inform your health care providers about your medical ailments, allergies, and the medicines you are taking.
Prior to using this drug
It is not recommended to be given lymphocyte immune globulins in case you have an allergy to them.
To ensure the safety of lymphocyte immune globulin for you, inform your physician that you are:
- Kidney disease or liver failure and
- If you've had vaccinations in the last six months,
It is unclear if lymphocyte immune globulin can harm the unborn baby. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking this drug.It is unclear if lymphocyte immune globulin is absorbed into breast milk or whether it can harm breastfeeding babies. While taking this medication, breastfeeding should not be encouraged.Lymphocyte immuneglobulin is a component of specific blood products derived from horses and could contain viruses as well as other infectious agents. The blood components are tested and treated to decrease the chance of them being contaminated with infectious agents; however, there is a slight possibility that they may transmit a disease. Consult your doctor about the dangers and benefits of taking this drug.
How do I take Atgam (equine)?
If you're being treated with lymphocyte immunoglobulin, your doctor will conduct a skin test to confirm that you're not an allergic person to lymphocyte immunoglobulin.Lymphocyte immune globulin injections are made into a vein via an IV. The healthcare professional will give the injection.Lymphocyte immuneglobulin is often administered daily and sometimes every other day. The medication is injected slowly and may take a minimum of 4 hours to finish.There are other medications to reduce your immune system when you're receiving lymphocyte immune globulin. Check all information for patients, such as medication guides and instructions sheets that are provided to you. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor for any additional concerns.If you're using lymphocyte immunoglobulin You may require regular blood tests.
What happens if I miss the dose?
Since you'll receive lymphocyte immune globulins in a medical setting, you are unlikely to skip the dose.
What happens if I overdose?
Because Atgam is administered by a medical professional in a medical setting, an overdose is not likely to occur.
Aviod this
Don't receive any "live" vaccine for at least six months from the time you received the last dose of lymphocyte immunoglobulin. The vaccine might not function in the same way during this time and could not fully protect you from illness. The live vaccines are measles, rubella, and mumps (MMR), as well as polio, the typhoid virus, rotavirus, yellow fever varicella (chickenpox), the zoster (shingles), and the nasal influenza (influenza) influenza vaccine.
Interaction with other drug
Other medications may interfere with lymphocyte immune globulin.These include both prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Inform your health professionals about any medications you take currently and all medicines that you decide to stop or change your use of.